--- - name: create test download dir file: path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download' state: directory - name: download collection with multiple dependencies command: ansible-galaxy collection download parent_dep.parent_collection -s {{ fallaxy_galaxy_server }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: download_collection args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download' - name: get result of download collection with multiple dependencies find: path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/collections' file_type: file register: download_collection_actual - name: assert download collection with multiple dependencies assert: that: - '"Downloading collection ''parent_dep.parent_collection'' to" in download_collection.stdout' - '"Downloading collection ''child_dep.child_collection'' to" in download_collection.stdout' - '"Downloading collection ''child_dep.child_dep2'' to" in download_collection.stdout' - download_collection_actual.examined == 4 - download_collection_actual.matched == 4 - (download_collection_actual.files[0].path | basename) in ['requirements.yml', 'child_dep-child_dep2-1.2.2.tar.gz', 'child_dep-child_collection-0.9.9.tar.gz', 'parent_dep-parent_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz'] - (download_collection_actual.files[1].path | basename) in ['requirements.yml', 'child_dep-child_dep2-1.2.2.tar.gz', 'child_dep-child_collection-0.9.9.tar.gz', 'parent_dep-parent_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz'] - (download_collection_actual.files[2].path | basename) in ['requirements.yml', 'child_dep-child_dep2-1.2.2.tar.gz', 'child_dep-child_collection-0.9.9.tar.gz', 'parent_dep-parent_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz'] - (download_collection_actual.files[3].path | basename) in ['requirements.yml', 'child_dep-child_dep2-1.2.2.tar.gz', 'child_dep-child_collection-0.9.9.tar.gz', 'parent_dep-parent_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz'] - name: test install of download requirements file command: ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml -p '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download' {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/collections' register: install_download - name: get result of test install of download requirements file slurp: path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/ansible_collections/{{ collection.namespace }}/{{ collection.name }}/MANIFEST.json' register: install_download_actual loop_control: loop_var: collection loop: - namespace: parent_dep name: parent_collection - namespace: child_dep name: child_collection - namespace: child_dep name: child_dep2 - name: assert test install of download requirements file assert: that: - '"Installing ''parent_dep.parent_collection:1.0.0'' to" in install_download.stdout' - '"Installing ''child_dep.child_collection:0.9.9'' to" in install_download.stdout' - '"Installing ''child_dep.child_dep2:1.2.2'' to" in install_download.stdout' - (install_download_actual.results[0].content | b64decode | from_json).collection_info.version == '1.0.0' - (install_download_actual.results[1].content | b64decode | from_json).collection_info.version == '0.9.9' - (install_download_actual.results[2].content | b64decode | from_json).collection_info.version == '1.2.2' - name: create test requirements file for download copy: content: | collections: - name: namespace1.name1 version: 1.1.0-beta.1 dest: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/download.yml' - name: download collection with req to custom dir command: ansible-galaxy collection download -r '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/download.yml' -s {{ fallaxy_ah_server }} -p '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/collections-custom' {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: download_req_custom_path - name: get result of download collection with req to custom dir find: path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/collections-custom' file_type: file register: download_req_custom_path_actual - name: assert download collection with multiple dependencies assert: that: - '"Downloading collection ''namespace1.name1'' to" in download_req_custom_path.stdout' - download_req_custom_path_actual.examined == 2 - download_req_custom_path_actual.matched == 2 - (download_req_custom_path_actual.files[0].path | basename) in ['requirements.yml', 'namespace1-name1-1.1.0-beta.1.tar.gz'] - (download_req_custom_path_actual.files[1].path | basename) in ['requirements.yml', 'namespace1-name1-1.1.0-beta.1.tar.gz'] # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/68186 - name: create test requirements file without roles and collections copy: content: | collections: roles: dest: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/no_roles_no_collections.yml' - name: install collection with requirements command: ansible-galaxy collection install -r '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/no_roles_no_collections.yml' {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: install_no_requirements - name: assert install collection with no roles and no collections in requirements assert: that: - '"Skipping install, no requirements found" in install_no_requirements.stdout' - name: Test downloading a tar.gz collection artifact block: - name: get result of build basic collection on current directory stat: path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/my_collection/ansible_test-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz' register: result - name: create default skeleton command: ansible-galaxy collection init ansible_test.my_collection {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch' when: not result.stat.exists - name: build the tar.gz command: ansible-galaxy collection build {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/my_collection' when: not result.stat.exists - name: download a tar.gz file command: ansible-galaxy collection download '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/my_collection/ansible_test-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz' args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download' register: download_collection - name: get result of downloaded tar.gz stat: path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/download/collections/ansible_test-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz' register: download_collection_actual - assert: that: - '"Downloading collection ''ansible_test.my_collection'' to" in download_collection.stdout' - download_collection_actual.stat.exists