# test code for the git module # (c) 2014, James Tanner # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . - name: set role facts set_fact: checkout_dir: '{{ output_dir }}/git' repo_format1: 'https://github.com/jimi-c/test_role' repo_format2: 'git@github.com:jimi-c/test_role.git' repo_format3: 'ssh://git@github.com/jimi-c/test_role.git' known_host_files: - "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.ssh/known_hosts" - '/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts' - name: clean out the output_dir shell: rm -rf {{ output_dir }}/* - name: verify that git is installed so this test can continue shell: which git # # Test repo=https://github.com/... # - name: initial checkout git: repo={{ repo_format1 }} dest={{ checkout_dir }} register: git_result - name: verify information about the initial clone assert: that: - "'before' in git_result" - "'after' in git_result" - "not git_result.before" - "git_result.changed" - name: repeated checkout git: repo={{ repo_format1 }} dest={{ checkout_dir }} register: git_result2 - name: check for tags stat: path={{ checkout_dir }}/.git/refs/tags register: tags - name: check for HEAD stat: path={{ checkout_dir }}/.git/HEAD register: head - name: check for remotes stat: path={{ checkout_dir }}/.git/branches register: branches - name: assert presence of tags/trunk/branches assert: that: - "tags.stat.isdir" - "head.stat.isreg" - "branches.stat.isdir" - name: verify on a reclone things are marked unchanged assert: that: - "not git_result2.changed" # # Test repo=git@github.com:/... # Requires variable: github_ssh_private_key # - name: clear checkout_dir file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }} - name: remove known_host files file: state=absent path={{ item }} with_items: known_host_files - name: checkout ssh://git@github.com repo without accept_hostkey (expected fail) git: repo={{ repo_format2 }} dest={{ checkout_dir }} register: git_result ignore_errors: true - assert: that: - 'git_result.failed' - 'git_result.msg == "github.com has an unknown hostkey. Set accept_hostkey to True or manually add the hostkey prior to running the git module"' - name: checkout git@github.com repo with accept_hostkey (expected pass) git: repo: '{{ repo_format2 }}' dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}' accept_hostkey: true key_file: '{{ github_ssh_private_key }}' register: git_result when: github_ssh_private_key is defined - assert: that: - 'git_result.changed' when: not git_result|skipped # # Test repo=ssh://git@github.com/... # Requires variable: github_ssh_private_key # - name: clear checkout_dir file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }} - name: checkout ssh://git@github.com repo with accept_hostkey (expected pass) git: repo: '{{ repo_format3 }}' dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}' version: 'master' accept_hostkey: false # should already have been accepted key_file: '{{ github_ssh_private_key }}' register: git_result when: github_ssh_private_key is defined - assert: that: - 'git_result.changed' when: not git_result|skipped # Test a non-updating repo query with no destination specified - name: get info on a repo without updating and with no destination specified git: repo: '{{ repo_format1 }}' update: no accept_hostkey: yes register: git_result - assert: that: - 'git_result.changed'