#!powershell #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.CamelConversion $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Function Assert-Equals($actual, $expected) { if ($actual -cne $expected) { Fail-Json @{} "actual != expected`nActual: $actual`nExpected: $expected" } } $input_dict = @{ alllower = 'alllower' ALLUPPER = 'allupper' camelCase = 'camel_case' mixedCase_withCamel = 'mixed_case_with_camel' TwoWords = 'two_words' AllUpperAtEND = 'all_upper_at_end' AllUpperButPLURALs = 'all_upper_but_plurals' TargetGroupARNs = 'target_group_arns' HTTPEndpoints = 'http_endpoints' PLURALs = 'plurals' listDict = @( @{ entry1 = 'entry1'; entryTwo = 'entry_two' }, 'stringTwo', 0 ) INNERHashTable = @{ ID = 'id' IEnumerable = 'i_enumerable' } emptyList = @() singleList = @("a") } $output_dict = Convert-DictToSnakeCase -dict $input_dict foreach ($entry in $output_dict.GetEnumerator()) { $key = $entry.Name $value = $entry.Value $type = $value.GetType() if ($value -is [Hashtable]) { Assert-Equals -actual $key -expected "inner_hash_table" foreach ($inner_hash in $value.GetEnumerator()) { Assert-Equals -actual $inner_hash.Name -expected $inner_hash.Value } } elseif ($value -is [Array] -or $value -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { if ($key -eq "list_dict") { foreach ($inner_list in $value) { if ($inner_list -is [Hashtable]) { foreach ($inner_list_hash in $inner_list.GetEnumerator()) { Assert-Equals -actual $inner_list_hash.Name -expected $inner_list_hash.Value } } elseif ($inner_list -is [String]) { # this is not a string key so we need to keep it the same Assert-Equals -actual $inner_list -expected "stringTwo" } else { Assert-Equals -actual $inner_list -expected 0 } } } elseif ($key -eq "empty_list") { Assert-Equals -actual $value.Count -expected 0 } elseif ($key -eq "single_list") { Assert-Equals -actual $value.Count -expected 1 } else { Fail-Json -obj $result -message "invalid key found for list $key" } } else { Assert-Equals -actual $key -expected $value } } Exit-Json @{ data = 'success' }