#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux MYTMPDIR=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir') trap 'rm -rf "${MYTMPDIR}"' EXIT # ensure we can incrementally set fact via loopi, injection or not ANSIBLE_INJECT_FACT_VARS=0 ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory incremental.yml ANSIBLE_INJECT_FACT_VARS=1 ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory incremental.yml # ensure we dont have spurious warnings do to clean_facts ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory nowarn_clean_facts.yml | grep '[WARNING]: Removed restricted key from module data: ansible_ssh_common_args' && exit 1 # test cached feature export ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN=jsonfile ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION="${MYTMPDIR}" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory "$@" set_fact_cached_1.yml ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory "$@" set_fact_cached_2.yml ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory --flush-cache "$@" set_fact_no_cache.yml # Test boolean conversions in set_fact ansible-playbook -v set_fact_bool_conv.yml ANSIBLE_JINJA2_NATIVE=1 ansible-playbook -v set_fact_bool_conv_jinja2_native.yml