- name: create an empty collection skeleton command: ansible-galaxy collection init ansible_test.verify args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch' - name: build the collection command: ansible-galaxy collection build scratch/ansible_test/verify args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' - name: publish collection - {{ test_name }} command: ansible-galaxy collection publish ansible_test-verify-1.0.0.tar.gz -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' - name: test verifying a tarfile command: ansible-galaxy collection verify {{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_test-verify-1.0.0.tar.gz register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - >- "ERROR! 'file' type is not supported. The format namespace.name is expected." in verify.stderr - name: install the collection from the server command: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible_test.verify:1.0.0 -s {{ test_api_fallback }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} - name: verify the collection against the first valid server command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:1.0.0 -vvv {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify - assert: that: - verify is success - >- "Found API version '{{ test_api_fallback_versions }}' with Galaxy server {{ test_api_fallback }}" in verify.stdout - name: verify the installed collection against the server command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:1.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify - assert: that: - verify is success - "'Collection ansible_test.verify contains modified content' not in verify.stdout" - name: verify the installed collection against the server, with unspecified version in CLI command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} - name: verify a collection that doesn't appear to be installed command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:1.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} environment: ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/nonexistent_dir' register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - "'Collection ansible_test.verify is not installed in any of the collection paths.' in verify.stderr" - name: create a modules directory file: state: directory path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/verify/plugins/modules' - name: add a module to the collection copy: src: test_module.py dest: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/verify/plugins/modules/test_module.py' - name: update the collection version lineinfile: regexp: "version: .*" line: "version: '2.0.0'" path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/verify/galaxy.yml' - name: build the new version command: ansible-galaxy collection build scratch/ansible_test/verify args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' - name: publish the new version command: ansible-galaxy collection publish ansible_test-verify-2.0.0.tar.gz -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' - name: verify a version of a collection that isn't installed command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - '"ansible_test.verify has the version ''1.0.0'' but is being compared to ''2.0.0''" in verify.stdout' - name: install the new version from the server command: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 --force -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} - name: verify the installed collection against the server command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify - assert: that: - "'Collection ansible_test.verify contains modified content' not in verify.stdout" # Test a modified collection - set_fact: manifest_path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_collections/ansible_test/verify/MANIFEST.json' file_manifest_path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_collections/ansible_test/verify/FILES.json' module_path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_collections/ansible_test/verify/plugins/modules/test_module.py' - name: load the FILES.json set_fact: files_manifest: "{{ lookup('file', file_manifest_path) | from_json }}" - name: get the real checksum of a particular module stat: path: "{{ module_path }}" checksum_algorithm: sha256 register: file - assert: that: - "file.stat.checksum == item.chksum_sha256" loop: "{{ files_manifest.files }}" when: "item.name == 'plugins/modules/aws_s3.py'" - name: append a newline to the module to modify the checksum shell: "echo '' >> {{ module_path }}" - name: get the new checksum stat: path: "{{ module_path }}" checksum_algorithm: sha256 register: updated_file - assert: that: - "updated_file.stat.checksum != file.stat.checksum" - name: test verifying checksumes of the modified collection command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - "'Collection ansible_test.verify contains modified content in the following files:\n plugins/modules/test_module.py' in verify.stdout" - name: modify the FILES.json to match the new checksum lineinfile: path: "{{ file_manifest_path }}" regexp: ' "chksum_sha256": "{{ file.stat.checksum }}",' line: ' "chksum_sha256": "{{ updated_file.stat.checksum }}",' state: present diff: true - name: ensure a modified FILES.json is validated command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - "'Collection ansible_test.verify contains modified content in the following files:\n FILES.json' in verify.stdout" - name: get the checksum of the FILES.json stat: path: "{{ file_manifest_path }}" checksum_algorithm: sha256 register: manifest_info - name: modify the MANIFEST.json to contain a