#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C): 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Requirements # - pyvmomi >= # TODO: # * more jq examples # * optional folder hierarchy """ $ jq '._meta.hostvars[].config' data.json | head { "alternateguestname": "", "instanceuuid": "5035a5cd-b8e8-d717-e133-2d383eb0d675", "memoryhotaddenabled": false, "guestfullname": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64-bit)", "changeversion": "2016-05-16T18:43:14.977925Z", "uuid": "4235fc97-5ddb-7a17-193b-9a3ac97dc7b4", "cpuhotremoveenabled": false, "vpmcenabled": false, "firmware": "bios", """ from __future__ import print_function import atexit import datetime import itertools import json import os import re import ssl import sys import uuid from time import time from jinja2 import Environment from ansible.module_utils.six import integer_types, PY3 from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser try: import argparse except ImportError: sys.exit('Error: This inventory script required "argparse" python module. Please install it or upgrade to python-2.7') try: from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect except ImportError: sys.exit("ERROR: This inventory script required 'pyVmomi' Python module, it was not able to load it") def regex_match(s, pattern): '''Custom filter for regex matching''' reg = re.compile(pattern) if reg.match(s): return True else: return False def select_chain_match(inlist, key, pattern): '''Get a key from a list of dicts, squash values to a single list, then filter''' outlist = [x[key] for x in inlist] outlist = list(itertools.chain(*outlist)) outlist = [x for x in outlist if regex_match(x, pattern)] return outlist class VMwareMissingHostException(Exception): pass class VMWareInventory(object): __name__ = 'VMWareInventory' guest_props = False instances = [] debug = False load_dumpfile = None write_dumpfile = None maxlevel = 1 lowerkeys = True config = None cache_max_age = None cache_path_cache = None cache_path_index = None cache_dir = None server = None port = None username = None password = None validate_certs = True host_filters = [] skip_keys = [] groupby_patterns = [] groupby_custom_field_excludes = [] safe_types = [bool, str, float, None] + list(integer_types) iter_types = [dict, list] bad_types = ['Array', 'disabledMethod', 'declaredAlarmState'] vimTableMaxDepth = { "vim.HostSystem": 2, "vim.VirtualMachine": 2, } custom_fields = {} # use jinja environments to allow for custom filters env = Environment() env.filters['regex_match'] = regex_match env.filters['select_chain_match'] = select_chain_match # translation table for attributes to fetch for known vim types vimTable = { vim.Datastore: ['_moId', 'name'], vim.ResourcePool: ['_moId', 'name'], vim.HostSystem: ['_moId', 'name'], } @staticmethod def _empty_inventory(): return {"_meta": {"hostvars": {}}} def __init__(self, load=True): self.inventory = VMWareInventory._empty_inventory() if load: # Read settings and parse CLI arguments self.parse_cli_args() self.read_settings() # Check the cache cache_valid = self.is_cache_valid() # Handle Cache if self.args.refresh_cache or not cache_valid: self.do_api_calls_update_cache() else: self.debugl('loading inventory from cache') self.inventory = self.get_inventory_from_cache() def debugl(self, text): if self.args.debug: try: text = str(text) except UnicodeEncodeError: text = text.encode('utf-8') print('%s %s' % (datetime.datetime.now(), text)) def show(self): # Data to print self.debugl('dumping results') data_to_print = None if self.args.host: data_to_print = self.get_host_info(self.args.host) elif self.args.list: # Display list of instances for inventory data_to_print = self.inventory return json.dumps(data_to_print, indent=2) def is_cache_valid(self): ''' Determines if the cache files have expired, or if it is still valid ''' valid = False if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_cache): mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path_cache) current_time = time() if (mod_time + self.cache_max_age) > current_time: valid = True return valid def do_api_calls_update_cache(self): ''' Get instances and cache the data ''' self.inventory = self.instances_to_inventory(self.get_instances()) self.write_to_cache(self.inventory) def write_to_cache(self, data): ''' Dump inventory to json file ''' with open(self.cache_path_cache, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) def get_inventory_from_cache(self): ''' Read in jsonified inventory ''' jdata = None with open(self.cache_path_cache, 