"""Execute Ansible tests.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import json import os import collections import datetime import re import time import textwrap import functools import pipes import sys import hashlib import difflib import filecmp import lib.pytar import lib.thread from lib.core_ci import ( AnsibleCoreCI, SshKey, ) from lib.manage_ci import ( ManageWindowsCI, ManageNetworkCI, ) from lib.cloud import ( cloud_filter, cloud_init, get_cloud_environment, get_cloud_platforms, ) from lib.util import ( ApplicationWarning, ApplicationError, SubprocessError, display, run_command, intercept_command, remove_tree, make_dirs, is_shippable, is_binary_file, find_executable, raw_command, get_coverage_path, get_available_port, generate_pip_command, find_python, get_docker_completion, named_temporary_file, ) from lib.docker_util import ( docker_pull, docker_run, docker_available, docker_rm, get_docker_container_id, get_docker_container_ip, ) from lib.ansible_util import ( ansible_environment, ) from lib.target import ( IntegrationTarget, walk_external_targets, walk_internal_targets, walk_posix_integration_targets, walk_network_integration_targets, walk_windows_integration_targets, walk_units_targets, ) from lib.changes import ( ShippableChanges, LocalChanges, ) from lib.git import ( Git, ) from lib.classification import ( categorize_changes, ) from lib.config import ( TestConfig, EnvironmentConfig, IntegrationConfig, NetworkIntegrationConfig, PosixIntegrationConfig, ShellConfig, UnitsConfig, WindowsIntegrationConfig, ) from lib.metadata import ( ChangeDescription, ) from lib.integration import ( integration_test_environment, ) SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS = ( '2.6', '2.7', '3.5', '3.6', '3.7', ) HTTPTESTER_HOSTS = ( 'ansible.http.tests', 'sni1.ansible.http.tests', 'fail.ansible.http.tests', ) def check_startup(): """Checks to perform at startup before running commands.""" check_legacy_modules() def check_legacy_modules(): """Detect conflicts with legacy core/extras module directories to avoid problems later.""" for directory in 'core', 'extras': path = 'lib/ansible/modules/%s' % directory for root, _, file_names in os.walk(path): if file_names: # the directory shouldn't exist, but if it does, it must contain no files raise ApplicationError('Files prohibited in "%s". ' 'These are most likely legacy modules from version 2.2 or earlier.' % root) def create_shell_command(command): """ :type command: list[str] :rtype: list[str] """ optional_vars = ( 'TERM', ) cmd = ['/usr/bin/env'] cmd += ['%s=%s' % (var, os.environ[var]) for var in optional_vars if var in os.environ] cmd += command return cmd def install_command_requirements(args, python_version=None): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type python_version: str | None """ if isinstance(args, ShellConfig): if args.raw: return generate_egg_info(args) if not args.requirements: return if isinstance(args, ShellConfig): return packages = [] if isinstance(args, TestConfig): if args.coverage: packages.append('coverage') if args.junit: packages.append('junit-xml') if not python_version: python_version = args.python_version pip = generate_pip_command(find_python(python_version)) commands = [generate_pip_install(pip, args.command, packages=packages)] if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): for cloud_platform in get_cloud_platforms(args): commands.append(generate_pip_install(pip, '%s.cloud.%s' % (args.command, cloud_platform))) commands = [cmd for cmd in commands if cmd] # only look for changes when more than one requirements file is needed detect_pip_changes = len(commands) > 1 # first pass to install requirements, changes expected unless environment is already set up changes = run_pip_commands(args, pip, commands, detect_pip_changes) if not changes: return # no changes means we can stop early # second pass to check for conflicts in requirements, changes are not expected here changes = run_pip_commands(args, pip, commands, detect_pip_changes) if not changes: return # no changes means no conflicts raise ApplicationError('Conflicts detected in requirements. The following commands reported changes during verification:\n%s' % '\n'.join((' '.join(pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd) for cmd in changes))) def run_pip_commands(args, pip, commands, detect_pip_changes=False): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type pip: list[str] :type commands: list[list[str]] :type detect_pip_changes: bool :rtype: list[list[str]] """ changes = [] after_list = pip_list(args, pip) if detect_pip_changes else None for cmd in commands: if not cmd: continue before_list = after_list try: run_command(args, cmd) except SubprocessError as ex: if ex.status != 2: raise # If pip is too old it won't understand the arguments we passed in, so we'll need to upgrade it. # Installing "coverage" on ubuntu 16.04 fails with the error: # AttributeError: 'Requirement' object has no attribute 'project_name' # See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/python-pip/+bug/1626258 # Upgrading pip works around the issue. run_command(args, pip + ['install', '--upgrade', 'pip']) run_command(args, cmd) after_list = pip_list(args, pip) if detect_pip_changes else None if before_list != after_list: changes.append(cmd) return changes def pip_list(args, pip): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type pip: list[str] :rtype: str """ stdout, _ = run_command(args, pip + ['list'], capture=True) return stdout def generate_egg_info(args): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig """ if os.path.isdir('lib/ansible.egg-info'): return run_command(args, [args.python_executable, 'setup.py', 'egg_info'], capture=args.verbosity < 3) def generate_pip_install(pip, command, packages=None): """ :type pip: list[str] :type command: str :type packages: list[str] | None :rtype: list[str] | None """ constraints = 'test/runner/requirements/constraints.txt' requirements = 'test/runner/requirements/%s.txt' % command options = [] if os.path.exists(requirements) and os.path.getsize(requirements): options += ['-r', requirements] if packages: options += packages if not options: return None return pip + ['install', '--disable-pip-version-check', '-c', constraints] + options