# Docker_Container Module Proposal ## Purpose and Scope: The purpose of docker_container is to manage the lifecycle of a container. The module will provide a mechanism for moving the container between absent, present, stopped and started states. It will focus purely on managing container state. The intention of the narrow focus is to make understanding and using the module clear and keep maintenance and testing as easy as possible. Docker_container will manage a container using docker-py to communicate with either a local or remote API. It will support API versions >= 1.14. API connection details will be handled externally in a shared utility module similar to how other cloud modules operate. The container world is moving rapidly, so the goal is to create a suite of docker modules that keep pace, with docker_container leading the way. If this project is successful, it will naturally deprecate the existing docker module. ## Parameters: Docker_container will accept the parameters listed below. An attempt has been made to represent all the options available to docker's create, kill, pause, run, rm, start, stop and update commands. Parameters for connecting to the API are not listed here. They are included in the common utility module mentioned above. ``` blkio_weight: description: - Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000. default: null capabilities: description: - List of capabilities to add to the container. default: null command: description: - Command or list of commands to execute in the container when it starts. default: null cpu_period: description: - Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period default: 0 cpu_quota: description: - Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota default: 0 cpuset_cpus: description: - CPUs in which to allow execution C(1,3) or C(1-3). default: null cpuset_mems: description: - Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution C(0-3) or C(0,1) default: null cpu_shares: description: - CPU shares (relative weight). default: null detach: description: - Enable detached mode to leave the container running in background. If disabled, fail unless the process exits cleanly. default: true devices: description: - List of host device bindings to add to the container. Each binding is a mapping expressed in the format: :: default: null dns_servers: description: - List of custom DNS servers. default: null dns_search_domains: description: - List of custom DNS search domains. default: null env: description: - Dictionary of key,value pairs. default: null entrypoint: description: - String or list of commands that overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image. default: null etc_hosts: description: - Dict of host-to-IP mappings, where each host name is key in the dictionary. Hostname will be added to the container's /etc/hosts file. default: null exposed_ports: description: - List of additional container ports to expose for port mappings or links. If the port is already exposed using EXPOSE in a Dockerfile, it does not need to be exposed again. default: null aliases: - exposed force_kill: description: - Use with absent, present, started and stopped states to use the kill command rather than the stop command. default: false groups: description: - List of additional group names and/or IDs that the container process will run as. default: null hostname: description: - Container hostname. default: null image: description: - Container image used to create and match containers. required: true interactive: description: - Keep stdin open after a container is launched, even if not attached. default: false ipc_mode: description: - Set the IPC mode for the container. Can be one of 'container:' to reuse another container's IPC namespace or 'host' to use the host's IPC namespace within the container. default: null keep_volumes: description: - Retain volumes associated with a removed container. default: false kill_signal: description: - Override default signal used to kill a running container. default null: kernel_memory: description: - Kernel memory limit (format: []). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g. Minimum is 4M. default: 0 labels: description: - Dictionary of key value pairs. default: null links: description: - List of name aliases for linked containers in the format C(container_name:alias) default: null log_driver: description: - Specify the logging driver. choices: - json-file - syslog - journald - gelf - fluentd - awslogs - splunk defult: json-file log_options: description: - Dictionary of options specific to the chosen log_driver. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/logging/overview/ for details. required: false default: null mac_address: description: - Container MAC address (e.g. 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33) default: null memory: description: - Memory limit (format: []). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g default: 0 memory_reservation: description: - Memory soft limit (format: []). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g default: 0 memory_swap: description: - Total memory limit (memory + swap, format:[]). