#!/usr/bin/make # WARN: gmake syntax ######################################################## # Makefile for Ansible # # useful targets: # make sdist ---------------- produce a tarball # make srpm ----------------- produce a SRPM # make rpm ----------------- produce RPMs # make deb-src -------------- produce a DEB source # make deb ------------------ produce a DEB # make docs ----------------- rebuild the manpages (results are checked in) # make tests ---------------- run the tests # make pyflakes, make pep8 -- source code checks ######################################################## # variable section NAME = ansible OS = $(shell uname -s) # Manpages are currently built with asciidoc -- would like to move to markdown # This doesn't evaluate until it's called. The -D argument is the # directory of the target file ($@), kinda like `dirname`. MANPAGES := docs/man/man1/ansible.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-pull.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-doc.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-galaxy.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-vault.1 ifneq ($(shell which a2x 2>/dev/null),) ASCII2MAN = a2x -D $(dir $@) -d manpage -f manpage $< ASCII2HTMLMAN = a2x -D docs/html/man/ -d manpage -f xhtml else ASCII2MAN = @echo "ERROR: AsciiDoc 'a2x' command is not installed but is required to build $(MANPAGES)" && exit 1 endif PYTHON=python SITELIB = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") # VERSION file provides one place to update the software version VERSION := $(shell cat VERSION) # Get the branch information from git ifneq ($(shell which git),) GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ai") endif ifeq ($(shell echo $(OS) | egrep -c 'Darwin|FreeBSD|OpenBSD'),1) DATE := $(shell date -j -r $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%at") +%Y%m%d%H%M) else DATE := $(shell date --utc --date="$(GIT_DATE)" +%Y%m%d%H%M) endif # DEB build parameters DEBUILD_BIN ?= debuild DEBUILD_OPTS = --source-option="-I" DPUT_BIN ?= dput DPUT_OPTS ?= ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) DEB_RELEASE = 1ppa # Sign OFFICIAL builds using 'DEBSIGN_KEYID' # DEBSIGN_KEYID is required when signing ifneq ($(DEBSIGN_KEYID),) DEBUILD_OPTS += -k$(DEBSIGN_KEYID) endif else DEB_RELEASE = 0.git$(DATE) # Do not sign unofficial builds DEBUILD_OPTS += -uc -us DPUT_OPTS += -u endif DEBUILD = $(DEBUILD_BIN) $(DEBUILD_OPTS) DEB_PPA ?= ppa # Choose the desired Ubuntu release: lucid precise saucy trusty DEB_DIST ?= unstable # RPM build parameters RPMSPECDIR= packaging/rpm RPMSPEC = $(RPMSPECDIR)/ansible.spec RPMDIST = $(shell rpm --eval '%{?dist}') RPMRELEASE = 1 ifneq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) RPMRELEASE = 0.git$(DATE) endif RPMNVR = "$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RPMRELEASE)$(RPMDIST)" # MOCK build parameters MOCK_BIN ?= mock MOCK_CFG ?= NOSETESTS ?= nosetests NOSETESTS3 ?= nosetests-3.3 ######################################################## all: clean python tests: PYTHONPATH=./lib $(NOSETESTS) -d -w test/units -v # Could do: --with-coverage --cover-package=ansible newtests: PYTHONPATH=./v2:./lib $(NOSETESTS) -d -w v2/test -v --with-coverage --cover-package=ansible newtests-py3: PYTHONPATH=./v2:./lib $(NOSETESTS3) -d -w v2/test -v --with-coverage --cover-package=ansible authors: sh hacking/authors.sh # Regenerate %.1.asciidoc if %.1.asciidoc.in has been modified more # recently than %.1.asciidoc. %.1.asciidoc: %.1.asciidoc.in sed "s/%VERSION%/$(VERSION)/" $< > $@ # Regenerate %.1 if %.1.asciidoc or VERSION has been modified more # recently than %.1. (Implicitly runs the %.1.asciidoc recipe) %.1: %.1.asciidoc VERSION $(ASCII2MAN) loc: sloccount lib library bin pep8: @echo "#############################################" @echo "# Running PEP8 Compliance Tests" @echo "#############################################" -pep8 -r --ignore=E501,E221,W291,W391,E302,E251,E203,W293,E231,E303,E201,E225,E261,E241 lib/ bin/ # -pep8 -r --ignore=E501,E221,W291,W391,E302,E251,E203,W293,E231,E303,E201,E225,E261,E241 --filename "*" library/ pyflakes: pyflakes lib/ansible/*.py lib/ansible/*/*.py bin/* clean: @echo "Cleaning up distutils stuff" rm -rf build rm -rf dist @echo "Cleaning up byte compiled python stuff" find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete @echo "Cleaning up editor backup files" find . -type f \( -name "*~" -or -name "#*" \) -delete find . -type