#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import annotations import os import pexpect import sys from ansible.module_utils.six import PY2 if PY2: log_buffer = sys.stdout else: log_buffer = sys.stdout.buffer env_vars = { 'ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH': './roles', 'ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR': 'True', 'ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED': 'False', } def run_test(playbook, test_spec, args=None, timeout=10, env=None): if not env: env = os.environ.copy() env.update(env_vars) if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] vars_prompt_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=timeout, env=env, ) vars_prompt_test.logfile = log_buffer for item in test_spec[0]: vars_prompt_test.expect(item[0]) if item[1]: vars_prompt_test.send(item[1]) vars_prompt_test.expect(test_spec[1]) vars_prompt_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) vars_prompt_test.close() # These are the tests to run. Each test is a playbook and a test_spec. # # The test_spec is a list with two elements. # # The first element is a list of two element tuples. The first is the regexp to look # for in the output, the second is the line to send. # # The last element is the last string of text to look for in the output. # tests = [ # Basic vars_prompt {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-1.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('input:', 'some input\r')], '"input": "some input"']}, # Custom prompt {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-2.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('Enter some input:', 'some more input\r')], '"input": "some more input"']}, # Test confirm, both correct and incorrect {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-3.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('input:', 'confirm me\r'), ('confirm input:', 'confirm me\r')], '"input": "confirm me"']}, {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-3.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('input:', 'confirm me\r'), ('confirm input:', 'incorrect\r'), (r'\*\*\*\*\* VALUES ENTERED DO NOT MATCH \*\*\*\*', ''), ('input:', 'confirm me\r'), ('confirm input:', 'confirm me\r')], '"input": "confirm me"']}, # Test private {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-4.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('not_secret', 'this is displayed\r'), ('this is displayed', '')], '"not_secret": "this is displayed"']}, # Test hashing {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-5.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('password', 'Scenic-Improving-Payphone\r'), ('confirm password', 'Scenic-Improving-Payphone\r')], r'"password": "\$6\$']}, # Test variables in prompt field # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32723 {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-6.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('prompt from variable:', 'input\r')], '']}, # Test play vars coming from vars_prompt # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/37984 {'playbook': 'vars_prompt-7.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('prompting for host:', 'testhost\r')], r'testhost.*ok=1']}, # Test play unsafe toggle {'playbook': 'unsafe.yml', 'test_spec': [ [('prompting for variable:', '{{whole}}\r')], r'testhost.*ok=2']}, # Test unsupported keys {'playbook': 'unsupported.yml', 'test_spec': [ [], "Invalid vars_prompt data structure, found unsupported key 'when'"]}, ] for t in tests: run_test(playbook=t['playbook'], test_spec=t['test_spec'])