"""Python requirements management""" from __future__ import annotations import base64 import dataclasses import json import os import re import typing as t from .constants import ( COVERAGE_REQUIRED_VERSION, ) from .encoding import ( to_text, to_bytes, ) from .io import ( read_text_file, ) from .util import ( ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_TOOLS_ROOT, SubprocessError, display, find_executable, raw_command, str_to_version, version_to_str, ) from .util_common import ( check_pyyaml, create_result_directories, ) from .config import ( EnvironmentConfig, IntegrationConfig, UnitsConfig, ) from .data import ( data_context, ) from .host_configs import ( PosixConfig, PythonConfig, ) from .connections import ( LocalConnection, Connection, ) QUIET_PIP_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_ROOT, 'setup', 'quiet_pip.py') REQUIREMENTS_SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_ROOT, 'setup', 'requirements.py') # Pip Abstraction @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PipCommand: """Base class for pip commands.""""" def serialize(self): # type: () -> t.Tuple[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] """Return a serialized representation of this command.""" name = type(self).__name__[3:].lower() return name, self.__dict__ @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PipInstall(PipCommand): """Details required to perform a pip install.""" requirements: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] constraints: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] packages: t.List[str] def has_package(self, name): # type: (str) -> bool """Return True if the specified package will be installed, otherwise False.""" name = name.lower() return (any(name in package.lower() for package in self.packages) or any(name in contents.lower() for path, contents in self.requirements)) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PipUninstall(PipCommand): """Details required to perform a pip uninstall.""" packages: t.List[str] ignore_errors: bool # Entry Points def install_requirements( args, # type: EnvironmentConfig python, # type: PythonConfig ansible=False, # type: bool command=False, # type: bool coverage=False, # type: bool virtualenv=False, # type: bool connection=None, # type: t.Optional[Connection] ): # type: (...) -> None """Install requirements for the given Python using the specified arguments.""" create_result_directories(args) controller = not connection if not requirements_allowed(args, controller): return if command and isinstance(args, (UnitsConfig, IntegrationConfig)) and args.coverage: coverage = True cryptography = False if ansible: try: ansible_cache = install_requirements.ansible_cache except AttributeError: ansible_cache = install_requirements.ansible_cache = {} ansible_installed = ansible_cache.get(python.path) if ansible_installed: ansible = False else: ansible_cache[python.path] = True # Install the latest cryptography version that the current requirements can support if it is not already available. # This avoids downgrading cryptography when OS packages provide a newer version than we are able to install using pip. # If not installed here, later install commands may try to install a version of cryptography which cannot be installed. cryptography = not is_cryptography_available(python.path) commands = collect_requirements( python=python, controller=controller, ansible=ansible, cryptography=cryptography, command=args.command if command else None, coverage=coverage, virtualenv=virtualenv, minimize=False, sanity=None, ) if not commands: return run_pip(args, python, commands, connection) if any(isinstance(command, PipInstall) and command.has_package('pyyaml') for command in commands): check_pyyaml(python) def collect_requirements( python, # type: PythonConfig controller, # type: bool ansible, # type: bool cryptography, # type: bool coverage, # type: bool virtualenv, # type: bool minimize, # type: bool command, # type: t.Optional[str] sanity, # type: t.Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> t.List[PipCommand] """Collect requirements for the given Python using the specified arguments.""" commands = [] # type: t.List[PipCommand] if virtualenv: commands.extend(collect_package_install(packages=['virtualenv'])) if coverage: commands.extend(collect_package_install(packages=[f'coverage=={COVERAGE_REQUIRED_VERSION}'], constraints=False)) if cryptography: commands.extend(collect_package_install(packages=get_cryptography_requirements(python))) if ansible or command: commands.extend(collect_general_install(command, ansible)) if sanity: commands.extend(collect_sanity_install(sanity)) if command == 'units': commands.extend(collect_units_install()) if command in ('integration', 'windows-integration', 'network-integration'): commands.extend(collect_integration_install(command, controller)) if minimize: # In some environments pkg_resources is installed as a separate pip package which needs to be removed. # For example, using Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 18.04 a virtualenv is created with only pip and setuptools. # However, a venv is