'r') as f: jdata = f.read() return json.loads(jdata) def read_settings(self): ''' Reads the settings from the vmware_inventory.ini file ''' scriptbasename = __file__ scriptbasename = os.path.basename(scriptbasename) scriptbasename = scriptbasename.replace('.py', '') defaults = {'vmware': { 'server': '', 'port': 443, 'username': '', 'password': '', 'validate_certs': True, 'ini_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '%s.ini' % scriptbasename), 'cache_name': 'ansible-vmware', 'cache_path': '~/.ansible/tmp', 'cache_max_age': 3600, 'max_object_level': 1, 'skip_keys': 'declaredalarmstate,' 'disabledmethod,' 'dynamicproperty,' 'dynamictype,' 'environmentbrowser,' 'managedby,' 'parent,' 'childtype,' 'resourceconfig', 'alias_pattern': '{{ config.name + "_" + config.uuid }}', 'host_pattern': '{{ guest.ipaddress }}', 'host_filters': '{{ runtime.powerstate == "poweredOn" }}', 'groupby_patterns': '{{ guest.guestid }},{{ "templates" if config.template else "guests"}}', 'lower_var_keys': True, 'custom_field_group_prefix': 'vmware_tag_', 'groupby_custom_field_excludes': '', 'groupby_custom_field': False} } if PY3: config = configparser.ConfigParser() else: config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() # where is the config? vmware_ini_path = os.environ.get('VMWARE_INI_PATH', defaults['vmware']['ini_path']) vmware_ini_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(vmware_ini_path)) config.read(vmware_ini_path) if 'vmware' not in config.sections(): config.add_section('vmware') # apply defaults for k, v in defaults['vmware'].items(): if not config.has_option('vmware', k): config.set('vmware', k, str(v)) # where is the cache? self.cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('vmware', 'cache_path')) if self.cache_dir and not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir): os.makedirs(self.cache_dir) # set the cache filename and max age cache_name = config.get('vmware', 'cache_name') self.cache_path_cache = self.cache_dir + "/%s.cache" % cache_name self.debugl('cache path is %s' % self.cache_path_cache) self.cache_max_age = int(config.getint('vmware', 'cache_max_age')) # mark the connection info self.server = os.environ.get('VMWARE_SERVER', config.get('vmware', 'server')) self.debugl('server is %s' % self.server) self.port = int(os.environ.get('VMWARE_PORT', config.get('vmware', 'port'))) self.username = os.environ.get('VMWARE_USERNAME', config.get('vmware', 'username')) self.debugl('username is %s' % self.username) self.password = os.environ.get('VMWARE_PASSWORD', config.get('vmware', 'password', raw=True)) self.validate_certs = os.environ.get('VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS', config.get('vmware', 'validate_certs')) if self.validate_certs in ['no', 'false', 'False', False]: self.validate_certs = False self.debugl('cert validation is %s' % self.validate_certs) # behavior control self.maxlevel = int(config.get('vmware', 'max_object_level')) self.debugl('max object level is %s' % self.maxlevel) self.lowerkeys = config.get('vmware', 'lower_var_keys') if type(self.lowerkeys) != bool: if str(self.lowerkeys).lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']: self.lowerkeys = True else: self.lowerkeys = False self.debugl('lower keys is %s' % self.lowerkeys) self.skip_keys = list(config.get('vmware', 'skip_keys').split(',')) self.debugl('skip keys is %s' % self.skip_keys) temp_host_filters = list(config.get('vmware', 'host_filters').split('}},')) for host_filter in temp_host_filters: host_filter = host_filter.rstrip() if host_filter != "": if not host_filter.endswith("}}"): host_filter += "}}" self.host_filters.append(host_filter) self.debugl('host filters are %s' % self.host_filters) temp_groupby_patterns = list(config.get('vmware', 'groupby_patterns').split('}},')) for groupby_pattern in temp_groupby_patterns: groupby_pattern = groupby_pattern.rstrip() if groupby_pattern != "": if not groupby_pattern.endswith("}}"): groupby_pattern += "}}" self.groupby_patterns.append(groupby_pattern) self.debugl('groupby patterns are %s' % self.groupby_patterns) temp_groupby_custom_field_excludes = config.get('vmware', 'groupby_custom_field_excludes') self.groupby_custom_field_excludes = [x.strip('"') for x in [y.strip("'") for y in temp_groupby_custom_field_excludes.split(",")]] self.debugl('groupby exclude strings are %s' % self.groupby_custom_field_excludes) # Special feature to disable the brute force serialization of the # virtual machine objects. The key name for these properties does not # matter because the values