#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import annotations import os import pexpect import sys import termios from ansible.module_utils.six import PY2 args = sys.argv[1:] env_vars = { 'ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH': './roles', 'ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR': 'True', 'ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED': 'False' } try: backspace = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno())[6][termios.VERASE] except Exception: backspace = b'\x7f' if PY2: log_buffer = sys.stdout else: log_buffer = sys.stdout.buffer os.environ.update(env_vars) # -- Plain pause -- # playbook = 'pause-1.yml' # Case 1 - Contiune with enter pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Press enter to continue, Ctrl\+C to interrupt:') pause_test.send('\r') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 2 - Continue with C pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Press enter to continue, Ctrl\+C to interrupt:') pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('C') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 3 - Abort with A pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Press enter to continue, Ctrl\+C to interrupt:') pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('A') pause_test.expect('user requested abort!') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # -- Custom Prompt -- # playbook = 'pause-2.yml' # Case 1 - Contiune with enter pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Custom prompt:') pause_test.send('\r') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 2 - Contiune with C pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Custom prompt:') pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('C') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 3 - Abort with A pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Custom prompt:') pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('A') pause_test.expect('user requested abort!') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # -- Pause for N seconds -- # playbook = 'pause-3.yml' # Case 1 - Wait for task to continue after timeout pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Pausing for \d+ seconds') pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 2 - Contiune with Ctrl + C, C pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Pausing for \d+ seconds') pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.send('\n') # test newline does not stop the prompt - waiting for a timeout or ctrl+C pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('C') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 3 - Abort with Ctrl + C, A pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Pausing for \d+ seconds') pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('A') pause_test.expect('user requested abort!') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # -- Pause for N seconds with custom prompt -- # playbook = 'pause-4.yml' # Case 1 - Wait for task to continue after timeout pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Pausing for \d+ seconds') pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.expect(r"Waiting for two seconds:") pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 2 - Contiune with Ctrl + C, C pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Pausing for \d+ seconds') pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.expect(r"Waiting for two seconds:") pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('C') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Case 3 - Abort with Ctrl + C, A pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Pausing for \d+ seconds') pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.expect(r"Waiting for two seconds:") pause_test.send('\x03') pause_test.expect("Press 'C' to continue the play or 'A' to abort") pause_test.send('A') pause_test.expect('user requested abort!') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # -- Enter input and ensure it's captured, echoed, and can be edited -- # playbook = 'pause-5.yml' pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Enter some text:') pause_test.send('hello there') pause_test.send('\r') pause_test.expect(r'Enter some text to edit:') pause_test.send('hello there') pause_test.send(backspace * 4) pause_test.send('ommy boy') pause_test.send('\r') pause_test.expect(r'Enter some text \(output is hidden\):') pause_test.send('supersecretpancakes') pause_test.send('\r') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Test input is not returned if a timeout is given playbook = 'pause-6.yml' pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=[playbook] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r'Wait for three seconds:') pause_test.send('ignored user input') pause_test.expect('Task after pause') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close() # Test that enter presses may not continue the play when a timeout is set. pause_test = pexpect.spawn( 'ansible-playbook', args=["pause-3.yml"] + args, timeout=10, env=os.environ ) pause_test.logfile = log_buffer pause_test.expect(r"\(ctrl\+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl\+C then 'A' = abort\)") pause_test.send('\r') pause_test.expect(pexpect.EOF) pause_test.close()