#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Matt Hite # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: bigip_pool short_description: "Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools" description: - "Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools via iControl SOAP API" version_added: "1.2" author: Matt Hite notes: - "Requires BIG-IP software version >= 11" - "F5 developed module 'bigsuds' required (see http://devcentral.f5.com)" - "Best run as a local_action in your playbook" requirements: - bigsuds options: server: description: - BIG-IP host required: true default: null choices: [] aliases: [] user: description: - BIG-IP username required: true default: null choices: [] aliases: [] password: description: - BIG-IP password required: true default: null choices: [] aliases: [] state: description: - Pool state required: false default: present choices: ['present', 'absent'] aliases: [] name: description: - Pool name required: true default: null choices: [] aliases: ['pool'] partition: description: - Partition required: false default: 'Common' choices: [] aliases: [] lb_method: description: - Load balancing method required: False default: 'round_robin' choices: ['round_robin', 'ratio_member', 'least_connection_member', 'observed_member', 'predictive_member', 'ratio_node_address', 'least_connection_node_address', 'fastest_node_address', 'observed_node_address', 'predictive_node_address', 'dynamic_ratio', 'fastest_app_response', 'least_sessions', 'dynamic_ratio_member', 'l3_addr', 'unknown', 'weighted_least_connection_member', 'weighted_least_connection_node_address', 'ratio_session', 'ratio_least_connection_member', 'ratio_least_connection_node_address'] aliases: [] monitor_type: description: - Monitor rule type when monitors > 1 required: False default: null choices: ['and_list', 'm_of_n'] aliases: [] quorum: description: - Monitor quorum value when monitor_type is m_of_n required: False default: null choices: [] aliases: [] monitors: description: - Monitor template name list required: False default: null choices: [] aliases: [] slow_ramp_time: description: - Sets the ramp-up time (in seconds) to gradually ramp up the load on newly added or freshly detected UP pool members required: False default: null choices: [] aliases: [] service_down_action: description: - Sets the action to take when node goes down in pool required: False default: null choices: ['none', 'reset', 'drop', 'reselect'] aliases: [] host: description: - "Pool member IP" required: False default: null choices: [] aliases: ['address'] port: description: - "Pool member port" required: False default: null choices: [] aliases: [] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' ### Examples assume [localhost] is defined in inventory file ## ad-hoc ansible CLI example # Create (or update) pool /matthite/matthite-pool on load balancer lb.mydomain.com ansible -c local localhost -m bigip_pool -a "server=lb.mydomain.com user=admin password=mysecret state=present name=matthite-pool partition=matthite lb_method=least_connection_member slow_ramp_time=120" # Remove pool /matthite/matthite-pool on load balancer lb.mydomain.com ansible -c local localhost -m bigip_pool -a "server=lb.mydomain.com user=admin password=mysecret state=absent name=matthite-pool partition=matthite" # Add pool member /matthite/ to pool /matthite/matthite-pool on load balancer lb.mydomain.com ansible -c local localhost -m bigip_pool -a "server=lb.mydomain.com user=admin password=mysecret state=present name=matthite-pool partition=matthite host= port=80" # Remove pool member /matthite/ to pool /matthite/matthite-pool on load balancer lb.mydomain.com ansible -c local localhost -m bigip_pool -a "server=lb.mydomain.com user=admin password=mysecret state=absent name=matthite-pool partition=matthite host= port=80" ## playbook task example: --- # file bigip-test.yml # ... tasks: - name: Create /matthite/matthite-pool local_action: bigip_pool server=lb.mydomain.com user=admin password=mysecret state=present name=matthite-pool partition=matthite lb_method=least_connection_member slow_ramp_time=120 ''' try: import bigsuds except ImportError: bigsuds_found = False else: bigsuds_found = True # =========================================== # bigip_pool module specific support methods. # def bigip_api(bigip, user, password): api = bigsuds.BIGIP(hostname=bigip, username=user, password=password) return api def pool_exists(api, pool): # hack to determine if pool exists result = False try: api.LocalLB.Pool.get_object_status(pool_names=[pool]) result = True except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: if "was not found" in str(e): result = False else: # genuine exception raise return result def create_pool(api, pool, lb_method): lb_method = "LB_METHOD_%s" % lb_method.strip().upper() api.LocalLB.Pool.create_v2(pool_names=[pool], lb_methods=[lb_method], members=[[]]) def remove_pool(api, pool): api.LocalLB.Pool.delete_pool(pool_names=[pool]) def get_lb_method(api, pool): lb_method = api.LocalLB.Pool.get_lb_method(pool_names=[pool])[0] lb_method = lb_method.strip().replace('LB_METHOD_', '').lower() return lb_method def set_lb_method(api, pool, lb_method): lb_method = "LB_METHOD_%s" % lb_method.strip().upper() api.LocalLB.Pool.set_lb_method(pool_names=[pool], lb_methods=[lb_method]) def get_monitors(api, pool): result = api.LocalLB.Pool.get_monitor_association(pool_names=[pool])[0]['monitor_rule'] monitor_type = result['type'].split("MONITOR_RULE_TYPE_")[-1].lower() quorum = result['quorum'] monitor_templates = result['monitor_templates'] return (monitor_type, quorum, monitor_templates) def set_monitors(api, pool, monitor_type, quorum, monitor_templates): monitor_type = "MONITOR_RULE_TYPE_%s" % monitor_type.strip().upper() monitor_rule = {'type': monitor_type, 'quorum': quorum, 'monitor_templates': monitor_templates} monitor_association = {'pool_name': pool, 'monitor_rule': monitor_rule} api.LocalLB.Pool.set_monitor_association(monitor_associations=[monitor_association]) def get_slow_ramp_time(api, pool): result = api.LocalLB.Pool.get_slow_ramp_time(pool_names=[pool])[0] return result def set_slow_ramp_time(api, pool, seconds): api.LocalLB.Pool.set_slow_ramp_time(pool_names=[pool], values=[seconds]) def get_action_on_service_down(api, pool): result = api.LocalLB.Pool.get_action_on_service_down(pool_names=[pool])[0] result = result.split("SERVICE_DOWN_ACTION_")[-1].lower() return result def set_action_on_service_down(api, pool, action): action = "SERVICE_DOWN_ACTION_%s" % action.strip().upper() api.LocalLB.Pool.set_action_on_service_down(pool_names=[pool], actions=[action]) def member_exists(api, pool, address, port): # hack to determine if member exists result = False try: members = [{'address': address, 'port': port}] api.LocalLB.Pool.get_member_object_status(pool_names=[pool], members=[members]) result = True except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: if "was not found" in str(e): result = False else: # genuine exception raise return result def delete_node_address(api, address): result = False try: api.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.delete_node_address(nodes=[address]) result = True except bigsuds.OperationFailed, e: if "is referenced by a member of pool" in str(e): result = False else: # genuine exception raise return result def remove_pool_member(api, pool, address, port): members = [{'address': address, 'port': port}] api.LocalLB.Pool.remove_member_v2(pool_names=[pool], members=[members]) def add_pool_member(api, pool, address, port): members = [{'address': address, 'port': port}] api.LocalLB.Pool.add_member_v2(pool_names=[pool], members=[members]) def main(): lb_method_choices = ['round_robin', 'ratio_member', 'least_connection_member', 'observed_member', 'predictive_member', 'ratio_node_address', 'least_connection_node_address', 'fastest_node_address', 'observed_node_address', 'predictive_node_address', 'dynamic_ratio', 'fastest_app_response', 'least_sessions', 'dynamic_ratio_member', 'l3_addr', 'unknown', 'weighted_least_connection_member', 'weighted_least_connection_node_address', 'ratio_session', 'ratio_least_connection_member', 'ratio_least_connection_node_address'] monitor_type_choices = ['and_list', 'm_of_n'] service_down_choices = ['none', 'reset', 'drop', 'reselect'] module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( server = dict(type='str', required=True), user = dict(type='str', required=True), password = dict(type='str', required=True), state = dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), name = dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['pool']), partition = dict(type='str', default='Common'), lb_method = dict(type='str', choices=lb_method_choices), monitor_type = dict(type='str', choices=monitor_type_choices), quorum = dict(type='int'), monitors = dict(type='list'), slow_ramp_time = dict(type='int'), service_down_action = dict(type='str', choices=service_down_choices), host = dict(type='str', aliases=['address']), port = dict(type='int') ), supports_check_mode=True ) if not bigsuds_found: module.fail_json(msg="the python bigsuds module is required") server = module.params['server'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password'] state = module.params['state'] name = module.params['name'] partition = module.params['partition'] pool = "/%s/%s" % (partition, name) lb_method = module.params['lb_method'] if lb_method: lb_method = lb_method.lower() monitor_type = module.params['monitor_type'] if monitor_type: monitor_type = monitor_type.lower() quorum = module.params['quorum'] monitors = module.params['monitors'] slow_ramp_time = module.params['slow_ramp_time'] service_down_action = module.params['service_down_action'] if service_down_action: service_down_action = service_down_action.lower() host = module.params['host'] address = "/%s/%s" % (partition, host) port = module.params['port'] # sanity check user supplied values if (host and not port) or (port and not host): module.fail_json(msg="both host and port must be supplied") if 1 > port > 65535: module.fail_json(msg="valid ports must be in range 1 - 65535") if monitors: if len(monitors) == 1: # set default required values for single monitor quorum = 0 monitor_type = 'single' elif len(monitors) > 1: if not monitor_type: module.fail_json(msg="monitor_type required for monitors > 1") if monitor_type == 'm_of_n' and not quorum: module.fail_json(msg="quorum value required for monitor_type m_of_n") if monitor_type != 'm_of_n': quorum = 0 elif monitor_type: # no monitors specified but monitor_type exists module.fail_json(msg="monitor_type require monitors parameter") elif quorum is not None: # no monitors specified but quorum exists module.fail_json(msg="quorum requires monitors parameter") try: api = bigip_api(server, user, password) result = {'changed': False} # default if state == 'absent': if host and port and pool: # member removal takes precedent if pool_exists(api, pool) and member_exists(api, pool, address, port): if not module.check_mode: remove_pool_member(api, pool, address, port) deleted = delete_node_address(api, address) result = {'changed': True, 'deleted': deleted} else: result = {'changed': True} elif pool_exists(api, pool): # no host/port supplied, must be pool removal if not module.check_mode: remove_pool(api, pool) result = {'changed': True} elif state == 'present': if not pool_exists(api, pool): # pool does not exist -- need to create it if not module.check_mode: # create requires lb_method but we don't want to default # to a value on subsequent runs if not lb_method: lb_method = 'round_robin' create_pool(api, pool, lb_method) if monitors: set_monitors(api, pool, monitor_type, quorum, monitors) if slow_ramp_time: set_slow_ramp_time(api, pool, slow_ramp_time) if service_down_action: set_action_on_service_down(api, pool, service_down_action) if host and port: add_pool_member(api, pool, address, port) result = {'changed': True} else: # pool exists -- potentially modify attributes if lb_method and lb_method != get_lb_method(api, pool): if not module.check_mode: set_lb_method(api, pool, lb_method) result = {'changed': True} if monitors: t_monitor_type, t_quorum, t_monitor_templates = get_monitors(api, pool) if (t_monitor_type != monitor_type) or (t_quorum != quorum) or (set(t_monitor_templates) != set(monitors)): if not module.check_mode: set_monitors(api, pool, monitor_type, quorum, monitors) result = {'changed': True} if slow_ramp_time and slow_ramp_time != get_slow_ramp_time(api, pool): if not module.check_mode: set_slow_ramp_time(api, pool, slow_ramp_time) result = {'changed': True} if service_down_action and service_down_action != get_action_on_service_down(api, pool): if not module.check_mode: set_action_on_service_down(api, pool, service_down_action) result = {'changed': True} if (host and port) and not member_exists(api, pool, address, port): if not module.check_mode: add_pool_member(api, pool, address, port) result = {'changed': True} except Exception, e: module.fail_json(msg="received exception: %s" % e) module.exit_json(**result) # include magic from lib/ansible/module_common.py #<> main()