- name: Launch a Job Template tower_job_launch: job_template: "Demo Job Template" inventory: "Demo Inventory" credential: "Demo Credential" register: result - assert: that: - "result is changed" - "result.status == 'pending'" - name: Wait for a job template to complete tower_job_wait: job_id: "{{ result.id }}" max_interval: 10 timeout: 120 register: result - assert: that: - "result is not changed" - "result.status == 'successful'" - name: Check module fails with correct msg tower_job_launch: job_template: "Non Existing Job Template" inventory: "Test Inventory" credential: "Test Credential" register: result ignore_errors: true - assert: that: - "result.msg =='Unable to launch job, job_template/Non Existing Job Template was not found: The requested object could not be found.'" - name: Create a Job Template for testing prompt on launch tower_job_template: name: "Demo Job Template - ask inventory and credential" project: Demo Project playbook: hello_world.yml job_type: run ask_credential: yes ask_inventory: yes state: present register: result - name: Launch job template with inventory and credential for prompt on launch tower_job_launch: job_template: "Demo Job Template - ask inventory and credential" inventory: "Demo Inventory" credential: "Demo Credential" register: result - assert: that: - "result is changed" - "result.status == 'pending'"