- name: create a tempdir for hostvars shell: mktemp -d register: tempdir - name: write a file w/ hostvars lineinfile: dest: "{{ tempdir.stdout }}/vars" line: '{"foo": "bar"}' create: true - name: Create a Group tower_group: name: Some Group inventory: Demo Inventory state: present source: ec2 variables: "@{{ tempdir.stdout }}/vars" register: result - assert: that: - "result is changed" - name: Delete a Group tower_group: name: Some Group inventory: Demo Inventory state: absent register: result - assert: that: - "result is changed" - name: Check module fails with correct msg tower_group: name: test-group description: Group Description inventory: test-non-existing-inventory state: present register: result ignore_errors: true - assert: that: - "result.msg =='Failed to update the group, inventory not found: The requested object could not be found.'"