.. _httpapi_plugins: Httpapi Plugins =============== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Httpapi plugins tell Ansible how to interact with a remote device's HTTP-based API and execute tasks on the device. Each plugin represents a particular dialect of API. Some are platform-specific (Arista eAPI, Cisco NXAPI), while others might be usable on a variety of platforms (RESTCONF). .. _enabling_httpapi: Adding httpapi plugins ------------------------- You can extend Ansible to support other APIs by dropping a custom plugin into the ``httpapi_plugins`` directory. .. _using_httpapi: Using httpapi plugins ------------------------ The httpapi plugin to use is determined automatically from the ``ansible_network_os`` variable. Most httpapi plugins can operate without configuration. Additional options may be defined by each plugin. Plugins are self-documenting. Each plugin should document its configuration options. .. _httpapi_plugin_list: Plugin List ----------- You can use ``ansible-doc -t httpapi -l`` to see the list of available plugins. Use ``ansible-doc -t httpapi `` to see detailed documentation and examples. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: httpapi/* .. seealso:: :ref:`Ansible for Network Automation` An overview of using Ansible to automate networking devices. `User Mailing List `_ Have a question? Stop by the google group! `irc.freenode.net `_ #ansible-network IRC chat channel