def command_shell(args): """ :type args: ShellConfig """ if args.delegate: raise Delegate() install_command_requirements(args) if args.inject_httptester: inject_httptester(args) cmd = create_shell_command(['bash', '-i']) run_command(args, cmd) def command_posix_integration(args): """ :type args: PosixIntegrationConfig """ filename = 'test/integration/inventory' all_targets = tuple(walk_posix_integration_targets(include_hidden=True)) internal_targets = command_integration_filter(args, all_targets) command_integration_filtered(args, internal_targets, all_targets, filename) def command_network_integration(args): """ :type args: NetworkIntegrationConfig """ default_filename = 'test/integration/inventory.networking' if args.inventory: filename = os.path.join('test/integration', args.inventory) else: filename = default_filename if not args.explain and not args.platform and not os.path.exists(filename): if args.inventory: filename = os.path.abspath(filename) raise ApplicationError( 'Inventory not found: %s\n' 'Use --inventory to specify the inventory path.\n' 'Use --platform to provision resources and generate an inventory file.\n' 'See also inventory template: %s.template' % (filename, default_filename) ) all_targets = tuple(walk_network_integration_targets(include_hidden=True)) internal_targets = command_integration_filter(args, all_targets, init_callback=network_init) instances = [] # type: list [lib.thread.WrappedThread] if args.platform: get_coverage_path(args, args.python_executable) # initialize before starting threads configs = dict((config['platform_version'], config) for config in args.metadata.instance_config) for platform_version in args.platform: platform, version = platform_version.split('/', 1) config = configs.get(platform_version) if not config: continue instance = lib.thread.WrappedThread(functools.partial(network_run, args, platform, version, config)) instance.daemon = True instance.start() instances.append(instance) while any(instance.is_alive() for instance in instances): time.sleep(1) remotes = [instance.wait_for_result() for instance in instances] inventory = network_inventory(remotes) display.info('>>> Inventory: %s\n%s' % (filename, inventory.strip()), verbosity=3) if not args.explain: with open(filename, 'w') as inventory_fd: inventory_fd.write(inventory) success = False try: command_integration_filtered(args, internal_targets, all_targets, filename) success = True finally: if args.remote_terminate == 'always' or (args.remote_terminate == 'success' and success): for instance in instances: instance.result.stop() def network_init(args, internal_targets): """ :type args: NetworkIntegrationConfig :type internal_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] """ if not args.platform: return if args.metadata.instance_config is not None: return platform_targets = set(a for t in internal_targets for a in t.aliases if a.startswith('network/')) instances = [] # type: list [lib.thread.WrappedThread] # generate an ssh key (if needed) up front once, instead of for each instance SshKey(args) for platform_version in args.platform: platform, version = platform_version.split('/', 1) platform_target = 'network/%s/' % platform if platform_target not in platform_targets: display.warning('Skipping "%s" because selected tests do not target the "%s" platform.' % ( platform_version, platform)) continue instance = lib.thread.WrappedThread(functools.partial(network_start, args, platform, version)) instance.daemon = True instance.start() instances.append(instance) while any(instance.is_alive() for instance in instances): time.sleep(1) args.metadata.instance_config = [instance.wait_for_result() for instance in instances] def network_start(args, platform, version): """ :type args: NetworkIntegrationConfig :type platform: str :type version: str :rtype: AnsibleCoreCI """ core_ci = AnsibleCoreCI(args, platform, version, stage=args.remote_stage, provider=args.remote_provider) core_ci.start() return core_ci.save() def network_run(args, platform, version, config): """ :type args: NetworkIntegrationConfig :type platform: str :type version: str :type config: dict[str, str] :rtype: AnsibleCoreCI """ core_ci = AnsibleCoreCI(args, platform, version, stage=args.remote_stage, provider=args.remote_provider, load=False) core_ci.load(config) core_ci.wait() manage = ManageNetworkCI(core_ci) manage.wait() return core_ci def network_inventory(remotes): """ :type remotes: list[AnsibleCoreCI] :rtype: str """ groups = dict([(remote.platform, []) for remote in remotes]) net = [] for remote in remotes: options = dict( ansible_host=remote.connection.hostname, ansible_user=remote.connection.username, ansible_ssh_private_key_file=os.path.abspath(remote.ssh_key.key), ansible_network_os=remote.platform, ansible_connection='local' ) groups[remote.platform].append( '%s %s' % ( remote.name.replace('.', '-'), ' '.join('%s="%s"' % (k, options[k]) for k in sorted(options)), ) ) net.append(remote.platform) groups['net:children'] = net template = '' for group in groups: hosts = '\n'.join(groups[group]) template += textwrap.dedent(""" [%s] %s """) % (group, hosts) inventory = template return inventory def command_windows_integration(args): """ :type args: WindowsIntegrationConfig """ filename = 'test/integration/inventory.winrm' if not args.explain and not args.windows and not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ApplicationError('Use the --windows option or provide an inventory file (see %s.template).' % filename) all_targets = tuple(walk_windows_integration_targets(include_hidden=True)) internal_targets = command_integration_filter(args, all_targets, init_callback=windows_init) instances = [] # type: list [lib.thread.WrappedThread] pre_target = None post_target = None httptester_id = None if args.windows: get_coverage_path(args, args.python_executable) # initialize before starting threads configs = dict((config['platform_version'], config) for config in args.metadata.instance_config) for version in args.windows: config = configs['windows/%s' % version] instance = lib.thread.WrappedThread(functools.partial(windows_run, args, version, config)) instance.daemon = True instance.start() instances.append(instance) while any(instance.is_alive() for