import errno import os import time import mock import pytest boto3 = pytest.importorskip("boto3") botocore = pytest.importorskip("botocore") placebo = pytest.importorskip("placebo") """ Using Placebo to test modules using boto3: This is an example test, using the placeboify fixture to test that a module will fail if resources it depends on don't exist. > from placebo_fixtures import placeboify, scratch_vpc > > def test_create_with_nonexistent_launch_config(placeboify): > connection = placeboify.client('autoscaling') > module = FakeModule('test-asg-created', None, min_size=0, max_size=0, desired_capacity=0) > with pytest.raises(FailJSON) as excinfo: > asg_module.create_autoscaling_group(connection, module) > .... asserts based on module state/exceptions .... In more advanced cases, use unrecorded resource fixtures to fill in ARNs/IDs of things modules depend on, such as: > def test_create_in_vpc(placeboify, scratch_vpc): > connection = placeboify.client('autoscaling') > module = FakeModule(name='test-asg-created', > min_size=0, max_size=0, desired_capacity=0, > availability_zones=[s['az'] for s in scratch_vpc['subnets']], > vpc_zone_identifier=[s['id'] for s in scratch_vpc['subnets']], > ) > ..... so on and so forth .... """ @pytest.fixture def placeboify(request, monkeypatch): """This fixture puts a recording/replaying harness around `boto3_conn` Placeboify patches the `boto3_conn` function in ec2 module_utils to return a boto3 session that in recording or replaying mode, depending on the PLACEBO_RECORD environment variable. Unset PLACEBO_RECORD (the common case for just running tests) will put placebo in replay mode, set PLACEBO_RECORD to any value to turn off replay & operate on real AWS resources. The recorded sessions are stored in the test file's directory, under the namespace `placebo_recordings/{testfile name}/{test function name}` to distinguish them. """ session = boto3.Session(region_name='us-west-2') recordings_path = os.path.join( request.fspath.dirname, 'placebo_recordings', request.fspath.basename.replace('.py', ''), request.function.__name__ # remove the test_ prefix from the function & file name ).replace('test_', '') if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): if not os.path.isdir(recordings_path): raise NotImplementedError('Missing Placebo recordings in directory: %s' % recordings_path) else: try: # make sure the directory for placebo test recordings is available os.makedirs(recordings_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise pill = placebo.attach(session, data_path=recordings_path) if os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): pill.record() else: pill.playback() def boto3_middleman_connection(module, conn_type, resource, region='us-west-2', **kwargs): if conn_type != 'client': # TODO support resource-based connections raise ValueError('Mocker only supports client, not %s' % conn_type) return session.client(resource, region_name=region) import ansible.module_utils.ec2 monkeypatch.setattr( ansible.module_utils.ec2, 'boto3_conn', boto3_middleman_connection, ) yield session # tear down pill.stop() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def basic_launch_config(): """Create an EC2 launch config whose creation *is not* recorded and return its name This fixture is module-scoped, since launch configs are immutable and this can be reused for many tests. """ if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): yield 'pytest_basic_lc' return # use a *non recording* session to make the launch config # since that's a prereq of the ec2_asg module, and isn't what # we're testing. asg = boto3.client('autoscaling') asg.create_launch_configuration( LaunchConfigurationName='pytest_basic_lc', ImageId='ami-9be6f38c', # Amazon Linux 2016.09 us-east-1 AMI, can be any valid AMI SecurityGroups=[], UserData='#!/bin/bash\necho hello world', InstanceType='t2.micro', InstanceMonitoring={'Enabled': False}, AssociatePublicIpAddress=True ) yield 'pytest_basic_lc' try: asg.delete_launch_configuration(LaunchConfigurationName='pytest_basic_lc') except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if 'not found' in e.message: return raise @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def scratch_vpc(): if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): yield { 'vpc_id': 'vpc-123456', 'cidr_range': '', 'subnets': [ { 'id': 'subnet-123456', 'az': 'us-east-1d', }, { 'id': 'subnet-654321', 'az': 'us-east-1e', }, ] } return # use a *non recording* session to make the base VPC and subnets ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') vpc_resp = ec2.create_vpc( CidrBlock='', AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock=False, ) subnets = ( ec2.create_subnet( VpcId=vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId'], CidrBlock='', ), ec2.create_subnet( VpcId=vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId'], CidrBlock='', ) ) time.sleep(3) yield { 'vpc_id': vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId'], 'cidr_range': '', 'subnets': [ { 'id': s['Subnet']['SubnetId'], 'az': s['Subnet']['AvailabilityZone'], } for s in subnets ] } try: for s in subnets: try: ec2.delete_subnet(SubnetId=s['Subnet']['SubnetId']) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if 'not found' in e.message: continue raise ec2.delete_vpc(VpcId=vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId']) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if 'not found' in e.message: return raise @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def maybe_sleep(): """If placebo is reading saved sessions, make sleep always take 0 seconds. AWS modules often perform polling or retries, but when using recorded sessions there's no reason to wait. We can still exercise retry and other code paths without waiting for wall-clock time to pass.""" if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): p = mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None) p.start() yield p.stop() else: yield