--- - debug: msg: "START iosxr_acl_interfaces rendered integration tests on connection={{ ansible_connection }}" - name: Render platform specific commands from task input using rendered state iosxr_acl_interfaces: config: - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 access_groups: - afi: ipv4 acls: - name: acl_1 direction: in - name: acl_2 direction: out - afi: ipv6 acls: - name: acl6_1 direction: in - name: acl6_2 direction: out - name: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 access_groups: - afi: ipv4 acls: - name: acl_1 direction: out state: rendered register: result - name: Assert that correct set of commands were rendered assert: that: - "{{ merged['commands'] | symmetric_difference(result['rendered']) |length == 0 }}"