instance in instances): time.sleep(1) remotes = [instance.wait_for_result() for instance in instances] inventory = windows_inventory(remotes) display.info('>>> Inventory: %s\n%s' % (filename, inventory.strip()), verbosity=3) if not args.explain: with open(filename, 'w') as inventory_fd: inventory_fd.write(inventory) use_httptester = args.httptester and any('needs/httptester/' in t.aliases for t in internal_targets) # if running under Docker delegation, the httptester may have already been started docker_httptester = bool(os.environ.get("HTTPTESTER", False)) if use_httptester and not docker_available() and not docker_httptester: display.warning('Assuming --disable-httptester since `docker` is not available.') elif use_httptester: if docker_httptester: # we are running in a Docker container that is linked to the httptester container, we just need to # forward these requests to the linked hostname first_host = HTTPTESTER_HOSTS[0] ssh_options = ["-R", "8080:%s:80" % first_host, "-R", "8443:%s:443" % first_host] else: # we are running directly and need to start the httptester container ourselves and forward the port # from there manually set so HTTPTESTER env var is set during the run args.inject_httptester = True httptester_id, ssh_options = start_httptester(args) # to get this SSH command to run in the background we need to set to run in background (-f) and disable # the pty allocation (-T) ssh_options.insert(0, "-fT") # create a script that will continue to run in the background until the script is deleted, this will # cleanup and close the connection def forward_ssh_ports(target): """ :type target: IntegrationTarget """ if 'needs/httptester/' not in target.aliases: return for remote in [r for r in remotes if r.version != '2008']: manage = ManageWindowsCI(remote) manage.upload("test/runner/setup/windows-httptester.ps1", watcher_path) # We cannot pass an array of string with -File so we just use a delimiter for multiple values script = "powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\\%s -Hosts \"%s\"" \ % (watcher_path, "|".join(HTTPTESTER_HOSTS)) if args.verbosity > 3: script += " -Verbose" manage.ssh(script, options=ssh_options, force_pty=False) def cleanup_ssh_ports(target): """ :type target: IntegrationTarget """ if 'needs/httptester/' not in target.aliases: return for remote in [r for r in remotes if r.version != '2008']: # delete the tmp file that keeps the http-tester alive manage = ManageWindowsCI(remote) manage.ssh("cmd.exe /c \"del %s /F /Q\"" % watcher_path, force_pty=False) watcher_path = "ansible-test-http-watcher-%s.ps1" % time.time() pre_target = forward_ssh_ports post_target = cleanup_ssh_ports success = False try: command_integration_filtered(args, internal_targets, all_targets, filename, pre_target=pre_target, post_target=post_target) success = True finally: if httptester_id: docker_rm(args, httptester_id) if args.remote_terminate == 'always' or (args.remote_terminate == 'success' and success): for instance in instances: instance.result.stop() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def windows_init(args, internal_targets): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, unused-argument """ :type args: WindowsIntegrationConfig :type internal_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] """ if not args.windows: return if args.metadata.instance_config is not None: return instances = [] # type: list [lib.thread.WrappedThread] for version in args.windows: instance = lib.thread.WrappedThread(functools.partial(windows_start, args, version)) instance.daemon = True instance.start() instances.append(instance) while any(instance.is_alive() for instance in instances): time.sleep(1) args.metadata.instance_config = [instance.wait_for_result() for instance in instances] def windows_start(args, version): """ :type args: WindowsIntegrationConfig :type version: str :rtype: AnsibleCoreCI """ core_ci = AnsibleCoreCI(args, 'windows', version, stage=args.remote_stage, provider=args.remote_provider) core_ci.start() return core_ci.save() def windows_run(args, version, config): """ :type args: WindowsIntegrationConfig :type version: str :type config: dict[str, str] :rtype: AnsibleCoreCI """ core_ci = AnsibleCoreCI(args, 'windows', version, stage=args.remote_stage, provider=args.remote_provider, load=False) core_ci.load(config) core_ci.wait() manage = ManageWindowsCI(core_ci) manage.wait() return core_ci def windows_inventory(remotes): """ :type remotes: list[AnsibleCoreCI] :rtype: str """ hosts = [] for remote in remotes: options = dict( ansible_host=remote.connection.hostname, ansible_user=remote.connection.username, ansible_password=remote.connection.password, ansible_port=remote.connection.port, ) hosts.append( '%s %s' % ( remote.name.replace('/', '_'), ' '.join('%s="%s"' % (k, options[k]) for k in sorted(options)), ) ) template = """ [windows] %s [windows:vars] ansible_connection=winrm ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore # support winrm connection tests (temporary solution, does not support testing enable/disable of pipelining) [winrm:children] windows # support winrm binary module tests (temporary solution) [testhost_binary_modules:children] windows """ template = textwrap.dedent(template) inventory = template % ('\n'.join(hosts)) return inventory def command_integration_filter(args, targets, init_callback=None): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: collections.Iterable[IntegrationTarget] :type init_callback: (IntegrationConfig, tuple[IntegrationTarget]) -> None :rtype: tuple[IntegrationTarget] """ targets = tuple(target for target in targets if 'hidden/' not in target.aliases) changes = get_changes_filter(args) # special behavior when the --changed-all-target target is selected based on changes if args.changed_all_target in changes: # act as though the --changed-all-target target was in the include list if args.changed_all_mode == 'include' and args.changed_all_target not in args.include: args.include.append(args.changed_all_target) args.delegate_args += ['--include', args.changed_all_target] # act as though the --changed-all-target target was in the exclude list elif args.changed_all_mode == 'exclude' and args.changed_all_target not in args.exclude: