.. _developer_guide: *************** Developer Guide *************** Welcome to the Ansible Developer Guide! **Who should use this guide?** If you want to extend Ansible by using a custom module or plugin locally, creating a module or plugin, adding functionality to an existing module, or expanding test coverage, this guide is for you. We've included detailed information for developers on how to test and document modules, as well as the prerequisites for getting your module or plugin accepted into the main Ansible repository. Find the task that best describes what you want to do: * I'm looking for a way to address a use case: * I want to :ref:`add a custom plugin or module locally `. * I want to figure out if :ref:`developing a module is the right approach ` for my use case. * I've read the info above, and I'm sure I want to develop a module: * What do I need to know before I start coding? * I want to :ref:`set up my Python development environment `. * I want to :ref:`get started writing a module `. * I want to write a specific kind of module: * a :ref:`network module ` * a :ref:`Windows module `. * an :ref:`Amazon module `. * an :ref:`OpenStack module `. * an :ref:`oVirt/RHV module `. * I want to :ref:`write a series of related modules ` that integrate Ansible with a new product (for example, a database, cloud provider, network platform, etc.). * I want to refine my code: * I want to :ref:`debug my module code `. * I want to :ref:`add tests `. * I want to :ref:`document my module `. * I want to :ref:`document my set of modules for a network platform `. * I want to follow :ref:`conventions and tips for clean, usable module code `. * I want to :ref:`make sure my code runs on Python 2 and Python 3 `. * I want to work on other development projects: * I want to :ref:`write a plugin `. * I want to :ref:`connect Ansible to a new source of inventory `. * I want to :ref:`deprecate an outdated module `. * I want to contribute back to the Ansible project: * I want to :ref:`understand how to contribute to Ansible `. * I want to :ref:`contribute my module or plugin `. * I want to :ref:`understand the license agreement ` for contributions to Ansible. If you prefer to read the entire guide, here's a list of the pages in order. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 developing_locally developing_modules developing_modules_general developing_modules_checklist developing_modules_best_practices developing_python_3 debugging developing_modules_documenting developing_modules_general_windows developing_modules_general_aci platforms/aws_guidelines platforms/openstack_guidelines platforms/ovirt_dev_guide developing_modules_in_groups testing module_lifecycle developing_plugins developing_inventory developing_core developing_program_flow_modules developing_api developing_rebasing developing_module_utilities overview_architecture