#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' VMWARE external inventory script ================================= shamelessly copied from existing inventory scripts. This script and it's ini can be used more than once, i.e vmware.py/vmware_colo.ini vmware_idf.py/vmware_idf.ini (script can be link) so if you don't have clustered vcenter but multiple esx machines or just diff clusters you can have a inventory per each and automatically group hosts based on file name or specify a group in the ini. You can also use _HOST|USER|PASSWORD environment variables to override the ini. ''' import os import sys import time import ConfigParser from psphere.client import Client from psphere.managedobjects import HostSystem try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json def save_cache(cache_item, data, config): ''' saves item to cache ''' if config.has_option('cache', 'dir'): dpath = os.path.expanduser(config.get('cache', 'dir')) try: if not os.path.exists(dpath): os.makedirs(dpath) if os.path.isdir(dpath): cache = open('/'.join([dpath,cache_item]), 'w') cache.write(json.dumps(data)) cache.close() except IOError, e: pass # not really sure what to do here def get_cache(cache_item, config): ''' returns cached item ''' inv = {} if config.has_option('cache', 'dir'): dpath = os.path.expanduser(config.get('cache', 'dir')) try: cache = open('/'.join([dpath,cache_item]), 'r') inv = json.loads(cache.read()) cache.close() except IOError, e: pass # not really sure what to do here return inv def cache_available(cache_item, config): ''' checks if we have a 'fresh' cache available for item requested ''' if config.has_option('cache', 'dir'): dpath = os.path.expanduser(config.get('cache', 'dir')) try: existing = os.stat('/'.join([dpath,cache_item])) except: # cache doesn't exist or isn't accessible return False if config.has_option('cache', 'max_age'): maxage = config.get('cache', 'max_age') fileage = int( time.time() - existing.st_mtime ) if (maxage > fileage): return True return False def get_host_info(host): ''' Get variables about a specific host ''' hostinfo = { 'vmware_name' : host.name, } for k in host.capability.__dict__.keys(): if k.startswith('_'): continue try: hostinfo['vmware_' + k] = str(host.capability[k]) except: continue return hostinfo def get_inventory(client, config): ''' Reads the inventory from cache or vmware api ''' inv = {} if cache_available('inventory', config): inv = get_cache('inventory',config) elif client: inv= { 'all': {'hosts': []}, '_meta': { 'hostvars': {} } } default_group = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).rstrip('.py') if config.has_option('defaults', 'guests_only'): guests_only = config.get('defaults', 'guests_only') else: guests_only = True if not guests_only: if config.has_option('defaults','hw_group'): hw_group = config.get('defaults','hw_group') else: hw_group = default_group + '_hw' inv[hw_group] = [] if config.has_option('defaults','vm_group'): vm_group = config.get('defaults','vm_group') else: vm_group = default_group + '_vm' inv[vm_group] = [] # Loop through physical hosts: hosts = HostSystem.all(client) for host in hosts: if not guests_only: inv['all']['hosts'].append(host.name) inv[hw_group].append(host.name) inv['_meta']['hostvars'][host.name] = get_host_info(host) save_cache(vm.name, inv['_meta']['hostvars'][host.name], config) for vm in host.vm: inv['all']['hosts'].append(vm.name) inv[vm_group].append(vm.name) inv['_meta']['hostvars'][vm.name] = get_host_info(vm) save_cache(vm.name, inv['_meta']['hostvars'][vm.name], config) save_cache('inventory', inv, config) return json.dumps(inv) def get_single_host(client, config, hostname): inv = {} if cache_available(hostname, config): inv = get_cache(hostname,config) elif client: hosts = HostSystem.all(client) #TODO: figure out single host getter for host in hosts: if hostname == host.name: inv = get_host_info(host) break for vm in host.vm: if hostname == vm.name: inv = get_host_info(vm) break save_cache(hostname,inv,config) return json.dumps(inv) if __name__ == '__main__': inventory = {} hostname = None if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "--host": hostname = sys.argv[2] # Read config config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() me = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]).rstrip('.py') for configfilename in [me + '.ini', 'vmware.ini']: if os.path.exists(configfilename): config.read(configfilename) break mename = os.path.basename(me).upper() host = os.getenv('VMWARE_' + mename + '_HOST',os.getenv('VMWARE_HOST', config.get('auth','host'))) user = os.getenv('VMWARE_' + mename + '_USER', os.getenv('VMWARE_USER', config.get('auth','user'))) password = os.getenv('VMWARE_' + mename + '_PASSWORD',os.getenv('VMWARE_PASSWORD', config.get('auth','password'))) try: client = Client( host,user,password ) except Exception, e: client = None #print >> STDERR "Unable to login (only cache avilable): %s", str(e) # Actually do the work if hostname is None: inventory = get_inventory(client, config) else: inventory = get_single_host(client, config, hostname) # Return to ansible print inventory