#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: postgresql_table short_description: Create, drop, or modify a PostgreSQL table description: - Allows to create, drop, rename, truncate a table, or change some table attributes. version_added: '2.8' options: table: description: - Table name. required: true aliases: - name type: str state: description: - The table state. I(state=absent) is mutually exclusive with I(tablespace), I(owner), I(unlogged), I(like), I(including), I(columns), I(truncate), I(storage_params) and, I(rename). type: str default: present choices: [ absent, present ] tablespace: description: - Set a tablespace for the table. required: false type: str owner: description: - Set a table owner. type: str unlogged: description: - Create an unlogged table. type: bool default: no like: description: - Create a table like another table (with similar DDL). Mutually exclusive with I(columns), I(rename), and I(truncate). type: str including: description: - Keywords that are used with like parameter, may be DEFAULTS, CONSTRAINTS, INDEXES, STORAGE, COMMENTS or ALL. Needs I(like) specified. Mutually exclusive with I(columns), I(rename), and I(truncate). type: str columns: description: - Columns that are needed. type: list elements: str rename: description: - New table name. Mutually exclusive with I(tablespace), I(owner), I(unlogged), I(like), I(including), I(columns), I(truncate), and I(storage_params). type: str truncate: description: - Truncate a table. Mutually exclusive with I(tablespace), I(owner), I(unlogged), I(like), I(including), I(columns), I(rename), and I(storage_params). type: bool default: no storage_params: description: - Storage parameters like fillfactor, autovacuum_vacuum_treshold, etc. Mutually exclusive with I(rename) and I(truncate). type: list elements: str db: description: - Name of database to connect and where the table will be created. type: str aliases: - login_db session_role: description: - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally. type: str cascade: description: - Automatically drop objects that depend on the table (such as views). Used with I(state=absent) only. type: bool default: no version_added: '2.9' notes: - If you do not pass db parameter, tables will be created in the database named postgres. - PostgreSQL allows to create columnless table, so columns param is optional. - Unlogged tables are available from PostgreSQL server version 9.1. seealso: - module: postgresql_sequence - module: postgresql_idx - module: postgresql_info - module: postgresql_tablespace - module: postgresql_owner - module: postgresql_privs - module: postgresql_copy - name: CREATE TABLE reference description: Complete reference of the CREATE TABLE command documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createtable.html - name: ALTER TABLE reference description: Complete reference of the ALTER TABLE command documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-altertable.html - name: DROP TABLE reference description: Complete reference of the DROP TABLE command documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-droptable.html - name: PostgreSQL data types description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL data types documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype.html author: - Andrei Klychkov (@Andersson007) extends_documentation_fragment: postgres ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Create tbl2 in the acme database with the DDL like tbl1 with testuser as an owner postgresql_table: db: acme name: tbl2 like: tbl1 owner: testuser - name: Create tbl2 in the acme database and tablespace ssd with the DDL like tbl1 including comments and indexes postgresql_table: db: acme table: tbl2 like: tbl1 including: comments, indexes tablespace: ssd - name: Create test_table with several columns in ssd tablespace with fillfactor=10 and autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1 postgresql_table: name: test_table columns: - id bigserial primary key - num bigint - stories text tablespace: ssd storage_params: - fillfactor=10 - autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1 - name: Create an unlogged table in schema acme postgresql_table: name: acme.useless_data columns: waste_id int unlogged: true - name: Rename table foo to bar postgresql_table: table: foo rename: bar - name: Rename table foo from schema acme to bar postgresql_table: name: acme.foo rename: bar - name: Set owner to someuser postgresql_table: name: foo owner: someuser - name: Change tablespace of foo table to new_tablespace and set owner to new_user postgresql_table: name: foo tablespace: new_tablespace owner: new_user - name: Truncate table foo postgresql_table: name: foo truncate: yes - name: Drop table foo from schema acme postgresql_table: name: acme.foo state: absent - name: Drop table bar cascade postgresql_table: name: bar state: absent cascade: yes ''' RETURN = r''' table: description: Name of a table. returned: always type: str sample: 'foo' state: description: Table state. returned: always type: str sample: 'present' owner: description: Table owner. returned: always type: str sample: 'postgres' tablespace: description: Tablespace. returned: always type: str sample: 'ssd_tablespace' queries: description: List of executed queries. returned: always type: str sample: [ 'CREATE TABLE "test_table" (id bigint)' ] storage_params: description: Storage parameters. returned: always type: list sample: [ "fillfactor=100", "autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1" ] ''' try: from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor except ImportError: # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db() # from ansible.module_utils.postgres pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier from ansible.module_utils.postgres import ( connect_to_db, exec_sql, get_conn_params, postgres_common_argument_spec, ) # =========================================== # PostgreSQL module specific support methods. # class Table(object): def __init__(self, name, module, cursor): self.name = name self.module = module self.cursor = cursor self.info = { 'owner': '', 'tblspace': '', 'storage_params': [], } self.exists = False self.__exists_in_db() self.executed_queries = [] def get_info(self): """Getter to refresh and get table info""" self.__exists_in_db() def __exists_in_db(self): """Check table exists and refresh info""" if "." in self.name: schema = self.name.split('.')[-2] tblname = self.name.split('.')[-1] else: schema = 'public' tblname = self.name query = ("SELECT t.tableowner, t.tablespace, c.reloptions " "FROM pg_tables AS t " "INNER JOIN pg_class AS c ON c.relname = t.tablename " "INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid " "WHERE t.tablename = %(tblname)s " "AND n.nspname = %(schema)s") res = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'tblname': tblname, 'schema': schema}, add_to_executed=False) if res: self.exists = True self.info = dict( owner=res[0][0], tblspace=res[0][1] if res[0][1] else '', storage_params=res[0][2] if res[0][2] else [], ) return True else: self.exists = False return False def create(self, columns='', params='', tblspace='', unlogged=False, owner=''): """ Create table. If table exists, check passed args (params, tblspace, owner) and, if they're different from current, change them. Arguments: params - storage params (passed by "WITH (...)" in SQL), comma separated. tblspace - tablespace. owner - table owner. unlogged - create unlogged table. columns - column string (comma separated). """ name = pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table') changed = False if self.exists: if tblspace == 'pg_default' and self.info['tblspace'] is None: pass # Because they have the same meaning elif tblspace and self.info['tblspace'] != tblspace: self.set_tblspace(tblspace) changed = True if owner and self.info['owner'] != owner: self.set_owner(owner) changed = True if params: param_list = [p.strip(' ') for p in params.split(',')] new_param = False for p in param_list: if p not in self.info['storage_params']: new_param = True if new_param: self.set_stor_params(params) changed = True if changed: return True return False query = "CREATE" if unlogged: query += " UNLOGGED TABLE %s" % name else: query += " TABLE %s" % name if columns: query += " (%s)" % columns else: query += " ()" if params: query += " WITH (%s)" % params if tblspace: query += " TABLESPACE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(tblspace, 'database') if exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True): changed = True if owner: changed = self.set_owner(owner) return changed def create_like(self, src_table, including='', tblspace='', unlogged=False, params='', owner=''): """ Create table like another table (with similar DDL). Arguments: src_table - source table. including - corresponds to optional INCLUDING expression in CREATE TABLE ... LIKE statement. params - storage params (passed by "WITH (...)" in SQL), comma separated. tblspace - tablespace. owner - table owner. unlogged - create unlogged table. """ changed = False name = pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table') query = "CREATE" if unlogged: query += " UNLOGGED TABLE %s" % name else: query += " TABLE %s" % name query += " (LIKE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(src_table, 'table') if including: including = including.split(',') for i in including: query += " INCLUDING %s" % i query += ')' if params: query += " WITH (%s)" % params if tblspace: query += " TABLESPACE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(tblspace, 'database') if exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True): changed = True if owner: changed = self.set_owner(owner) return changed def truncate(self): query = "TRUNCATE TABLE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table') return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True) def rename(self, newname): query = "ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table'), pg_quote_identifier(newname, 