"""Provision hosts for running tests.""" from __future__ import annotations import atexit import dataclasses import functools import itertools import os import pickle import sys import time import traceback import typing as t from .config import ( EnvironmentConfig, ) from .util import ( ApplicationError, display, open_binary_file, verify_sys_executable, version_to_str, type_guard, ) from .thread import ( WrappedThread, ) from .host_profiles import ( ControllerHostProfile, DockerProfile, HostProfile, SshConnection, SshTargetHostProfile, create_host_profile, ) from .pypi_proxy import ( run_pypi_proxy, ) THostProfile = t.TypeVar('THostProfile', bound=HostProfile) TEnvironmentConfig = t.TypeVar('TEnvironmentConfig', bound=EnvironmentConfig) class PrimeContainers(ApplicationError): """Exception raised to end execution early after priming containers.""" @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class HostState: """State of hosts and profiles to be passed to ansible-test during delegation.""" controller_profile: ControllerHostProfile target_profiles: t.List[HostProfile] @property def profiles(self) -> t.List[HostProfile]: """Return all the profiles as a list.""" return [t.cast(HostProfile, self.controller_profile)] + self.target_profiles def serialize(self, path: str) -> None: """Serialize the host state to the given path.""" with open_binary_file(path, 'wb') as state_file: pickle.dump(self, state_file) @staticmethod def deserialize(args: EnvironmentConfig, path: str) -> HostState: """Deserialize host state from the given args and path.""" with open_binary_file(path) as state_file: host_state: HostState = pickle.load(state_file) host_state.controller_profile.args = args for target in host_state.target_profiles: target.args = args return host_state def get_controller_target_connections(self) -> t.List[SshConnection]: """Return SSH connection(s) for accessing all target hosts from the controller.""" return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([target.get_controller_target_connections() for target in self.target_profiles if isinstance(target, SshTargetHostProfile)])) def targets(self, profile_type: t.Type[THostProfile]) -> t.List[THostProfile]: """The list of target(s), verified to be of the specified type.""" if not self.target_profiles: raise Exception('No target profiles found.') assert type_guard(self.target_profiles, profile_type) return t.cast(t.List[THostProfile], self.target_profiles) def prepare_profiles( args: TEnvironmentConfig, targets_use_pypi: bool = False, skip_setup: bool = False, requirements: t.Optional[t.Callable[[TEnvironmentConfig, HostState], None]] = None, ) -> HostState: """ Create new profiles, or load existing ones, and return them. If a requirements callback was provided, it will be used before configuring hosts if delegation has already been performed. """ if args.host_path: host_state = HostState.deserialize(args, os.path.join(args.host_path, 'state.dat')) else: run_pypi_proxy(args, targets_use_pypi) host_state = HostState( controller_profile=t.cast(ControllerHostProfile, create_host_profile(args, args.controller, True)), target_profiles=[create_host_profile(args, target, False) for target in args.targets], ) if args.prime_containers: for host_profile in host_state.profiles: if isinstance(host_profile, DockerProfile): host_profile.provision() raise PrimeContainers() atexit.register(functools.partial(cleanup_profiles, host_state)) def provision(profile: HostProfile) -> None: """Provision the given profile.""" profile.provision() if not skip_setup: profile.setup() dispatch_jobs([(profile, WrappedThread(functools.partial(provision, profile))) for profile in host_state.profiles]) host_state.controller_profile.configure() if not args.delegate: check_controller_python(args, host_state) if requirements: requirements(args, host_state) def configure(profile: HostProfile) -> None: """Configure the given profile.""" profile.wait() if not skip_setup: profile.configure() dispatch_jobs([(profile, WrappedThread(functools.partial(configure, profile))) for profile in host_state.target_profiles]) return host_state def check_controller_python(args: EnvironmentConfig, host_state: HostState) -> None: """Check the running environment to make sure it is what we expected.""" sys_version = version_to_str(sys.version_info[:2]) controller_python = host_state.controller_profile.python if expected_executable := verify_sys_executable(controller_python.path): raise ApplicationError(f'Running under Python interpreter "{sys.executable}" instead of "{expected_executable}".') expected_version = controller_python.version if expected_version != sys_version: raise ApplicationError(f'Running under Python version {sys_version} instead of {expected_version}.') args.controller_python = controller_python def cleanup_profiles(host_state: HostState) -> None: """Cleanup provisioned hosts when exiting.""" for profile in host_state.profiles: profile.deprovision() def dispatch_jobs(jobs): # type: (t.List[t.Tuple[HostProfile, WrappedThread]]) -> None """Run the given profile job threads and wait for them to complete.""" for profile, thread in jobs: thread.daemon = True thread.start() while any(thread.is_alive() for profile, thread in jobs): time.sleep(1) failed = False for profile, thread in jobs: try: thread.wait_for_result() except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except display.error(f'Host {profile} job failed: {ex}\n{"".join(traceback.format_tb(ex.__traceback__))}') failed = True if failed: raise ApplicationError('Host job(s) failed. See previous error(s) for details.')