# NOTE: The win_firewall module only works on WMF 5+ - setup: - name: Test Windows capabilities raw: Get-Command Get-NetFirewallProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; return $? failed_when: no register: get_netfirewallprofile - name: Only run tests when Windows is capable when: get_netfirewallprofile.rc == 0 and ansible_powershell_version >= 5 block: - name: Turn off Windows Firewall (begin) win_firewall: profiles: [ Domain, Private, Public ] state: disabled register: firewall_off - name: Test firewall_off assert: that: - not firewall_off.Domain.enabled - not firewall_off.Private.enabled - not firewall_off.Public.enabled - name: Test in normal mode include: tests.yml vars: in_check_mode: no - name: Test in check-mode include: tests.yml vars: in_check_mode: yes check_mode: yes - name: Turn on Windows Firewall (end) win_firewall: profiles: [ Domain, Private, Public ] state: enabled register: firewall_on - name: Test firewall_on assert: that: - firewall_on is changed - firewall_on.Domain.enabled - firewall_on.Private.enabled - firewall_on.Public.enabled