created with an additional pkg-resources package which is independent of setuptools. # Making sure pkg-resources is removed preserves the import test consistency between venv and virtualenv. # Additionally, in the above example, the pyparsing package vendored with pkg-resources is out-of-date and generates deprecation warnings. # Thus it is important to remove pkg-resources to prevent system installed packages from generating deprecation warnings. commands.extend(collect_uninstall(packages=['pkg-resources'], ignore_errors=True)) commands.extend(collect_uninstall(packages=['setuptools', 'pip'])) return commands def run_pip( args, # type: EnvironmentConfig python, # type: PythonConfig commands, # type: t.List[PipCommand] connection, # type: t.Optional[Connection] ): # type: (...) -> None """Run the specified pip commands for the given Python, and optionally the specified host.""" connection = connection or LocalConnection(args) script = prepare_pip_script(commands) if not args.explain: connection.run([python.path], data=script) # Collect def collect_general_install( command=None, # type: t.Optional[str] ansible=False, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> t.List[PipInstall] """Return details necessary for the specified general-purpose pip install(s).""" requirements_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] constraints_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] if ansible: path = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'requirements', 'ansible.txt') requirements_paths.append((ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, path)) if command: path = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'requirements', f'{command}.txt') requirements_paths.append((ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, path)) return collect_install(requirements_paths, constraints_paths) def collect_package_install(packages, constraints=True): # type: (t.List[str], bool) -> t.List[PipInstall] """Return the details necessary to install the specified packages.""" return collect_install([], [], packages, constraints=constraints) def collect_sanity_install(sanity): # type: (str) -> t.List[PipInstall] """Return the details necessary for the specified sanity pip install(s).""" requirements_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] constraints_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] path = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'requirements', f'sanity.{sanity}.txt') requirements_paths.append((ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, path)) if data_context().content.is_ansible: path = os.path.join(data_context().content.sanity_path, 'code-smell', f'{sanity}.requirements.txt') requirements_paths.append((data_context().content.root, path)) return collect_install(requirements_paths, constraints_paths, constraints=False) def collect_units_install(): # type: () -> t.List[PipInstall] """Return details necessary for the specified units pip install(s).""" requirements_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] constraints_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] path = os.path.join(data_context().content.unit_path, 'requirements.txt') requirements_paths.append((data_context().content.root, path)) path = os.path.join(data_context().content.unit_path, 'constraints.txt') constraints_paths.append((data_context().content.root, path)) return collect_install(requirements_paths, constraints_paths) def collect_integration_install(command, controller): # type: (str, bool) -> t.List[PipInstall] """Return details necessary for the specified integration pip install(s).""" requirements_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] constraints_paths = [] # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] # Support for prefixed files was added to ansible-test in ansible-core 2.12 when split controller/target testing was implemented. # Previous versions of ansible-test only recognize non-prefixed files. # If a prefixed file exists (even if empty), it takes precedence over the non-prefixed file. prefixes = ('controller.' if controller else 'target.', '') for prefix in prefixes: path = os.path.join(data_context().content.integration_path, f'{prefix}requirements.txt') if os.path.exists(path): requirements_paths.append((data_context().content.root, path)) break for prefix in prefixes: path = os.path.join(data_context().content.integration_path, f'{command}.