f \( -name "*.swp" \) -delete @echo "Cleaning up manpage stuff" find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.xml" -delete find ./docs/man -type f -name "*.asciidoc" -delete find ./docs/man/man3 -type f -name "*.3" -delete @echo "Cleaning up output from test runs" rm -rf test/test_data @echo "Cleaning up RPM building stuff" rm -rf MANIFEST rpm-build @echo "Cleaning up Debian building stuff" rm -rf debian rm -rf deb-build rm -rf docs/json rm -rf docs/js @echo "Cleaning up authors file" rm -f AUTHORS.TXT python: $(PYTHON) setup.py build install: $(PYTHON) setup.py install sdist: clean docs $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist rpmcommon: $(MANPAGES) sdist @mkdir -p rpm-build @cp dist/*.gz rpm-build/ @sed -e 's#^Version:.*#Version: $(VERSION)#' -e 's#^Release:.*#Release: $(RPMRELEASE)%{?dist}#' $(RPMSPEC) >rpm-build/$(NAME).spec mock-srpm: /etc/mock/$(MOCK_CFG).cfg rpmcommon $(MOCK_BIN) -r $(MOCK_CFG) --resultdir rpm-build/ --buildsrpm --spec rpm-build/$(NAME).spec --sources rpm-build/ @echo "#############################################" @echo "Ansible SRPM is built:" @echo rpm-build/*.src.rpm @echo "#############################################" mock-rpm: /etc/mock/$(MOCK_CFG).cfg mock-srpm $(MOCK_BIN) -r $(MOCK_CFG) --resultdir rpm-build/ --rebuild rpm-build/$(NAME)-*.src.rpm @echo "#############################################" @echo "Ansible RPM is built:" @echo rpm-build/*.noarch.rpm @echo "#############################################" srpm: rpmcommon @rpmbuild --define "_topdir %(pwd)/rpm-build" \ --define "_builddir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_rpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_specdir $(RPMSPECDIR)" \ --define "_sourcedir %{_topdir}" \ -bs rpm-build/$(NAME).spec @rm -f rpm-build/$(NAME).spec @echo "#############################################" @echo "Ansible SRPM is built:" @echo " rpm-build/$(RPMNVR).src.rpm" @echo "#############################################" rpm: rpmcommon @rpmbuild --define "_topdir %(pwd)/rpm-build" \ --define "_builddir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_rpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_specdir $(RPMSPECDIR)" \ --define "_sourcedir %{_topdir}" \ --define "_rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm" \ --define "__python `which $(PYTHON)`" \ -ba rpm-build/$(NAME).spec @rm -f rpm-build/$(NAME).spec @echo "#############################################" @echo "Ansible RPM is built:" @echo " rpm-build/$(RPMNVR).noarch.rpm" @echo "#############################################" debian: sdist @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ mkdir -p deb-build/$${DIST} ; \ tar -C deb-build/$${DIST} -xvf dist/$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ; \ cp -a packaging/debian deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ ; \ sed -ie "s#^$(NAME) (\([^)]*\)) \([^;]*\);#ansible (\1-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}) $${DIST};#" deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/debian/changelog ; \ done deb: debian @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ (cd deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ && $(DEBUILD) -b) ; \ done @echo "#############################################" @echo "Ansible DEB artifacts:" @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ echo deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_amd64.changes ; \ done @echo "#############################################" deb-src: debian @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ (cd deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ && $(DEBUILD) -S) ; \ done @echo "#############################################" @echo "Ansible DEB artifacts:" @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ echo deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_source.changes ; \ done @echo "#############################################" deb-upload: deb @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ $(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_amd64.changes ; \ done deb-src-upload: deb-src @for DIST in $(DEB_DIST) ; do \ $(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$${DIST}/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)-$(DEB_RELEASE)~$${DIST}_source.changes ; \ done # for arch or gentoo, read instructions in the appropriate 'packaging' subdirectory directory webdocs: $(MANPAGES) (cd docsite/; make docs) docs: $(MANPAGES)