args.exclude.append(args.changed_all_target) require = args.require + changes exclude = args.exclude internal_targets = walk_internal_targets(targets, args.include, exclude, require) environment_exclude = get_integration_filter(args, internal_targets) environment_exclude += cloud_filter(args, internal_targets) if environment_exclude: exclude += environment_exclude internal_targets = walk_internal_targets(targets, args.include, exclude, require) if not internal_targets: raise AllTargetsSkipped() if args.start_at and not any(t.name == args.start_at for t in internal_targets): raise ApplicationError('Start at target matches nothing: %s' % args.start_at) if init_callback: init_callback(args, internal_targets) cloud_init(args, internal_targets) if args.delegate: raise Delegate(require=require, exclude=exclude, integration_targets=internal_targets) install_command_requirements(args) return internal_targets def command_integration_filtered(args, targets, all_targets, inventory_path, pre_target=None, post_target=None): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :type all_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :type inventory_path: str :type pre_target: (IntegrationTarget) -> None | None :type post_target: (IntegrationTarget) -> None | None """ found = False passed = [] failed = [] targets_iter = iter(targets) all_targets_dict = dict((target.name, target) for target in all_targets) setup_errors = [] setup_targets_executed = set() for target in all_targets: for setup_target in target.setup_once + target.setup_always: if setup_target not in all_targets_dict: setup_errors.append('Target "%s" contains invalid setup target: %s' % (target.name, setup_target)) if setup_errors: raise ApplicationError('Found %d invalid setup aliases:\n%s' % (len(setup_errors), '\n'.join(setup_errors))) test_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/ansible_testing') if not args.explain and any('needs/ssh/' in target.aliases for target in targets): max_tries = 20 display.info('SSH service required for tests. Checking to make sure we can connect.') for i in range(1, max_tries + 1): try: run_command(args, ['ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', 'localhost', 'id'], capture=True) display.info('SSH service responded.') break except SubprocessError: if i == max_tries: raise seconds = 3 display.warning('SSH service not responding. Waiting %d second(s) before checking again.' % seconds) time.sleep(seconds) # Windows is different as Ansible execution is done locally but the host is remote if args.inject_httptester and not isinstance(args, WindowsIntegrationConfig): inject_httptester(args) start_at_task = args.start_at_task results = {} current_environment = None # type: EnvironmentDescription | None for target in targets_iter: if args.start_at and not found: found = target.name == args.start_at if not found: continue if args.list_targets: print(target.name) continue tries = 2 if args.retry_on_error else 1 verbosity = args.verbosity cloud_environment = get_cloud_environment(args, target) original_environment = current_environment if current_environment else EnvironmentDescription(args) current_environment = None display.info('>>> Environment Description\n%s' % original_environment, verbosity=3) try: while tries: tries -= 1 try: if cloud_environment: cloud_environment.setup_once() run_setup_targets(args, test_dir, target.setup_once, all_targets_dict, setup_targets_executed, inventory_path, False) start_time = time.time() run_setup_targets(args, test_dir, target.setup_always, all_targets_dict, setup_targets_executed, inventory_path, True) if not args.explain: # create a fresh test directory for each test target remove_tree(test_dir) make_dirs(test_dir) if pre_target: pre_target(target) try: if target.script_path: command_integration_script(args, target, test_dir, inventory_path) else: command_integration_role(args, target, start_at_task, test_dir, inventory_path) start_at_task = None finally: if post_target: post_target(target) end_time = time.time() results[target.name] = dict( name=target.name, type=target.type, aliases=target.aliases, modules=target.modules, run_time_seconds=int(end_time - start_time), setup_once=target.setup_once, setup_always=target.setup_always, coverage=args.coverage, coverage_label=args.coverage_label, python_version=args.python_version, ) break except SubprocessError: if cloud_environment: cloud_environment.on_failure(target, tries) if not original_environment.validate(target.name, throw=False): raise if not tries: raise display.warning('Retrying test target "%s" with maximum verbosity.' % target.name) display.verbosity = args.verbosity = 6 start_time = time.time() current_environment = EnvironmentDescription(args) end_time = time.time() EnvironmentDescription.check(original_environment, current_environment, target.name, throw=True) results[target.name]['validation_seconds'] = int(end_time - start_time) passed.append(target) except Exception as ex: failed.append(target) if args.continue_on_error: display.error(ex) continue display.notice('To resume at this test target, use the option: --start-at %s' % target.name) next_target = next(targets_iter, None) if next_target: display.notice('To resume after this test target, use the option: --start-at %s' % next_target.name) raise finally: display.verbosity = args.verbosity = verbosity if not args.explain: results_path = 'test/results/data/%s-%s.json' % (args.command, re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '-', str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)))) data = dict( targets=results, ) with open(results_path, 'w') as results_fd: results_fd.write(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) if failed: raise ApplicationError('The %d integration test(s) listed below (out of %d) failed. See error output above for details:\n%s' % ( len(failed), len(passed) + len(failed), '\n'.join(target.name for target in failed))) def start_httptester(args): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :rtype: str, list[str] """ # map ports from remote -> localhost -> container # passing through localhost is only used when ansible-test is not already running inside a docker container ports = [ dict( remote=8080, container=80, ), dict( remote=8443, container=443, ), ] container_id = get_docker_container_id() if container_id: display.info('Running in docker container: %s' % container_id, verbosity=1) else: for item in ports: item['localhost'] = get_available_port() docker_pull(args, args.httptester) httptester_id = run_httptester(args, dict((port['localhost'], port['container']) for port in ports if 'localhost' in port)) if container_id: container_host = get_docker_container_ip(args, httptester_id) display.info('Found httptester container address: %s' % container_host, verbosity=1) else: container_host = 'localhost' ssh_options = [] for port in ports: ssh_options += ['-R', '%d:%s:%d' % (port['remote'], container_host, port.get('localhost', port['container']))] return httptester_id, ssh_options def run_httptester(args, ports=None): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type ports: dict[int, int] | None :rtype: str """ options = [ '--detach', ] if ports: for localhost_port, container_port in ports.items(): options += ['-p', '%d:%d' % (localhost_port, container_port)] httptester_id, _ = docker_run(args, args.httptester, options=options) if args.explain: httptester_id = 'httptester_id' else: httptester_id = httptester_id.strip() return httptester_id def inject_httptester(args): """ :type args: CommonConfig """ comment = ' # ansible-test httptester\n' append_lines = [' %s%s' % (host, comment) for host in HTTPTESTER_HOSTS] with open('/etc/hosts', 'r+') as hosts_fd: original_lines = hosts_fd.readlines() if not any(line.endswith(comment) for line in original_lines): hosts_fd.writelines(append_lines) # determine which forwarding mechanism to use pfctl = find_executable('pfctl', required=False) iptables = find_executable('iptables', required=False) if pfctl: kldload = find_executable('kldload', required=False) if kldload: try: run_command(args, ['kldload', 'pf'], capture=True) except SubprocessError: pass # already loaded rules = ''' rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 80 -> port 8080 rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 443 -> port 8443 ''' cmd = ['pfctl', '-ef', '-'] try: run_command(args, cmd, capture=True, data=rules) except SubprocessError: pass # non-zero exit status on success elif iptables: ports = [ (80, 8080), (443, 8443), ] for src, dst in ports: rule = ['-o', 'lo', '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', str(src), '-j', 'REDIRECT', '--to-port', str(dst)] try: # check for existing rule cmd = ['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-C', 'OUTPUT'] + rule run_command(args, cmd, capture=True) except SubprocessError: # append rule when it does not exist cmd = ['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'OUTPUT'] + rule run_command(args, cmd, capture=True) else: raise ApplicationError('No supported port forwarding mechanism detected.') def run_setup_targets(args, test_dir, target_names, targets_dict, targets_executed, inventory_path, always): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type test_dir: str :type target_names: list[str] :type targets_dict: dict[str, IntegrationTarget] :type targets_executed: set[str] :type inventory_path: str :type always: bool """ for target_name in target_names: if not always and target_name in targets_executed: continue target = targets_dict[target_name] if not args.explain: # create a fresh test directory for each test target remove_tree(test_dir) make_dirs(test_dir) if target.script_path: command_integration_script(args, target, test_dir, inventory_path) else: command_integration_role(args, target, None, test_dir, inventory_path) targets_executed.add(target_name) def integration_environment(args, target, cmd, test_dir, inventory_path, ansible_config): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type target: IntegrationTarget :type cmd: list[str] :type test_dir: str :type inventory_path: str :type ansible_config: str | None :rtype: dict[str, str] """ env = ansible_environment(args, ansible_config=ansible_config) if args.inject_httptester: env.update(dict( HTTPTESTER='1', )) integration = dict( JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR=os.path.abspath('test/results/junit'), ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST='junit', ANSIBLE_TEST_CI=args.metadata.ci_provider, OUTPUT_DIR=test_dir, INVENTORY_PATH=os.path.abspath(inventory_path), ) if args.debug_strategy: env.update(dict(ANSIBLE_STRATEGY='debug')) if 'non_local/' in target.aliases: if args.coverage: display.warning('Skipping coverage reporting for non-local test: %s' % target.name) env.update(dict(ANSIBLE_TEST_REMOTE_INTERPRETER='')) env.update(integration) cloud_environment = get_cloud_environment(args, target) if cloud_environment: cloud_environment.configure_environment(env, cmd) return env def command_integration_script(args, target, test_dir, inventory_path): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type target: IntegrationTarget :type test_dir: str :type inventory_path: str """ display.info('Running %s integration test script' % target.name) with integration_test_environment(args, target, inventory_path) as test_env: cmd = ['./%s' % os.path.basename(target.script_path)] if args.verbosity: cmd.append('-' + ('v' * args.verbosity)) env = integration_environment(args, target, cmd, test_dir, test_env.inventory_path, test_env.ansible_config) cwd = os.path.join(test_env.integration_dir, 'targets', target.name) intercept_command(args, cmd, target_name=target.name, env=env, cwd=cwd) def command_integration_role(args, target, start_at_task, test_dir, inventory_path): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type target: IntegrationTarget :type start_at_task: str | None :type test_dir: str :type inventory_path: str """ display.info('Running %s integration test role' % target.name) if isinstance(args, WindowsIntegrationConfig): hosts = 'windows' gather_facts = False elif isinstance(args, NetworkIntegrationConfig): hosts = target.name[:target.name.find('_')] gather_facts = False else: hosts = 'testhost' gather_facts = True cloud_environment = get_cloud_environment(args, target) if cloud_environment: hosts = cloud_environment.inventory_hosts or hosts playbook = ''' - hosts: %s gather_facts: %s roles: - { role: %s } ''' % (hosts, gather_facts, target.name) with