# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import errno from itertools import product from io import BytesIO import pytest from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.module_utils.six import PY2 from ansible.module_utils.compat import selectors class OpenBytesIO(BytesIO): """BytesIO with dummy close() method So that you can inspect the content after close() was called. """ def close(self): pass @pytest.fixture def mock_os(mocker): def mock_os_chdir(path): if path == '/inaccessible': raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied: '/inaccessible'") def mock_os_abspath(path): if path.startswith('/'): return path else: return os.getcwd.return_value + '/' + path os = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.os') os.path.expandvars.side_effect = lambda x: x os.path.expanduser.side_effect = lambda x: x os.environ = {'PATH': '/bin'} os.getcwd.return_value = '/home/foo' os.path.isdir.return_value = True os.chdir.side_effect = mock_os_chdir os.path.abspath.side_effect = mock_os_abspath yield os class DummyFileObj(): def __init__(self, fileobj): self.fileobj = fileobj class SpecialBytesIO(BytesIO): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): fh = kwargs.pop('fh', None) super(SpecialBytesIO, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fh = fh def fileno(self): return self.fh # We need to do this because some of our tests create a new value for stdout and stderr # The new value is able to affect the string that is returned by the subprocess stdout and # stderr but by the time the test gets it, it is too late to change the SpecialBytesIO that # subprocess.Popen returns for stdout and stderr. If we could figure out how to change those as # well, then we wouldn't need this. def __eq__(self, other): if id(self) == id(other) or self.fh == other.fileno(): return True return False class DummyKey: def __init__(self, fileobj): self.fileobj = fileobj @pytest.fixture def mock_subprocess(mocker): class MockSelector(selectors.BaseSelector): def __init__(self): super(MockSelector, self).__init__() self._file_objs = [] def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): self._file_objs.append(fileobj) def unregister(self, fileobj): self._file_objs.remove(fileobj) def select(self, timeout=None): ready = [] for file_obj in self._file_objs: ready.append((DummyKey(subprocess._output[file_obj.fileno()]), selectors.EVENT_READ)) return ready def get_map(self): return self._file_objs def close(self): super(MockSelector, self).close() self._file_objs = [] selectors.DefaultSelector = MockSelector subprocess = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.subprocess') subprocess._output = {mocker.sentinel.stdout: SpecialBytesIO(b'', fh=mocker.sentinel.stdout), mocker.sentinel.stderr: SpecialBytesIO(b'', fh=mocker.sentinel.stderr)} cmd = mocker.MagicMock() cmd.returncode = 0 cmd.stdin = OpenBytesIO() cmd.stdout = subprocess._output[mocker.sentinel.stdout] cmd.stderr = subprocess._output[mocker.sentinel.stderr] subprocess.Popen.return_value = cmd yield subprocess @pytest.fixture() def rc_am(mocker, am, mock_os, mock_subprocess): am.fail_json = mocker.MagicMock(side_effect=SystemExit) am._os = mock_os am._subprocess = mock_subprocess yield am class TestRunCommandArgs: # Format is command as passed to run_command, command to Popen as list, command to Popen as string ARGS_DATA = ( (['/bin/ls', 'a', 'b', 'c'], [b'/bin/ls', b'a', b'b', b'c'], b'/bin/ls a b c'), ('/bin/ls a " b" "c "', [b'/bin/ls', b'a', b' b', b'c '], b'/bin/ls a " b" "c "'), ) # pylint bug: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/511 # pylint: disable=undefined-variable @pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd, expected, shell, stdin', ((arg, cmd_str if sh else cmd_lst, sh, {}) for (arg, cmd_lst, cmd_str), sh in product(ARGS_DATA, (True, False))), indirect=['stdin']) def test_args(self, cmd, expected, shell, rc_am): rc_am.run_command(cmd, use_unsafe_shell=shell) assert rc_am._subprocess.Popen.called args, kwargs = rc_am._subprocess.Popen.call_args assert args == (expected, ) assert kwargs['shell'] == shell @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_tuple_as_args(self, rc_am): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): rc_am.run_command(('ls', '/')) assert rc_am.fail_json.called class TestRunCommandCwd: @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_cwd(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._os.getcwd.return_value = '/old' rc_am.run_command('/bin/ls', cwd='/new') assert rc_am._os.chdir.mock_calls == [mocker.call(b'/new'), mocker.call('/old'), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_cwd_relative_path(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._os.getcwd.return_value = '/old' rc_am.run_command('/bin/ls', cwd='sub-dir') assert rc_am._os.chdir.mock_calls == [mocker.call(b'/old/sub-dir'), mocker.call('/old'), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_cwd_not_a_dir(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._os.getcwd.return_value = '/old' rc_am._os.path.isdir.side_effect = lambda d: d != '/not-a-dir' rc_am.run_command('/bin/ls', cwd='/not-a-dir') assert rc_am._os.chdir.mock_calls == [mocker.call('/old'), ] class TestRunCommandPrompt: @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_prompt_bad_regex(self, rc_am): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): rc_am.run_command('foo', prompt_regex='[pP)assword:') assert rc_am.fail_json.called @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_prompt_no_match(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._os._cmd_out[mocker.sentinel.stdout] = BytesIO(b'hello') (rc, _, _) = rc_am.run_command('foo', prompt_regex='[pP]assword:') assert rc == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_prompt_match_wo_data(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._subprocess._output = {mocker.sentinel.stdout: SpecialBytesIO(b'Authentication required!\nEnter password: ', fh=mocker.sentinel.stdout), mocker.sentinel.stderr: SpecialBytesIO(b'', fh=mocker.sentinel.stderr)} (rc, _, _) = rc_am.run_command('foo', prompt_regex=r'[pP]assword:', data=None) assert rc == 257 class TestRunCommandRc: @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_check_rc_false(self, rc_am): rc_am._subprocess.Popen.return_value.returncode = 1 (rc, _, _) = rc_am.run_command('/bin/false', check_rc=False) assert rc == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_check_rc_true(self, rc_am): rc_am._subprocess.Popen.return_value.returncode = 1 with pytest.raises(SystemExit): rc_am.run_command('/bin/false', check_rc=True) assert rc_am.fail_json.called args, kwargs = rc_am.fail_json.call_args assert kwargs['rc'] == 1 class TestRunCommandOutput: @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_text_stdin(self, rc_am): (rc, stdout, stderr) = rc_am.run_command('/bin/foo', data='hello world') assert rc_am._subprocess.Popen.return_value.stdin.getvalue() == b'hello world\n' @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_ascii_stdout(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._subprocess._output = {mocker.sentinel.stdout: SpecialBytesIO(b'hello', fh=mocker.sentinel.stdout), mocker.sentinel.stderr: SpecialBytesIO(b'', fh=mocker.sentinel.stderr)} (rc, stdout, stderr) = rc_am.run_command('/bin/cat hello.txt') assert rc == 0 # module_utils function. On py3 it returns text and py2 it returns # bytes because it's returning native strings assert stdout == 'hello' @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_utf8_output(self, mocker, rc_am): rc_am._subprocess._output = {mocker.sentinel.stdout: SpecialBytesIO(u'Žarn§'.encode('utf-8'), fh=mocker.sentinel.stdout), mocker.sentinel.stderr: SpecialBytesIO(u'لرئيسية'.encode('utf-8'), fh=mocker.sentinel.stderr)} (rc, stdout, stderr) = rc_am.run_command('/bin/something_ugly') assert rc == 0 # module_utils function. On py3 it returns text and py2 it returns # bytes because it's returning native strings assert stdout == to_native(u'Žarn§') assert stderr == to_native(u'لرئيسية') @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdin', [{}], indirect=['stdin']) def test_run_command_fds(mocker, rc_am): subprocess_mock = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.subprocess') subprocess_mock.Popen.side_effect = AssertionError try: rc_am.run_command('synchronize', pass_fds=(101, 42)) except SystemExit: pass if PY2: assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[1]['close_fds'] is False assert 'pass_fds' not in subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[1] else: assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[1]['pass_fds'] == (101, 42) assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[1]['close_fds'] is True