are just items for a larger list. if config.has_section('properties'): self.guest_props = [] for prop in config.items('properties'): self.guest_props.append(prop[1]) # save the config self.config = config def parse_cli_args(self): ''' Command line argument processing ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce an Ansible Inventory file based on PyVmomi') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='show debug info') parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', default=True, help='List instances (default: True)') parser.add_argument('--host', action='store', help='Get all the variables about a specific instance') parser.add_argument('--refresh-cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force refresh of cache by making API requests to VSphere (default: False - use cache files)') parser.add_argument('--max-instances', default=None, type=int, help='maximum number of instances to retrieve') self.args = parser.parse_args() def get_instances(self): ''' Get a list of vm instances with pyvmomi ''' kwargs = {'host': self.server, 'user': self.username, 'pwd': self.password, 'port': int(self.port)} if self.validate_certs and hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED context.check_hostname = True kwargs['sslContext'] = context elif self.validate_certs and not hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): sys.exit('pyVim does not support changing verification mode with python < 2.7.9. Either update ' 'python or use validate_certs=false.') elif not self.validate_certs and hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE context.check_hostname = False kwargs['sslContext'] = context elif not self.validate_certs and not hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): # Python 2.7.9 < or RHEL/CentOS 7.4 < pass return self._get_instances(kwargs) def _get_instances(self, inkwargs): ''' Make API calls ''' instances = [] si = None try: si = SmartConnect(**inkwargs) except ssl.SSLError as connection_error: if '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]' in str(connection_error) and self.validate_certs: sys.exit("Unable to connect to ESXi server due to %s, " "please specify validate_certs=False and try again" % connection_error) except Exception as exc: self.debugl("Unable to connect to ESXi server due to %s" % exc) sys.exit("Unable to connect to ESXi server due to %s" % exc) self.debugl('retrieving all instances') if not si: sys.exit("Could not connect to the specified host using specified " "username and password") atexit.register(Disconnect, si) content = si.RetrieveContent() # Create a search container for virtualmachines self.debugl('creating containerview for virtualmachines') container = content.rootFolder viewType = [vim.VirtualMachine] recursive = True containerView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(container, viewType, recursive) children = containerView.view for child in children: # If requested, limit the total number of instances if self.args.max_instances: if len(instances) >= self.args.max_instances: break instances.append(child) self.debugl("%s total instances in container view" % len(instances)) if self.args.host: instances = [x for x in instances if x.name == self.args.host] instance_tuples = [] for instance in instances: if self.guest_props: ifacts = self.facts_from_proplist(instance) else: ifacts = self.facts_from_vobj(instance) instance_tuples.append((instance, ifacts)) self.debugl('facts collected for all instances') try: cfm = content.customFieldsManager if cfm is not None and cfm.field: for f in cfm.field: if not f.managedObjectType or f.managedObjectType == vim.VirtualMachine: self.custom_fields[f.key] = f.name self.debugl('%d custom fields collected' % len(self.custom_fields)) except vmodl.RuntimeFault as exc: self.debugl("Unable to gather custom fields due to %s" % exc.msg) except IndexError as exc: self.debugl("Unable to gather custom fields due to %s" % exc) return instance_tuples def instances_to_inventory(self, instances): ''' Convert a list of vm objects into a json compliant inventory ''' self.debugl('re-indexing instances based on ini settings') inventory = VMWareInventory._empty_inventory() inventory['all'] = {} inventory['all']['hosts'] = [] for idx, instance in enumerate(instances): # make a unique id for this object to avoid vmware's # numerous uuid's which aren't all unique. thisid = str(uuid.uuid4()) idata = instance[1] # Put it in the inventory