Integration tests ================= The ansible integration system. Tests for playbooks, by playbooks. Some tests may require credentials. Credentials may be specified with `credentials.yml`. Tests should be run as root. Configuration ============= Making your own version of `integration_config.yml` can allow for setting some tunable parameters to help run the tests better in your environment. Some tests (e.g. cloud) will only run when access credentials are provided. For more information about supported credentials, refer to `credentials.template`. Prerequisites ============= The tests will assume things like hg, svn, and git are installed and in path. (Complete list pending) Non-destructive Tests ===================== These tests will modify files in subdirectories, but will not do things that install or remove packages or things outside of those test subdirectories. They will also not reconfigure or bounce system services. Run as follows: make non_destructive You can select specific tests with the --tags parameter. TEST_FLAGS="--tags test_vars_blending" make Destructive Tests ================= These tests are allowed to install and remove some trivial packages. You will likely want to devote these to a virtual environment. They won't reformat your filesystem, however :) make destructive Cloud Tests =========== Cloud tests exercise capabilities of cloud modules (e.g. ec2_key). These are not 'tests run in the cloud' so much as tests that leverage the cloud modules and are organized by cloud provider. In order to run cloud tests, you must provide access credentials in a file named `credentials.yml`. A sample credentials file named `credentials.template` is available for syntax help. Provide cloud credentials: cp credentials.template credentials.yml ${EDITOR:-vi} credentials.yml Run the tests: make cloud *WARNING* running cloud integration tests will create and destroy cloud resources. Running these tests may result in additional fees associated with your cloud account. Care is taken to ensure that created resources are removed. However, it is advisable to inspect your AWS console to ensure no unexpected resources are running.