"""Sanity test using validate-modules.""" from __future__ import annotations import atexit import collections import contextlib import json import os import tarfile import typing as t from . import ( DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS, MULTI_FILE_PLUGINS, SanitySingleVersion, SanityMessage, SanityFailure, SanitySuccess, SanityTargets, SANITY_ROOT, ) from ...io import ( make_dirs, ) from ...test import ( TestResult, ) from ...target import ( TestTarget, ) from ...util import ( SubprocessError, display, ) from ...util_common import ( process_scoped_temporary_directory, run_command, ResultType, ) from ...ansible_util import ( ansible_environment, get_collection_detail, CollectionDetailError, ) from ...config import ( SanityConfig, ) from ...ci import ( get_ci_provider, ) from ...data import ( data_context, PayloadConfig, ) from ...host_configs import ( PythonConfig, ) from ...git import ( Git, ) from ...provider.source import ( SourceProvider as GitSourceProvider, ) class ValidateModulesTest(SanitySingleVersion): """Sanity test using validate-modules.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.optional_error_codes.update([ 'deprecated-date', ]) self._prefixes = { plugin_type: plugin_path + '/' for plugin_type, plugin_path in data_context().content.plugin_paths.items() if plugin_type in DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS } self._exclusions = set() if not data_context().content.collection: self._exclusions.add('lib/ansible/plugins/cache/base.py') @property def error_code(self) -> t.Optional[str]: """Error code for ansible-test matching the format used by the underlying test program, or None if the program does not use error codes.""" return 'A100' def get_plugin_type(self, target: TestTarget) -> t.Optional[str]: """Return the plugin type of the given target, or None if it is not a plugin or module.""" if target.path.endswith('/__init__.py'): return None if target.path in self._exclusions: return None for plugin_type, prefix in self._prefixes.items(): if target.path.startswith(prefix): return plugin_type return None def filter_targets(self, targets: list[TestTarget]) -> list[TestTarget]: """Return the given list of test targets, filtered to include only those relevant for the test.""" return [target for target in targets if self.get_plugin_type(target) is not None] def test(self, args: SanityConfig, targets: SanityTargets, python: PythonConfig) -> TestResult: env = ansible_environment(args, color=False) settings = self.load_processor(args) target_per_type = collections.defaultdict(list) for target in targets.include: target_per_type[self.get_plugin_type(target)].append(target) # Remove plugins that cannot be associated to a single file (test and filter plugins). for plugin_type in MULTI_FILE_PLUGINS: target_per_type.pop(plugin_type, None) cmd = [ python.path, os.path.join(SANITY_ROOT, 'validate-modules', 'validate.py'), '--format', 'json', '--arg-spec', ] # fmt: skip if data_context().content.collection: cmd.extend(['--collection', data_context().content.collection.directory]) try: collection_detail = get_collection_detail(python) if collection_detail.version: cmd.extend(['--collection-version', collection_detail.version]) else: display.warning('Skipping validate-modules collection version checks since no collection version was found.') except CollectionDetailError as ex: display.warning('Skipping validate-modules collection version checks since collection detail loading failed: %s' % ex.reason) else: path = self.get_archive_path(args) if os.path.exists(path): temp_dir = process_scoped_temporary_directory(args) with tarfile.open(path) as file: file.extractall(temp_dir) cmd.extend([ '--original-plugins', temp_dir, ]) errors = [] for plugin_type, plugin_targets in sorted(target_per_type.items()): paths = [target.path for target in plugin_targets] plugin_cmd = list(cmd) if plugin_type != 'modules': plugin_cmd += ['--plugin-type', plugin_type] plugin_cmd += paths try: stdout, stderr = run_command(args, plugin_cmd, env=env, capture=True) status = 0 except SubprocessError as ex: stdout = ex.stdout stderr = ex.stderr status = ex.status if stderr or status not in (0, 3): raise SubprocessError(cmd=plugin_cmd, status=status, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout) if args.explain: continue messages = json.loads(stdout) for filename in messages: output = messages[filename] for item in output['errors']: errors.append(SanityMessage( path=filename, line=int(item['line']) if 'line' in item else 0, column=int(item['column']) if 'column' in item else 0, code='%s' % item['code'], message=item['msg'], )) all_paths = [target.path for target in targets.include] all_errors = settings.process_errors(errors, all_paths) if args.explain: return SanitySuccess(self.name) if all_errors: return SanityFailure(self.name, messages=all_errors) return SanitySuccess(self.name) def origin_hook(self, args: SanityConfig) -> None: """This method is called on the origin, before the test runs or delegation occurs.""" if not data_context().content.is_ansible: return if not isinstance(data_context().source_provider, GitSourceProvider): display.warning('The validate-modules sanity test cannot compare against the base commit because git is not being used.') return base_commit = args.base_branch or get_ci_provider().get_base_commit(args) if not base_commit: display.warning('The validate-modules sanity test cannot compare against the base commit because it was not detected.') return path = self.get_archive_path(args) def cleanup() -> None: """Cleanup callback called when the process exits.""" with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.unlink(path) def git_callback(payload_config: PayloadConfig) -> None: """Include the previous plugin content archive in the payload.""" files = payload_config.files files.append((path, os.path.relpath(path, data_context().content.root))) atexit.register(cleanup) data_context().register_payload_callback(git_callback) make_dirs(os.path.dirname(path)) git = Git() git.run_git(['archive', '--output', path, base_commit, 'lib/ansible/modules/', 'lib/ansible/plugins/']) @staticmethod def get_archive_path(args: SanityConfig) -> str: """Return the path to the original plugin content archive.""" return os.path.join(ResultType.TMP.path, f'validate-modules-{args.metadata.session_id}.tar')