"""Classes for storing and processing test results.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import datetime import os import re from . import types as t from .util import ( display, get_ansible_version, ) from .util_common import ( write_text_test_results, write_json_test_results, ResultType, ) from .config import ( TestConfig, ) def calculate_best_confidence(choices, metadata): """ :type choices: tuple[tuple[str, int]] :type metadata: Metadata :rtype: int """ best_confidence = 0 for path, line in choices: confidence = calculate_confidence(path, line, metadata) best_confidence = max(confidence, best_confidence) return best_confidence def calculate_confidence(path, line, metadata): """ :type path: str :type line: int :type metadata: Metadata :rtype: int """ ranges = metadata.changes.get(path) # no changes were made to the file if not ranges: return 0 # changes were made to the same file and line if any(r[0] <= line <= r[1] in r for r in ranges): return 100 # changes were made to the same file and the line number is unknown if line == 0: return 75 # changes were made to the same file and the line number is different return 50 class TestResult: """Base class for test results.""" def __init__(self, command, test, python_version=None): """ :type command: str :type test: str :type python_version: str """ self.command = command self.test = test self.python_version = python_version self.name = self.test or self.command if self.python_version: self.name += '-python-%s' % self.python_version try: import junit_xml except ImportError: junit_xml = None self.junit = junit_xml def write(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ self.write_console() self.write_bot(args) if args.lint: self.write_lint() if args.junit: if self.junit: self.write_junit(args) else: display.warning('Skipping junit xml output because the `junit-xml` python package was not found.', unique=True) def write_console(self): """Write results to console.""" def write_lint(self): """Write lint results to stdout.""" def write_bot(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ def write_junit(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ def create_result_name(self, extension): """ :type extension: str :rtype: str """ name = 'ansible-test-%s' % self.command if self.test: name += '-%s' % self.test if self.python_version: name += '-python-%s' % self.python_version name += extension return name def save_junit(self, args, test_case, properties=None): """ :type args: TestConfig :type test_case: junit_xml.TestCase :type properties: dict[str, str] | None :rtype: str | None """ test_suites = [ self.junit.TestSuite( name='ansible-test', test_cases=[test_case], timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(), properties=properties, ), ] report = self.junit.TestSuite.to_xml_string(test_suites=test_suites, prettyprint=True, encoding='utf-8') if args.explain: return write_text_test_results(ResultType.JUNIT, self.create_result_name('.xml'), report) class TestTimeout(TestResult): """Test timeout.""" def __init__(self, timeout_duration): """ :type timeout_duration: int """ super(TestTimeout, self).__init__(command='timeout', test='') self.timeout_duration = timeout_duration def write(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ message = 'Tests were aborted after exceeding the %d minute time limit.' % self.timeout_duration # Include a leading newline to improve readability on Shippable "Tests" tab. # Without this, the first line becomes indented. output = ''' One or more of the following situations may be responsible: - Code changes have resulted in tests that hang or run for an excessive amount of time. - Tests have been added which exceed the time limit when combined with existing tests. - Test infrastructure and/or external dependencies are operating slower than normal.''' if args.coverage: output += '\n- Additional overhead from collecting code coverage has resulted in tests exceeding the time limit.' output += '\n\nConsult the console log for additional details on where the timeout occurred.' timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() # hack to avoid requiring junit-xml, which isn't pre-installed on Shippable outside our test containers xml = ''' \t \t\t \t\t\t%s \t\t \t ''' % (timestamp, message, output) write_text_test_results(ResultType.JUNIT, self.create_result_name('.xml'), xml.lstrip()) class TestSuccess(TestResult): """Test success.""" def write_junit(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ test_case = self.junit.TestCase(classname=self.command, name=self.name) self.save_junit(args, test_case) class TestSkipped(TestResult): """Test skipped.""" def write_console(self): """Write results to console.""" display.info('No tests applicable.', verbosity=1) def write_junit(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ test_case = self.junit.TestCase(classname=self.command, name=self.name) test_case.add_skipped_info('No tests applicable.') self.save_junit(args, test_case) class TestFailure(TestResult): """Test failure.""" def __init__(self, command, test, python_version=None, messages=None, summary=None): """ :type command: str :type test: str :type python_version: str | None :type messages: list[TestMessage] | None :type summary: unicode | None """ super(TestFailure, self).