--- - debug: msg="START connection={{ ansible_connection }} nxos_telemetry replaced sanity test" - set_fact: source_interface="Loopback55" when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - set_fact: command_list_length=27 - set_fact: command_list_length=28 when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - set_fact: dict_facts_length=6 - set_fact: dict_facts_length=7 when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - name: Setup - disable feature telemetry nxos_feature: &setup_teardown feature: telemetry state: disabled ignore_errors: yes - name: Setup - enable feature telemetry nxos_feature: feature: telemetry state: enabled - name: Setup - add initial telemetry config cli_config: config: | telemetry certificate test_cert host.example.com destination-profile use-vrf blue use-compression gzip destination-group 2 ip address port 50001 protocol gRPC encoding GPB ip address port 60001 protocol gRPC encoding GPB destination-group 10 ip address port 50001 protocol gRPC encoding GPB ip address port 60001 protocol gRPC encoding GPB ip address port 55 protocol HTTP encoding JSON ip address port 100 protocol gRPC encoding GPB destination-group 99 sensor-group 2 data-source NX-API path "show bgp l2vpn evpn summary" depth unbounded query-condition foo filter-condition foo sensor-group 8 data-source NX-API path "show ip bgp neighbors" depth 0 query-condition foo filter-condition foo sensor-group 55 data-source DME path sys/bgp/inst/dom-default/peer-[]/ent-[] depth 0 query-condition foo filter-condition foo path sys/ospf depth 0 query-condition foo filter-condition or(eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"down"),eq(ethpmPhysIf.operSt,"up")) sensor-group 77 subscription 44 dst-grp 2 dst-grp 10 snsr-grp 2 sample-interval 2000 snsr-grp 8 sample-interval 2000 subscription 55 dst-grp 10 snsr-grp 55 sample-interval 2000 subscription 99 dst-grp 2 dst-grp 99 snsr-grp 8 sample-interval 90000 snsr-grp 77 sample-interval 2000 - name: Setup - add initial source-interface telemetry config cli_config: config: | telemetry destination-profile source-interface loopback55 when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - block: - name: Gather Telemetry Facts Before Changes nxos_facts: &facts gather_subset: - '!all' - '!min' gather_network_resources: - telemetry - name: Telemetry - replaced nxos_telemetry: &replace state: 'replaced' config: certificate: key: /file_dir/new_server.key hostname: newhost.example.com vrf: management compression: gzip destination_groups: - id: 2 destination: ip: port: 65001 protocol: grpc encoding: gpb - id: 2 destination: ip: port: 55001 protocol: grpc encoding: gpb sensor_groups: - id: 100 data_source: NX-API path: name: '"show bgp l2vpn evpn summary"' depth: unbounded query_condition: foo filter_condition: foo subscriptions: - id: 99 destination_group: 2 sensor_group: id: 100 sample_interval: 2000 register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == true" - "result.before|length == {{ dict_facts_length }}" - "result.before.certificate|length == 2" - "result.before.destination_groups|length == 7" - "result.before.sensor_groups|length == 8" - "result.before.subscriptions|length == 10" - "'telemetry' in result.commands" - "'no subscription 55' in result.commands" - "'subscription 99' in result.commands" - "'no dst-grp 99' in result.commands" - "'no snsr-grp 8 sample-interval 90000' in result.commands" - "'no snsr-grp 77 sample-interval 2000' in result.commands" - "'no subscription 44' in result.commands" - "'no sensor-group 55' in result.commands" - "'no sensor-group 8' in result.commands" - "'no sensor-group 2' in result.commands" - "'no sensor-group 77' in result.commands" - "'no destination-group 99' in result.commands" - "'no destination-group 10' in result.commands" - "'destination-group 2' in result.commands" - "'no ip address port 50001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'no ip address port 60001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'destination-group 2' in result.commands" - "'ip address port 65001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'ip address port 55001 protocol grpc encoding gpb' in result.commands" - "'sensor-group 100' in result.commands" - result.commands is search("path .*show bgp l2vpn evpn summary.* depth unbounded query-condition foo filter-condition foo") - "'data-source NX-API' in result.commands" - "'subscription 99' in result.commands" - "'snsr-grp 100 sample-interval 2000' in result.commands" - "'certificate /file_dir/new_server.key newhost.example.com' in result.commands" - "'destination-profile' in result.commands" - "'use-vrf management' in result.commands" - "result.commands|length == {{ command_list_length }}" # Source interface may or may not be included based on the image version. - assert: that: - "'no source-interface loopback55' in result.commands" when: imagetag and (major_version is version_compare('9.1', 'ge')) - assert: that: - "(ansible_facts.network_resources.telemetry|dict2items)|symmetric_difference(result.before|dict2items)|length == 0" - name: Gather Telemetry Facts After Changes nxos_facts: *facts - assert: that: - "(ansible_facts.network_resources.telemetry|dict2items)|symmetric_difference(result.after|dict2items)|length == 0" - name: Telemetry - replaced - idempotence nxos_telemetry: *replace register: result - assert: that: - "result.changed == false" - "result.commands|length == 0" always: - name: Teardown nxos_feature: *setup_teardown ignore_errors: yes - debug: msg="END connection={{ ansible_connection }} nxos_telemetry replaced sanity test"