# Ansible Role: cnos_backup_sample - Saving the switch configuration to a remote server --- This role is an example of using the *cnos_backup.py* Lenovo module in the context of CNOS switch configuration. This module allows you to work with switch configurations. It provides a way to back up the running or startup configurations of a switch to a remote server. This is achieved by periodically saving a copy of the startup or running configuration of the network device to a remote server using FTP, SFTP, TFTP, or SCP. The results of the operation can be viewed in *results* directory. For more details, see [Lenovo modules for Ansible: cnos_backup](http://systemx.lenovofiles.com/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.lenovo.switchmgt.ansible.doc%2Fcnos_backup.html&cp=0_3_1_0_4_4). ## Requirements --- - Ansible version 2.2 or later ([Ansible installation documentation](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_installation.html)) - Lenovo switches running CNOS version or later - an SSH connection to the Lenovo switch (SSH must be enabled on the network device) ## Role Variables --- Available variables are listed below, along with description. The following are mandatory inventory variables: Variable | Description --- | --- `ansible_connection` | Has to be `network_cli` `ansible_network_os` | Has to be `cnos` `ansible_ssh_user` | Specifies the username used to log into the switch `ansible_ssh_pass` | Specifies the password used to log into the switch `enablePassword` | Configures the password used to enter Global Configuration command mode on the switch (this is an optional parameter) `hostname` | Searches the hosts file at */etc/ansible/hosts* and identifies the IP address of the switch on which the role is going to be applied `deviceType` | Specifies the type of device from where the configuration will be backed up (**g8272_cnos** - G8272, **g8296_cnos** - G8296, **g8332_cnos** - G8332, **NE10032** - NE10032, **NE1072T** - NE1072T, **NE1032** - NE1032, **NE1032T** - NE1032T, **NE2572** - NE2572, **NE0152T** - NE0152T) The values of the variables used need to be modified to fit the specific scenario in which you are deploying the solution. To change the values of the variables, you need to visits the *vars* directory of each role and edit the *main.yml* file located there. The values stored in this file will be used by Ansible when the template is executed. The syntax of *main.yml* file for variables is the following: ```