.. _documenting_modules_network: ********************************* Documenting new network platforms ********************************* .. contents:: :local: When you create network modules for a new platform, or modify the connections provided by an existing network platform(such as ``network_cli`` and ``httpapi``), you also need to update the :ref:`settings_by_platform` table and add or modify the Platform Options file for your platform. You should already have documented each module as described in :ref:`developing_modules_documenting`. Modifying the platform options table ==================================== The :ref:`settings_by_platform` table is a convenient summary of the connections options provided by each network platform that has modules in Ansible. Add a row for your platform to this table, in alphabetical order. For example: .. code-block:: text +-------------------+-------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+----------+ | My OS | ``myos`` | ✓ | ✓ | | ✓ | Ensure that the table stays formatted correctly. That is: * Each row is inserted in alphabetical order. * The cell division ``|`` markers line up with the ``+`` markers. * The check marks appear only for the connection types provided by the network modules. Adding a platform-specific options section ========================================== The platform- specific sections are individual ``.rst`` files that provide more detailed information for the users of your network platform modules. Name your new file ``platform_.rst`` (for example, ``platform_myos.rst``). The platform name should match the module prefix. See `platform_eos.rst `_ and :ref:`eos_platform_options` for an example of the details you should provide in your platform-specific options section. Your platform-specific section should include the following: * **Connections available table** - a deeper dive into each connection type, including details on credentials, indirect access, connections settings, and enable mode. * **How to use each connection type** - with working examples of each connection type. If your network platform supports SSH connections, also include the following at the bottom of your ``.rst`` file: .. code-block:: text .. include:: shared_snippets/SSH_warning.txt Adding your new file to the table of contents ============================================= As a final step, add your new file in alphabetical order in the ``platform_index.rst`` file. You should then build the documentation to verify your additions. See :ref:`community_documentation_contributions` for more details.