# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) - name: Install Repo yum: name: '{{ repo_link }}' - name: Install MySQL community server yum: name: '{{ mysql_package_name }}' - name: Copy my.cnf copy: src: my.cnf dest: '{{ my_cnf }}' - name: Start MySQL service: name: mysqld state: started ### Debug ####################### #- name: Debug # shell: cat /var/log/mysqld.log ################################# - name: Check connection to the server shell: 'echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql' - name: Check connection to the server shell: "echo \"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%version%';\" | mysql" - name: Detect socket path shell: > echo "show variables like 'socket'\G" | mysql | grep 'Value: ' | sed 's/[ ]\+Value: //' register: _socket_path - name: Set socket path set_fact: mysql_socket: '{{ _socket_path["stdout"] }}' - name: Set root pass set_fact: root_pass: "dlsafjlkjdsaK1#" - name: Set root password shell: > echo "flush privileges; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '{{ root_pass }}';" | mysql - name: Change configuration lineinfile: path: '{{ my_cnf }}' line: skip-grant-tables state: absent - name: Restart MySQL service: name: mysqld state: restarted