'table')) return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True) def set_owner(self, username): query = "ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table'), pg_quote_identifier(username, 'role')) return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True) def drop(self, cascade=False): if not self.exists: return False query = "DROP TABLE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table') if cascade: query += " CASCADE" return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True) def set_tblspace(self, tblspace): query = "ALTER TABLE %s SET TABLESPACE %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table'), pg_quote_identifier(tblspace, 'database')) return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True) def set_stor_params(self, params): query = "ALTER TABLE %s SET (%s)" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.name, 'table'), params) return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True) # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( table=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']), state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]), db=dict(type='str', default='', aliases=['login_db']), tablespace=dict(type='str'), owner=dict(type='str'), unlogged=dict(type='bool', default=False), like=dict(type='str'), including=dict(type='str'), rename=dict(type='str'), truncate=dict(type='bool', default=False), columns=dict(type='list', elements='str'), storage_params=dict(type='list', elements='str'), session_role=dict(type='str'), cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, ) table = module.params["table"] state = module.params["state"] tablespace = module.params["tablespace"] owner = module.params["owner"] unlogged = module.params["unlogged"] like = module.params["like"] including = module.params["including"] newname = module.params["rename"] storage_params = module.params["storage_params"] truncate = module.params["truncate"] columns = module.params["columns"] cascade = module.params["cascade"] if state == 'present' and cascade: module.warn("cascade=true is ignored when state=present") # Check mutual exclusive parameters: if state == 'absent' and (truncate or newname or columns or tablespace or like or storage_params or unlogged or owner or including): module.fail_json(msg="%s: state=absent is mutually exclusive with: " "truncate, rename, columns, tablespace, " "including, like, storage_params, unlogged, owner" % table) if truncate and (newname or columns or like or unlogged or storage_params or owner or tablespace or including): module.fail_json(msg="%s: truncate is mutually exclusive with: " "rename, columns, like, unlogged, including, " "storage_params, owner, tablespace" % table) if newname and (columns or like or unlogged or storage_params or owner or tablespace or including): module.fail_json(msg="%s: rename is mutually exclusive with: " "columns, like, unlogged, including, " "storage_params, owner, tablespace" % table) if like and columns: module.fail_json(msg="%s: like and columns params are mutually exclusive" % table) if including and not like: module.fail_json(msg="%s: including param needs like param specified" % table) conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params) db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=False) cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) if storage_params: storage_params = ','.join(storage_params) if columns: columns = ','.join(columns) ############## # Do main job: table_obj = Table(table, module, cursor) # Set default returned values: changed = False kw = {} kw['table'] = table kw['state'] = '' if table_obj.exists: kw = dict( table=table, state='present', owner=table_obj.info['owner'], tablespace=table_obj.info['tblspace'], storage_params=table_obj.info['storage_params'], ) if state == 'absent': changed = table_obj.drop(cascade=cascade) elif truncate: changed = table_obj.truncate() elif newname: changed = table_obj.rename(newname) q = table_obj.executed_queries table_obj = Table(newname, module, cursor) table_obj.executed_queries = q elif state == 'present' and not like: changed = table_obj.create(columns, storage_params, tablespace, unlogged, owner) elif state == 'present' and like: changed = table_obj.create_like(like, including, tablespace, unlogged, storage_params) if changed: if module.check_mode: db_connection.rollback() else: db_connection.commit() # Refresh table info for RETURN. # Note, if table has been renamed, it gets info by newname: table_obj.get_info() db_connection.commit() if table_obj.exists: kw = dict( table=table, state='present', owner=table_obj.info['owner'], tablespace=table_obj.info['tblspace'], storage_params=table_obj.info['storage_params'], ) else: # We just change the table state here # to keep other information about the dropped table: kw['state'] = 'absent' kw['queries'] = table_obj.executed_queries kw['changed'] = changed db_connection.close() module.exit_json(**kw) if __name__ == '__main__': main()