#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux function cleanup { ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml cleanup.yml -e "output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}" -b "$@" unset ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN unset ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION } trap 'cleanup "$@"' EXIT # setup required roles ln -s ../../setup_remote_tmp_dir roles/setup_remote_tmp_dir # run old type role tests ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory run_fetch_tests.yml -e "output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}" "$@" # run same test with become ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory run_fetch_tests.yml -e "output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}" -b "$@" # run tests to avoid path injection from slurp when fetch uses become ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory injection/avoid_slurp_return.yml -e "output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}" "$@" ## Test unreadable file with stat. Requires running without become and as a user other than root. # # Change the known_hosts file to avoid changing the test environment export ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN=jsonfile export ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION="${OUTPUT_DIR}/cache" # Create a non-root user account and configure SSH acccess for that account ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml setup_unreadable_test.yml -e "output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}" "$@" # Run the tests as the unprivileged user without become to test the use of the stat module from the fetch module ansible-playbook --user fetcher -i hosts.yml test_unreadable_with_stat.yml -e "output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR}" "$@"