# Ansible Consul external inventory script settings. [consul] # # Bulk load. Load all possible data before building inventory JSON # If true, script processes in-memory data. JSON generation reduces drastically # bulk_load = false # restrict included nodes to those from this datacenter #datacenter = nyc1 # url of the consul cluster to query #url = http://demo.consul.io url = http://localhost:8500 # suffix added to each service to create a group name e.g Service of 'redis' and # a suffix of '_servers' will add each address to the group name 'redis_servers' servers_suffix = _servers # # By default, final JSON is built based on all available info in consul. # Suffixes means that services groups will be added in addition to basic infromation. See servers_suffix for additional info # There are cases when speed is preferable than having services groups # False value will reduce script execution time dragtically. # suffixes = true # if specified then the inventory will generate domain names that will resolve # via Consul's inbuilt DNS. #domain=consul # make groups from service tags. the name of the group is derived from the # service name and the tag name e.g. a service named nginx with tags ['master', 'v1'] # will create groups nginx_master and nginx_v1 tags = true # looks up the node name at the given path for a list of groups to which the # node should be added. kv_groups=ansible/groups # looks up the node name at the given path for a json dictionary of metadata that # should be attached as metadata for the node kv_metadata=ansible/metadata # looks up the health of each service and adds the node to 'up' and 'down' groups # based on the service availibility # # !!!! if availability is true, suffixes also must be true. !!!! # availability = true available_suffix = _up unavailable_suffix = _down