integration_test_environment(args, target, inventory_path) as test_env: with named_temporary_file(args=args, directory=test_env.integration_dir, prefix='%s-' % target.name, suffix='.yml', content=playbook) as playbook_path: filename = os.path.basename(playbook_path) display.info('>>> Playbook: %s\n%s' % (filename, playbook.strip()), verbosity=3) cmd = ['ansible-playbook', filename, '-i', test_env.inventory_path, '-e', '@%s' % test_env.vars_file] if start_at_task: cmd += ['--start-at-task', start_at_task] if args.tags: cmd += ['--tags', args.tags] if args.skip_tags: cmd += ['--skip-tags', args.skip_tags] if args.diff: cmd += ['--diff'] if isinstance(args, NetworkIntegrationConfig): if args.testcase: cmd += ['-e', 'testcase=%s' % args.testcase] if args.verbosity: cmd.append('-' + ('v' * args.verbosity)) env = integration_environment(args, target, cmd, test_dir, test_env.inventory_path, test_env.ansible_config) cwd = test_env.integration_dir env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(test_env.integration_dir, 'targets')) intercept_command(args, cmd, target_name=target.name, env=env, cwd=cwd) def command_units(args): """ :type args: UnitsConfig """ changes = get_changes_filter(args) require = args.require + changes include, exclude = walk_external_targets(walk_units_targets(), args.include, args.exclude, require) if not include: raise AllTargetsSkipped() if args.delegate: raise Delegate(require=changes, exclude=args.exclude) version_commands = [] for version in SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS: # run all versions unless version given, in which case run only that version if args.python and version != args.python_version: continue if args.requirements_mode != 'skip': install_command_requirements(args, version) env = ansible_environment(args) cmd = [ 'pytest', '--boxed', '-r', 'a', '-n', 'auto', '--color', 'yes' if args.color else 'no', '--junit-xml', 'test/results/junit/python%s-units.xml' % version, ] if args.collect_only: cmd.append('--collect-only') if args.verbosity: cmd.append('-' + ('v' * args.verbosity)) if exclude: cmd += ['--ignore=%s' % target.path for target in exclude] cmd += [target.path for target in include] version_commands.append((version, cmd, env)) if args.requirements_mode == 'only': sys.exit() for version, command, env in version_commands: display.info('Unit test with Python %s' % version) try: intercept_command(args, command, target_name='units', env=env, python_version=version) except SubprocessError as ex: # pytest exits with status code 5 when all tests are skipped, which isn't an error for our use case if ex.status != 5: raise def get_changes_filter(args): """ :type args: TestConfig :rtype: list[str] """ paths = detect_changes(args) if not args.metadata.change_description: if paths: changes = categorize_changes(args, paths, args.command) else: changes = ChangeDescription() args.metadata.change_description = changes if paths is None: return [] # change detection not enabled, do not filter targets if not paths: raise NoChangesDetected() if args.metadata.change_description.targets is None: raise NoTestsForChanges() return args.metadata.change_description.targets def detect_changes(args): """ :type args: TestConfig :rtype: list[str] | None """ if args.changed and is_shippable(): display.info('Shippable detected, collecting parameters from environment.') paths = detect_changes_shippable(args) elif args.changed_from or args.changed_path: paths = args.changed_path or [] if args.changed_from: with open(args.changed_from, 'r') as changes_fd: paths += changes_fd.read().splitlines() elif args.changed: paths = detect_changes_local(args) else: return None # change detection not enabled if paths is None: return None # act as though change detection not enabled, do not filter targets display.info('Detected changes in %d file(s).' % len(paths)) for path in paths: display.info(path, verbosity=1) return paths def detect_changes_shippable(args): """Initialize change detection on Shippable. :type args: TestConfig :rtype: list[str] | None """ git = Git(args) result = ShippableChanges(args, git) if result.is_pr: job_type = 'pull request' elif result.is_tag: job_type = 'tag' else: job_type = 'merge commit' display.info('Processing %s for branch %s commit %s' % (job_type, result.branch, result.commit)) if not args.metadata.changes: args.metadata.populate_changes(result.diff) return result.paths def detect_changes_local(args): """ :type args: TestConfig :rtype: list[str] """ git = Git(args) result = LocalChanges(args, git) display.info('Detected branch %s forked from %s at commit %s' % ( result.current_branch, result.fork_branch, result.fork_point)) if result.untracked and not args.untracked: display.warning('Ignored %s untracked file(s). Use --untracked to include them.' % len(result.untracked)) if result.committed and not args.committed: display.warning('Ignored %s committed change(s). Omit --ignore-committed to include them.' % len(result.committed)) if result.staged and not args.staged: display.warning('Ignored %s staged change(s). Omit --ignore-staged to include them.' % len(result.staged)) if result.unstaged and not args.unstaged: display.warning('Ignored %s unstaged change(s). Omit --ignore-unstaged to include them.' % len(result.unstaged)) names = set() if args.tracked: names |= set(result.tracked) if args.untracked: names |= set(result.untracked) if args.committed: names |= set(result.committed) if args.staged: names |= set(result.staged) if args.unstaged: names |= set(result.unstaged) if not args.metadata.changes: args.metadata.populate_changes(result.diff) for path in result.untracked: if is_binary_file(path): args.metadata.changes[path] = ((0, 0),) continue with open(path, 'r') as source_fd: line_count = len(source_fd.read().splitlines()) args.metadata.changes[path] = ((1, line_count),) return sorted(names) def get_integration_filter(args, targets): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :rtype: list[str] """ if args.tox: # tox has the same exclusions as the local environment return get_integration_local_filter(args, targets) if args.docker: return get_integration_docker_filter(args, targets) if args.remote: return get_integration_remote_filter(args, targets) return