# in Ansible 1.2 and later, roles allow easy best-practices organization of content # and maximize shareability of ansible building blocks. # # suppose a playbook applied to a group of hosts includes two roles, foo and bar. # # what do roles do in this case? # # listing the roles as foo and bar will auto include the following: # # tasks from ./roles/foo/tasks/main.yml, then ./roles/bar/tasks/main.yml # handlers from ./roles/foo/handlers/main.yml, then ./roles/bar/handlers/main.yml # vars from ./roles/foo/vars/main.yml, then ./roles/bar/vars/main.yml # # should any of these files not exist, that is ok, and they will simply not be loaded. # # should the task file in foo/tasks/main.yml want to include subtasks in other files, that # is also permitted. # # templates and copy operations also get smarter about where to look for content when using # roles. # # as an example, a task in foo/tasks/main.yml could copy or template a file by # referencing a "src=foo.j2" rather than having to explicitly path src=roles/foo/templates/foo.j2. --- - hosts: all roles: # a role can be listed flat like this: # # - common # - webservers # but you can also pass variables to them, so they can be parameterized. You can call # a role more than once with different parameters too. It might look like this: - { role: foo, param1: 1000, param2: 2000 } - { role: foo, param1: 8000, param2: 9000 } # add as many roles as you like, roles takes a list of roles names # these paths can be qualified, but if bare, it will look from them in # roles/$rolename relative to the playbook # explicit tasks and handlers can be used, but are not required. # they will run after the roles if present.