different checksum for FILES.json lineinfile: regexp: ' "chksum_sha256": *' path: "{{ manifest_path }}" line: ' "chksum_sha256": "{{ manifest_info.stat.checksum }}",' - name: ensure the MANIFEST.json is validated against the uncorrupted file from the server command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - "'Collection ansible_test.verify contains modified content in the following files:\n MANIFEST.json' in verify.stdout" - name: remove the artifact metadata to test verifying a collection without it file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - "{{ manifest_path }}" - "{{ file_manifest_path }}" - name: add some development metadata copy: content: | namespace: 'ansible_test' name: 'verify' version: '2.0.0' readme: 'README.md' authors: ['Ansible'] dest: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_collections/ansible_test/verify/galaxy.yml' - name: test we only verify collections containing a MANIFEST.json with the version on the server command: ansible-galaxy collection verify ansible_test.verify:2.0.0 -s {{ test_name }} {{ galaxy_verbosity }} register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - "'Collection ansible_test.verify does not have a MANIFEST.json' in verify.stderr" - name: update the collection version to something not present on the server lineinfile: regexp: "version: .*" line: "version: '3.0.0'" path: '{{ galaxy_dir }}/scratch/ansible_test/verify/galaxy.yml' - name: build the new version command: ansible-galaxy collection build scratch/ansible_test/verify args: chdir: '{{ galaxy_dir }}' - name: force-install from local artifact command: ansible-galaxy collection install '{{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_test-verify-3.0.0.tar.gz' --force - name: verify locally only, no download or server manifest hash check command: ansible-galaxy collection verify --offline ansible_test.verify register: verify - assert: that: - >- "Verifying 'ansible_test.verify:3.0.0'." in verify.stdout - '"MANIFEST.json hash: " in verify.stdout' - >- "Successfully verified that checksums for 'ansible_test.verify:3.0.0' are internally consistent with its manifest." in verify.stdout - name: append a newline to a module to modify the checksum shell: "echo '' >> {{ module_path }}" - name: verify modified collection locally-only (should fail) command: ansible-galaxy collection verify --offline ansible_test.verify register: verify failed_when: verify.rc == 0 - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - "'Collection ansible_test.verify contains modified content in the following files:' in verify.stdout" - "'plugins/modules/test_module.py' in verify.stdout" # TODO: add a test for offline Galaxy signature metadata - name: install a collection that was signed by setup_collections command: ansible-galaxy collection install namespace1.name1:1.0.0 - name: verify the installed collection with a detached signature command: ansible-galaxy collection verify namespace1.name1:1.0.0 {{ galaxy_verbosity }} {{ signature_options }} vars: signature_options: "--signature {{ signature }} --keyring {{ keyring }}" signature: "file://{{ gpg_homedir }}/namespace1-name1-1.0.0-MANIFEST.json.asc" keyring: "{{ gpg_homedir }}/pubring.kbx" register: verify - assert: that: - verify.rc == 0 - name: verify the installed collection with invalid detached signature command: ansible-galaxy collection verify namespace1.name1:1.0.0 {{ galaxy_verbosity }} {{ signature_options }} vars: signature_options: "--signature {{ signature }} --keyring {{ keyring }}" signature: "file://{{ gpg_homedir }}/namespace1-name1-1.0.9-MANIFEST.json.asc" keyring: "{{ gpg_homedir }}/pubring.kbx" register: verify ignore_errors: yes - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - '"Signature verification failed for ''namespace1.name1'' (return code 1)" in verify.stdout' - expected_errors[0] in verify_stdout - expected_errors[1] in verify_stdout vars: expected_errors: - "* This is the counterpart to SUCCESS and used to indicate a program failure." - "* The signature with the keyid has not been verified okay." stdout_no_color: "{{ verify.stdout | regex_replace(reset_color) | regex_replace(color) }}" # Remove formatting from the reason so it's one line verify_stdout: "{{ stdout_no_color | regex_replace('\"') | regex_replace('\\n') | regex_replace(' ', ' ') }}" reset_color: '\x1b\[0m' color: '\x1b\[[0-9];[0-9]{2}m' - include_tasks: revoke_gpg_key.yml - name: verify the installed collection with a revoked detached signature command: ansible-galaxy collection verify namespace1.name1:1.0.0 {{ galaxy_verbosity }} {{ signature_options }} vars: signature_options: "--signature {{ signature }} --keyring {{ keyring }}" signature: "file://{{ gpg_homedir }}/namespace1-name1-1.0.0-MANIFEST.json.asc" keyring: "{{ gpg_homedir }}/pubring.kbx" register: verify ignore_errors: yes - assert: that: - verify.rc != 0 - '"Signature verification failed for ''namespace1.name1'' (return code 0)" in verify.stdout' - expected_errors[0] in verify_stdout - expected_errors[1] in verify_stdout vars: expected_errors: - "* The used key has been revoked by its owner." - "* The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature was made by a revoked key." stdout_no_color: "{{ verify.stdout | regex_replace(reset_color) | regex_replace(color) }}" # Remove formatting from the reason so it's one line verify_stdout: "{{ stdout_no_color | regex_replace('\"') | regex_replace('\\n') | regex_replace(' ', ' ') }}" reset_color: '\x1b\[0m' color: '\x1b\[[0-9];[0-9]{2}m' - name: empty installed collections file: path: "{{ galaxy_dir }}/ansible_collections" state: "{{ item }}" loop: - absent - directory