get_integration_local_filter(args, targets) def common_integration_filter(args, targets, exclude): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :type exclude: list[str] """ override_disabled = set(target for target in args.include if target.startswith('disabled/')) if not args.allow_disabled: skip = 'disabled/' override = [target.name for target in targets if override_disabled & set(target.aliases)] skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases and target.name not in override] if skipped: exclude.extend(skipped) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require --allow-disabled or prefixing with "disabled/": %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) override_unsupported = set(target for target in args.include if target.startswith('unsupported/')) if not args.allow_unsupported: skip = 'unsupported/' override = [target.name for target in targets if override_unsupported & set(target.aliases)] skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases and target.name not in override] if skipped: exclude.extend(skipped) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require --allow-unsupported or prefixing with "unsupported/": %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) override_unstable = set(target for target in args.include if target.startswith('unstable/')) if args.allow_unstable_changed: override_unstable |= set(args.metadata.change_description.focused_targets or []) if not args.allow_unstable: skip = 'unstable/' override = [target.name for target in targets if override_unstable & set(target.aliases)] skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases and target.name not in override] if skipped: exclude.extend(skipped) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require --allow-unstable or prefixing with "unstable/": %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) # only skip a Windows test if using --windows and all the --windows versions are defined in the aliases as skip/windows/%s if isinstance(args, WindowsIntegrationConfig) and args.windows: all_skipped = [] not_skipped = [] for target in targets: if "skip/windows/" not in target.aliases: continue skip_valid = [] skip_missing = [] for version in args.windows: if "skip/windows/%s/" % version in target.aliases: skip_valid.append(version) else: skip_missing.append(version) if skip_missing and skip_valid: not_skipped.append((target.name, skip_valid, skip_missing)) elif skip_valid: all_skipped.append(target.name) if all_skipped: exclude.extend(all_skipped) skip_aliases = ["skip/windows/%s/" % w for w in args.windows] display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which are set to skip with --windows %s: %s' % ('", "'.join(skip_aliases), ', '.join(args.windows), ', '.join(all_skipped))) if not_skipped: for target, skip_valid, skip_missing in not_skipped: # warn when failing to skip due to lack of support for skipping only some versions display.warning('Including test "%s" which was marked to skip for --windows %s but not %s.' % (target, ', '.join(skip_valid), ', '.join(skip_missing))) def get_integration_local_filter(args, targets): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :rtype: list[str] """ exclude = [] common_integration_filter(args, targets, exclude) if not args.allow_root and os.getuid() != 0: skip = 'needs/root/' skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require --allow-root or running as root: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) override_destructive = set(target for target in args.include if target.startswith('destructive/')) if not args.allow_destructive: skip = 'destructive/' override = [target.name for target in targets if override_destructive & set(target.aliases)] skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases and target.name not in override] if skipped: exclude.extend(skipped) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require --allow-destructive or prefixing with "destructive/" to run locally: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) if args.python_version.startswith('3'): python_version = 3 else: python_version = 2 skip = 'skip/python%d/' % python_version skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which are not supported on python %d: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), python_version, ', '.join(skipped))) return exclude def get_integration_docker_filter(args, targets): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :rtype: list[str] """ exclude = [] common_integration_filter(args, targets, exclude) skip = 'skip/docker/' skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which cannot run under docker: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) if not args.docker_privileged: skip = 'needs/privileged/' skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require --docker-privileged to run under docker: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), ', '.join(skipped))) python_version = 2 # images are expected to default to python 2 unless otherwise specified python_version = int(get_docker_completion().get(args.docker_raw, {}).get('python', str(python_version))) if args.python: # specifying a numeric --python option overrides the default python if args.python.startswith('3'): python_version = 3 elif args.python.startswith('2'): python_version = 2 skip = 'skip/python%d/' % python_version skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which are not supported on python %d: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), python_version, ', '.join(skipped))) return exclude def get_integration_remote_filter(args, targets): """ :type args: IntegrationConfig :type targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] :rtype: list[str] """ parts = args.remote.split('/', 1) platform = parts[0] exclude = [] common_integration_filter(args, targets, exclude) skip = 'skip/%s/' % platform skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which are not supported on %s: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), platform, ', '.join(skipped))) skip = 'skip/%s/' % args.remote.replace('/', '') skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which are not supported on %s: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), args.remote.replace('/', ' '), ', '.join(skipped))) python_version = 2 # remotes are expected to default to python 2 skip = 'skip/python%d/' % python_version skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which are not supported on python %d: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), python_version, ', '.join(skipped))) return exclude class EnvironmentDescription(object): """Description of current running environment.""" def __init__(self, args): """Initialize snapshot of environment configuration. :type args: IntegrationConfig """ self.args = args if self.args.explain: self.data = {} return warnings = [] versions = [''] versions += SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS versions += list(set(v.split('.')