inventory['all']['hosts'].append(thisid) inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][thisid] = idata.copy() inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][thisid]['ansible_uuid'] = thisid # Make a map of the uuid to the alias the user wants name_mapping = self.create_template_mapping( inventory, self.config.get('vmware', 'alias_pattern') ) # Make a map of the uuid to the ssh hostname the user wants host_mapping = self.create_template_mapping( inventory, self.config.get('vmware', 'host_pattern') ) # Reset the inventory keys for k, v in name_mapping.items(): if not host_mapping or k not in host_mapping: continue # set ansible_host (2.x) try: inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k]['ansible_host'] = host_mapping[k] # 1.9.x backwards compliance inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k]['ansible_ssh_host'] = host_mapping[k] except Exception: continue if k == v: continue # add new key inventory['all']['hosts'].append(v) inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][v] = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k] # cleanup old key inventory['all']['hosts'].remove(k) inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].pop(k, None) self.debugl('pre-filtered hosts:') for i in inventory['all']['hosts']: self.debugl(' * %s' % i) # Apply host filters for hf in self.host_filters: if not hf: continue self.debugl('filter: %s' % hf) filter_map = self.create_template_mapping(inventory, hf, dtype='boolean') for k, v in filter_map.items(): if not v: # delete this host inventory['all']['hosts'].remove(k) inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].pop(k, None) self.debugl('post-filter hosts:') for i in inventory['all']['hosts']: self.debugl(' * %s' % i) # Create groups for gbp in self.groupby_patterns: groupby_map = self.create_template_mapping(inventory, gbp) for k, v in groupby_map.items(): if v not in inventory: inventory[v] = {} inventory[v]['hosts'] = [] if k not in inventory[v]['hosts']: inventory[v]['hosts'].append(k) if self.config.get('vmware', 'groupby_custom_field'): for k, v in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): if 'customvalue' in v: for tv in v['customvalue']: newkey = None field_name = self.custom_fields[tv['key']] if tv['key'] in self.custom_fields else tv['key'] if field_name in self.groupby_custom_field_excludes: continue values = [] keylist = map(lambda x: x.strip(), tv['value'].split(',')) for kl in keylist: try: newkey = "%s%s_%s" % (self.config.get('vmware', 'custom_field_group_prefix'), str(field_name), kl) newkey = newkey.strip() except Exception as e: self.debugl(e) values.append(newkey) for tag in values: if not tag: continue if tag not in inventory: inventory[tag] = {} inventory[tag]['hosts'] = [] if k not in inventory[tag]['hosts']: inventory[tag]['hosts'].append(k) return inventory def create_template_mapping(self, inventory, pattern, dtype='string'): ''' Return a hash of uuid to templated string from pattern ''' mapping = {} for k, v in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): t = self.env.from_string(pattern) newkey = None try: newkey = t.render(v) newkey = newkey.strip() except Exception as e: self.debugl(e) if not newkey: continue elif dtype == 'integer': newkey = int(newkey) elif dtype == 'boolean': if newkey.lower() == 'false': newkey = False elif newkey.lower() == 'true': newkey = True elif dtype == 'string': pass mapping[k] = newkey return mapping def facts_from_proplist(self, vm): '''Get specific properties instead of serializing everything''' rdata = {} for prop in self.guest_props: self.debugl('getting %s property for %s' % (prop, vm.name)) key = prop if self.lowerkeys: key = key.lower() if '.' not in prop: # props without periods are direct attributes of the parent vm_property = getattr(vm, prop) if isinstance(vm_property, vim.CustomFieldsManager.Value.Array): temp_vm_property = [] for vm_prop in vm_property: temp_vm_property.append({'key': vm_prop.key, 'value': vm_prop.value}) rdata[key] = temp_vm_property else: rdata[key] = vm_property else: # props with periods are subkeys of parent attributes parts = prop.split('.') total = len(parts) - 1 # pointer to the current object val = None # pointer to the current result key lastref = rdata for idx, x in enumerate(parts): if isinstance(val, dict): if x in val: val = val.get(x) elif x.lower() in val: val = val.get(x.lower()) else: # if the val wasn't set yet, get it from the parent if not val: try: val = getattr(vm, x) except AttributeError as e: self.debugl(e) else: # in a subkey, get the subprop from the previous attrib try: val = getattr(val, x) except AttributeError as e: self.debugl(e) # make sure it serializes val = self._process_object_types(val) # lowercase keys if requested if self.lowerkeys: x = x.lower() # change the pointer or set the final value if idx != total: if x not in lastref: lastref[x] = {} lastref = lastref[x] else: lastref[x] = val if self.args.debug: self.debugl("For %s" % vm.name) for key in list(rdata.keys()): if isinstance(rdata[key], dict): for ikey in list(rdata[key].keys()): self.debugl("Property '%s.