import ====== Ansible :ref:`allows unchecked imports` of some libraries from specific directories. Importing any other Python library requires :ref:`handling import errors`. This enables support for sanity tests such as :ref:`testing_validate-modules` and provides better error messages to the user. .. _handling_import_errors: Handling import errors ---------------------- In modules ^^^^^^^^^^ Instead of using ``import another_library``: .. code-block:: python import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib try: import another_library except ImportError: HAS_ANOTHER_LIBRARY = False ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR = traceback.format_exc() else: HAS_ANOTHER_LIBRARY = True .. note:: The ``missing_required_lib`` import above will be used below. Then in the module code: .. code-block:: python module = AnsibleModule(...) if not HAS_ANOTHER_LIBRARY: module.fail_json( msg=missing_required_lib('another_library'), exception=ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR) In plugins ^^^^^^^^^^ Instead of using ``import another_library``: .. code-block:: python try: import another_library except ImportError as imp_exc: ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR = imp_exc else: ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR = None Then in the plugin code, for example in ``__init__`` of the plugin: .. code-block:: python if ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR: raise AnsibleError('another_library must be installed to use this plugin') from ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR When used as base classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. important:: This solution builds on the previous two examples. Make sure to pick the appropriate one before continuing with this solution. Sometimes an import is used in a base class, for example: .. code-block:: python from another_library import UsefulThing class CustomThing(UsefulThing): pass One option is make the entire class definition conditional: .. code-block:: python if not ANOTHER_LIBRARY_IMPORT_ERROR: class CustomThing(UsefulThing): pass Another option is to define a substitute base class by modifying the exception handler: .. code-block:: python try: from another_library import UsefulThing except ImportError: class UsefulThing: pass ... .. _allowed_unchecked_imports: Allowed unchecked imports ------------------------- Ansible allows the following unchecked imports from these specific directories: * ansible-core: * For ``lib/ansible/modules/`` and ``lib/ansible/module_utils/``, unchecked imports are only allowed from the Python standard library; * For ``lib/ansible/plugins/``, unchecked imports are only allowed from the Python standard library, from public dependencies of ansible-core, and from ansible-core itself; * collections: * For ``plugins/modules/`` and ``plugins/module_utils/``, unchecked imports are only allowed from the Python standard library; * For other directories in ``plugins/`` (see `the community collection requirements `_ for a list), unchecked imports are only allowed from the Python standard library, from public dependencies of ansible-core, and from ansible-core itself. Public dependencies of ansible-core are: * Jinja2 * PyYAML * MarkupSafe (as a dependency of Jinja2)