{prefix}requirements.txt') if os.path.exists(path): requirements_paths.append((data_context().content.root, path)) break for prefix in prefixes: path = os.path.join(data_context().content.integration_path, f'{prefix}constraints.txt') if os.path.exists(path): constraints_paths.append((data_context().content.root, path)) break return collect_install(requirements_paths, constraints_paths) def collect_install( requirements_paths, # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] constraints_paths, # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]] packages=None, # type: t.Optional[t.List[str]] constraints=True, # type: bool ) -> t.List[PipInstall]: """Build a pip install list from the given requirements, constraints and packages.""" # listing content constraints first gives them priority over constraints provided by ansible-test constraints_paths = list(constraints_paths) if constraints: constraints_paths.append((ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'requirements', 'constraints.txt'))) requirements = [(os.path.relpath(path, root), read_text_file(path)) for root, path in requirements_paths if usable_pip_file(path)] constraints = [(os.path.relpath(path, root), read_text_file(path)) for root, path in constraints_paths if usable_pip_file(path)] packages = packages or [] if requirements or packages: installs = [PipInstall( requirements=requirements, constraints=constraints, packages=packages, )] else: installs = [] return installs def collect_uninstall(packages, ignore_errors=False): # type: (t.List[str], bool) -> t.List[PipUninstall] """Return the details necessary for the specified pip uninstall.""" uninstall = PipUninstall( packages=packages, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, ) return [uninstall] # Support def requirements_allowed(args, controller): # type: (EnvironmentConfig, bool) -> bool """ Return True if requirements can be installed, otherwise return False. Requirements are only allowed if one of the following conditions is met: The user specified --requirements manually. The install will occur on the controller and the controller or controller Python is managed by ansible-test. The install will occur on the target and the target or target Python is managed by ansible-test. """ if args.requirements: return True if controller: return args.controller.is_managed or args.controller.python.is_managed target = args.only_targets(PosixConfig)[0] return target.is_managed or target.python.is_managed def prepare_pip_script(commands): # type: (t.List[PipCommand]) -> str """Generate a Python script to perform the requested pip commands.""" data = [command.serialize() for command in commands] display.info(f'>>> Requirements Commands\n{json.dumps(data, indent=4)}', verbosity=3) args = dict( script=read_text_file(QUIET_PIP_SCRIPT_PATH), verbosity=display.verbosity, commands=data, ) payload = to_text(base64.b64encode(to_bytes(json.dumps(args)))) path = REQUIREMENTS_SCRIPT_PATH template = read_text_file(path) script = template.format(payload=payload) display.info(f'>>> Python Script from Template ({path})\n{script.strip()}', verbosity=4) return script def usable_pip_file(path): # type: (t.Optional[str]) -> bool """Return True if the specified pip file is usable, otherwise False.""" return path and os.path.exists(path) and os.path.getsize(path) # Cryptography def is_cryptography_available(python): # type: (str) -> bool """Return True if cryptography is available for the given python.""" try: raw_command([python, '-c', 'import cryptography'], capture=True) except SubprocessError: return False return True def get_cryptography_requirements(python): # type: (PythonConfig) -> t.List[str] """ Return the correct cryptography and pyopenssl requirements for the given python version. The version of cryptography installed depends on the python version and openssl version. """ openssl_version = get_openssl_version(python) if openssl_version and openssl_version < (1, 1, 0): # cryptography 3.2 requires openssl 1.1.x or later # see https://cryptography.io/en/latest/changelog.html#v3-2 cryptography = 'cryptography < 3.2' # pyopenssl 20.0.0 requires cryptography 3.2 or later pyopenssl = 'pyopenssl < 20.0.0' else: # cryptography 3.4+ fails to install on many systems # this is a temporary work-around until a more permanent solution is available cryptography = 'cryptography < 3.4' # no specific version of pyopenssl required, don't install it pyopenssl = None requirements = [ cryptography, pyopenssl, ] requirements = [requirement for requirement in requirements if requirement] return requirements def get_openssl_version(python): # type: (PythonConfig) -> t.Optional[t.Tuple[int, ...]] """Return the openssl version.""" if not python.version.startswith('2.'): # OpenSSL version checking only works on Python 3.x. # This should be the most accurate, since it is the Python we will be using. version = json.loads(raw_command([python.path, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TOOLS_ROOT, 'sslcheck.py')], capture=True)[0])['version'] if version: display.info(f'Detected OpenSSL version {version_to_str(version)} under Python {python.version}.', verbosity=1) return tuple(version) # Fall back to detecting the OpenSSL version from the CLI. # This should provide an adequate solution on Python 2.x. openssl_path = find_executable('openssl', required=False) if openssl_path: try: result = raw_command([openssl_path, 'version'], capture=True)[0] except SubprocessError: result = '' match = re.search(r'^OpenSSL (?P[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', result) if match: version = str_to_version(match.group('version')) display.info(f'Detected OpenSSL version {version_to_str(version)} using the openssl CLI.', verbosity=1) return version display.info('Unable to detect OpenSSL version.', verbosity=1) return None