[0] for v in SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS)) python_paths = dict((v, find_executable('python%s' % v, required=False)) for v in sorted(versions)) pip_paths = dict((v, find_executable('pip%s' % v, required=False)) for v in sorted(versions)) program_versions = dict((v, self.get_version([python_paths[v], 'test/runner/versions.py'], warnings)) for v in sorted(python_paths) if python_paths[v]) pip_interpreters = dict((v, self.get_shebang(pip_paths[v])) for v in sorted(pip_paths) if pip_paths[v]) known_hosts_hash = self.get_hash(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts')) for version in sorted(versions): self.check_python_pip_association(version, python_paths, pip_paths, pip_interpreters, warnings) for warning in warnings: display.warning(warning, unique=True) self.data = dict( python_paths=python_paths, pip_paths=pip_paths, program_versions=program_versions, pip_interpreters=pip_interpreters, known_hosts_hash=known_hosts_hash, warnings=warnings, ) @staticmethod def check_python_pip_association(version, python_paths, pip_paths, pip_interpreters, warnings): """ :type version: str :param python_paths: dict[str, str] :param pip_paths: dict[str, str] :param pip_interpreters: dict[str, str] :param warnings: list[str] """ python_label = 'Python%s' % (' %s' % version if version else '') pip_path = pip_paths.get(version) python_path = python_paths.get(version) if not python_path and not pip_path: # neither python or pip is present for this version return if not python_path: warnings.append('A %s interpreter was not found, yet a matching pip was found at "%s".' % (python_label, pip_path)) return if not pip_path: warnings.append('A %s interpreter was found at "%s", yet a matching pip was not found.' % (python_label, python_path)) return pip_shebang = pip_interpreters.get(version) match = re.search(r'#!\s*(?P[^\s]+)', pip_shebang) if not match: warnings.append('A %s pip was found at "%s", but it does not have a valid shebang: %s' % (python_label, pip_path, pip_shebang)) return pip_interpreter = os.path.realpath(match.group('command')) python_interpreter = os.path.realpath(python_path) if pip_interpreter == python_interpreter: return try: identical = filecmp.cmp(pip_interpreter, python_interpreter) except OSError: identical = False if identical: return warnings.append('A %s pip was found at "%s", but it uses interpreter "%s" instead of "%s".' % ( python_label, pip_path, pip_interpreter, python_interpreter)) def __str__(self): """ :rtype: str """ return json.dumps(self.data, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def validate(self, target_name, throw): """ :type target_name: str :type throw: bool :rtype: bool """ current = EnvironmentDescription(self.args) return self.check(self, current, target_name, throw) @staticmethod def check(original, current, target_name, throw): """ :type original: EnvironmentDescription :type current: EnvironmentDescription :type target_name: str :type throw: bool :rtype: bool """ original_json = str(original) current_json = str(current) if original_json == current_json: return True unified_diff = '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff( a=original_json.splitlines(), b=current_json.splitlines(), fromfile='original.json', tofile='current.json', lineterm='', )) message = ('Test target "%s" has changed the test environment!\n' 'If these changes are necessary, they must be reverted before the test finishes.\n' '>>> Original Environment\n' '%s\n' '>>> Current Environment\n' '%s\n' '>>> Environment Diff\n' '%s' % (target_name, original_json, current_json, unified_diff)) if throw: raise ApplicationError(message) display.error(message) return False @staticmethod def get_version(command, warnings): """ :type command: list[str] :type warnings: list[str] :rtype: list[str] """ try: stdout, stderr = raw_command(command, capture=True, cmd_verbosity=2) except SubprocessError as ex: warnings.append(u'%s' % ex) return None # all failures are equal, we don't care why it failed, only that it did return [line.strip() for line in ((stdout or '').strip() + (stderr or '').strip()).splitlines()] @staticmethod def get_shebang(path): """ :type path: str :rtype: str """ with open(path) as script_fd: return script_fd.readline().strip() @staticmethod def get_hash(path): """ :type path: str :rtype: str | None """ if not os.path.exists(path): return None file_hash = hashlib.md5() with open(path, 'rb') as file_fd: file_hash.update(file_fd.read()) return file_hash.hexdigest() class NoChangesDetected(ApplicationWarning): """Exception when change detection was performed, but no changes were found.""" def __init__(self): super(NoChangesDetected, self).__init__('No changes detected.') class NoTestsForChanges(ApplicationWarning): """Exception when changes detected, but no tests trigger as a result.""" def __init__(self): super(NoTestsForChanges, self).__init__('No tests found for detected changes.') class Delegate(Exception): """Trigger command delegation.""" def __init__(self, exclude=None, require=None, integration_targets=None): """ :type exclude: list[str] | None :type require: list[str] | None :type integration_targets: tuple[IntegrationTarget] | None """ super(Delegate, self).__init__() self.exclude = exclude or [] self.require = require or [] self.integration_targets = integration_targets or tuple() class AllTargetsSkipped(ApplicationWarning): """All targets skipped.""" def __init__(self): super(AllTargetsSkipped, self).__init__('All targets skipped.')