__init__(command, test, python_version) if messages: messages = sorted(messages) else: messages = [] self.messages = messages self.summary = summary def write(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ if args.metadata.changes: self.populate_confidence(args.metadata) super(TestFailure, self).write(args) def write_console(self): """Write results to console.""" if self.summary: display.error(self.summary) else: if self.python_version: specifier = ' on python %s' % self.python_version else: specifier = '' display.error('Found %d %s issue(s)%s which need to be resolved:' % (len(self.messages), self.test or self.command, specifier)) for message in self.messages: display.error(message.format(show_confidence=True)) doc_url = self.find_docs() if doc_url: display.info('See documentation for help: %s' % doc_url) def write_lint(self): """Write lint results to stdout.""" if self.summary: command = self.format_command() message = 'The test `%s` failed. See stderr output for details.' % command path = '' message = TestMessage(message, path) print(message) else: for message in self.messages: print(message) def write_junit(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ title = self.format_title() output = self.format_block() test_case = self.junit.TestCase(classname=self.command, name=self.name) # Include a leading newline to improve readability on Shippable "Tests" tab. # Without this, the first line becomes indented. test_case.add_failure_info(message=title, output='\n%s' % output) self.save_junit(args, test_case) def write_bot(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ docs = self.find_docs() message = self.format_title(help_link=docs) output = self.format_block() if self.messages: verified = all((m.confidence or 0) >= 50 for m in self.messages) else: verified = False bot_data = dict( verified=verified, docs=docs, results=[ dict( message=message, output=output, ), ], ) if args.explain: return write_json_test_results(ResultType.BOT, self.create_result_name('.json'), bot_data) def populate_confidence(self, metadata): """ :type metadata: Metadata """ for message in self.messages: if message.confidence is None: message.confidence = calculate_confidence(message.path, message.line, metadata) def format_command(self): """ :rtype: str """ command = 'ansible-test %s' % self.command if self.test: command += ' --test %s' % self.test if self.python_version: command += ' --python %s' % self.python_version return command def find_docs(self): """ :rtype: str """ # Use the major.minor version for the URL only if this a release that # matches the pattern 2.4.0, otherwise, use 'devel' ansible_version = get_ansible_version() url_version = 'devel' if re.search(r'^[0-9.]+$', ansible_version): url_version = '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2]) testing_docs_url = 'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/%s/dev_guide/testing' % url_version testing_docs_dir = 'docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/testing' url = '%s/%s/' % (testing_docs_url, self.command) path = os.path.join(testing_docs_dir, self.command) if self.test: url += '%s.html' % self.test path = os.path.join(path, '%s.rst' % self.test) if os.path.exists(path): return url return None def format_title(self, help_link=None): """ :type help_link: str | None :rtype: str """ command = self.format_command() if self.summary: reason = 'the error' else: reason = '1 error' if len(self.messages) == 1 else '%d errors' % len(self.messages) if help_link: help_link_markup = ' [[explain](%s)]' % help_link else: help_link_markup = '' title = 'The test `%s`%s failed with %s:' % (command, help_link_markup, reason) return title def format_block(self): """ :rtype: str """ if self.summary: block = self.summary else: block = '\n'.join(m.format() for m in self.messages) message = block.strip() # Hack to remove ANSI color reset code from SubprocessError messages. message = message.replace(display.clear, '') return message class TestMessage: """Single test message for one file.""" def __init__(self, message, path, line=0, column=0, level='error', code=None, confidence=None): """ :type message: str :type path: str :type line: int :type column: int :type level: str :type code: str | None :type confidence: int | None """ self.__path = path self.__line = line self.__column = column self.__level = level self.__code = code self.__message = message self.confidence = confidence @property def path(self): # type: () -> str """Return the path.""" return self.__path @property def line(self): # type: () -> int """Return the line number, or 0 if none is available.""" return self.__line @property def column(self): # type: () -> int """Return the column number, or 0 if none is available.""" return self.__column @property def level(self): # type: () -> str """Return the level.""" return self.__level @property def code(self): # type: () -> t.Optional[str] """Return the code, if any.""" return self.__code @property def message(self): # type: () -> str """Return the message.""" return self.__message @property def tuple(self): # type: () -> t.Tuple[str, int, int, str, t.Optional[str], str] """Return a tuple with all the immutable values of this test message.""" return self.__path, self.__line, self.__column, self.__level, self.__code, self.__message def __lt__(self, other): return self.tuple < other.tuple def __le__(self, other): return self.tuple <= other.tuple def __eq__(self, other): return self.tuple == other.tuple def __ne__(self, other): return self.tuple != other.tuple def __gt__(self, other): return self.tuple > other.tuple def __ge__(self, other): return self.tuple >= other.tuple def __hash__(self): return hash(self.tuple) def __str__(self): return self.format() def format(self, show_confidence=False): """ :type show_confidence: bool :rtype: str """ if self.__code: msg = '%s: %s' % (self.__code, self.__message) else: msg = self.__message if show_confidence and self.confidence is not None: msg += ' (%d%%)' % self.confidence return '%s:%s:%s: %s' % (self.__path, self.__line, self.__column, msg)