#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: 2019, rnsc(@rnsc) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: win_data_deduplication version_added: "2.10" short_description: Module to enable Data Deduplication on a volume. description: - This module can be used to enable Data Deduplication on a Windows volume. - The module will install the FS-Data-Deduplication feature (a reboot will be necessary). options: drive_letter: description: - Windows drive letter on which to enable data deduplication. required: yes type: str state: description: - Wether to enable or disable data deduplication on the selected volume. default: present type: str choices: [ present, absent ] settings: description: - Dictionary of settings to pass to the Set-DedupVolume powershell command. type: dict suboptions: minimum_file_size: description: - Minimum file size you want to target for deduplication. - It will default to 32768 if not defined or if the value is less than 32768. type: int default: 32768 minimum_file_age_days: description: - Minimum file age you want to target for deduplication. type: int default: 2 no_compress: description: - Wether you want to enabled filesystem compression or not. type: bool default: no optimize_in_use_files: description: - Indicates that the server attempts to optimize currently open files. type: bool default: no verify: description: - Indicates whether the deduplication engine performs a byte-for-byte verification for each duplicate chunk that optimization creates, rather than relying on a cryptographically strong hash. - This option is not recommend. - Setting this parameter to True can degrade optimization performance. type: bool default: no author: - rnsc (@rnsc) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Enable Data Deduplication on D win_data_deduplication: drive_letter: 'D' state: present - name: Enable Data Deduplication on D win_data_deduplication: drive_letter: 'D' state: present settings: no_compress: true minimum_file_age_days: 1 minimum_file_size: 0 ''' RETURN = r''' # '''