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g. default: 0 memory_swappiness: description: - Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100. default: 0 name: description: - Assign a name to a new container or match an existing container. - When identifying an existing container name may be a name or a long or short container ID. required: true network_mode: description: - Connect the container to a network. choices: - bridge - container: - host - none default: null networks: description: - Dictionary of networks to which the container will be connected. The dictionary must have a name key (the name of the network). Optional keys include: aliases (a list of container aliases), and links (a list of links in the format C(container_name:alias)). default: null oom_killer: desription: - Whether or not to disable OOM Killer for the container. default: false paused: description: - Use with the started state to pause running processes inside the container. default: false pid_mode: description: - Set the PID namespace mode for the container. Currenly only supports 'host'. default: null privileged: description: - Give extended privileges to the container. default: false published_ports: description: - List of ports to publish from the container to the host. - Use docker CLI syntax: C(8000), C(9000:8000), or C(, where 8000 is a container port, 9000 is a host port, and is a host interface. - Container ports must be exposed either in the Dockerfile or via the C(expose) option. - A value of ALL will publish all exposed container ports to random host ports, ignoring any other mappings. aliases: - ports read_only: description: - Mount the container's root file system as read-only. default: false recreate: description: - Use with present and started states to force the re-creation of an existing container. default: false restart: description: - Use with started state to force a matching container to be stopped and restarted. default: false restart_policy: description: - Container restart policy. choices: - on-failure - always default: on-failure restart_retries: description: - Use with restart policy to control maximum number of restart attempts. default: 0 shm_size: description: - Size of `/dev/shm`. The format is ``. `number` must be greater than `0`. Unit is optional and can be `b` (bytes), `k` (kilobytes), `m` (megabytes), or `g` (gigabytes). - Ommitting the unit defaults to bytes. If you omit the size entirely, the system uses `64m`. default: null security_opts: description: - List of security options in the form of C("label:user:User") default: null state: description: - "absent" - A container matching the specified name will be stopped and removed. Use force_kill to kill the container rather than stopping it. Use keep_volumes to retain volumes associated with the removed container. - "present" - Asserts the existence of a container matching the name and any provided configuration parameters. If no container matches the name, a container will be created. If a container matches the name but the provided configuration does not match, the container will be updated, if it can be. If it cannot be updated, it will be removed and re-created with the requested config. Use recreate to force the re-creation of the matching container. Use force_kill to kill the container rather than stopping it. Use keep_volumes to retain volumes associated with a removed container. - "started" - Asserts there is a running container matching the name and any provided configuration. If no container matches the name, a container will be created and started. If a container matching the name is found but the configuration does not match, the container will be updated, if it can be. If it cannot be updated, it will be removed and a new container will be created with the requested configuration and started. Use recreate to always re-create a matching container, even if it is running. Use restart to force a matching container to be stopped and restarted. Use force_kill to kill a container rather than stopping it. Use keep_volumes to retain volumes associated with a removed container. - "stopped" - a container matching the specified name will be stopped. Use force_kill to kill a container rather than stopping it. required: false default: started choices: - absent - present - stopped - started stop_signal: description: - Override default signal used to stop the container. default: null stop_timeout: description: - Number of seconds to wait for the container to stop before sending SIGKILL. required: false trust_image_content: description: - If true, skip image verification. default: false tty: description: - Allocate a psuedo-TTY. default: false ulimits: description: - List of ulimit options. A ulimit is specified as C(nofile:262144:262144) default: null user: description - Sets the username or UID used and optionally the groupname or GID for the specified command. - Can be [ user | user:group | uid | uid:gid | user:gid | uid:group ] default: null uts: description: - Set the UTS namespace mode for the container. default: null volumes: description: - List of volumes to mount within the container. - 'Use docker CLI-style syntax: C(/host:/container[:mode])' - You can specify a read mode for the mount with either C(ro) or C(rw). - SELinux hosts can additionally use C(z) or C(Z) to use a shared or private label for the volume. default: null volume_driver: description: - The container's volume driver. default: none volumes_from: description: - List of container names or Ids to get volumes from. default: null ``` ## Examples: ``` - name: Create a data container docker_container: name: mydata image: busybox volumes: - /data - name: Re-create a redis container docker_container: name: myredis image: redis command: redis-server --appendonly yes state: present recreate: yes expose: - 6379 volumes_from: - mydata - name: Restart a container docker_container: name: myapplication image: someuser/appimage state: started restart: yes links: - "myredis:aliasedredis" devices: - "/dev/sda:/dev/xvda:rwm" ports: - "8080:9000" - "" env: SECRET_KEY: ssssh - name: Container present docker_container: name: mycontainer state: present recreate: yes forcekill: yes image: someplace/image command: echo "I'm here!" - name: Start 4 load-balanced containers docker_container: name: "container{{ item }}" state: started recreate: yes image: someuser/anotherappimage command: sleep 1d with_sequence: count=4 -name: remove container docker_container: name: ohno state: absent - name: Syslogging output docker_container: name: myservice state: started log_driver: syslog log_opt: syslog-address: tcp://my-syslog-server:514 syslog-facility: daemon syslog-tag: myservice ``` ## Returns: The JSON object returned by the module will include a *results* object providing `docker inspect` output for the affected container. ``` { changed: True, failed: False, rc: 0 results: { < the results of `docker inspect` > } } ```