%s' has value '%s'" % (key, ikey, rdata[key][ikey])) else: self.debugl("Property '%s' has value '%s'" % (key, rdata[key])) return rdata def facts_from_vobj(self, vobj, level=0): ''' Traverse a VM object and return a json compliant data structure ''' # pyvmomi objects are not yet serializable, but may be one day ... # https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/issues/21 # WARNING: # Accessing an object attribute will trigger a SOAP call to the remote. # Increasing the attributes collected or the depth of recursion greatly # increases runtime duration and potentially memory+network utilization. if level == 0: try: self.debugl("get facts for %s" % vobj.name) except Exception as e: self.debugl(e) rdata = {} methods = dir(vobj) methods = [str(x) for x in methods if not x.startswith('_')] methods = [x for x in methods if x not in self.bad_types] methods = [x for x in methods if not x.lower() in self.skip_keys] methods = sorted(methods) for method in methods: # Attempt to get the method, skip on fail try: methodToCall = getattr(vobj, method) except Exception as e: continue # Skip callable methods if callable(methodToCall): continue if self.lowerkeys: method = method.lower() rdata[method] = self._process_object_types( methodToCall, thisvm=vobj, inkey=method, ) return rdata def _process_object_types(self, vobj, thisvm=None, inkey='', level=0): ''' Serialize an object ''' rdata = {} if type(vobj).__name__ in self.vimTableMaxDepth and level >= self.vimTableMaxDepth[type(vobj).__name__]: return rdata if vobj is None: rdata = None elif type(vobj) in self.vimTable: rdata = {} for key in self.vimTable[type(vobj)]: try: rdata[key] = getattr(vobj, key) except Exception as e: self.debugl(e) elif issubclass(type(vobj), str) or isinstance(vobj, str): if vobj.isalnum(): rdata = vobj else: rdata = vobj.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') elif issubclass(type(vobj), bool) or isinstance(vobj, bool): rdata = vobj elif issubclass(type(vobj), integer_types) or isinstance(vobj, integer_types): rdata = vobj elif issubclass(type(vobj), float) or isinstance(vobj, float): rdata = vobj elif issubclass(type(vobj), list) or issubclass(type(vobj), tuple): rdata = [] try: vobj = sorted(vobj) except Exception: pass for idv, vii in enumerate(vobj): if level + 1 <= self.maxlevel: vid = self._process_object_types( vii, thisvm=thisvm, inkey=inkey + '[' + str(idv) + ']', level=(level + 1) ) if vid: rdata.append(vid) elif issubclass(type(vobj), dict): pass elif issubclass(type(vobj), object): methods = dir(vobj) methods = [str(x) for x in methods if not x.startswith('_')] methods = [x for x in methods if x not in self.bad_types] methods = [x for x in methods if not inkey + '.' + x.lower() in self.skip_keys] methods = sorted(methods) for method in methods: # Attempt to get the method, skip on fail try: methodToCall = getattr(vobj, method) except Exception as e: continue if callable(methodToCall): continue if self.lowerkeys: method = method.lower() if level + 1 <= self.maxlevel: try: rdata[method] = self._process_object_types( methodToCall, thisvm=thisvm, inkey=inkey + '.' + method, level=(level + 1) ) except vim.fault.NoPermission: self.debugl("Skipping method %s (NoPermission)" % method) else: pass return rdata def get_host_info(self, host): ''' Return hostvars for a single host ''' if host in self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars']: return self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][host] elif self.args.host and self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars']: match = None for k, v in self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): if self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][k]['name'] == self.args.host: match = k break if match: return self.inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][match] else: raise VMwareMissingHostException('%s not found' % host) else: raise VMwareMissingHostException('%s not found' % host) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run the script print(VMWareInventory().show())