#!/usr/bin/env python """Test suite used to verify ansible-test is able to run its containers on various container hosts.""" from __future__ import annotations import abc import dataclasses import datetime import errno import functools import json import os import pathlib import pwd import re import secrets import shlex import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import time import typing as t UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME = 'ansible-test' CGROUP_SYSTEMD = pathlib.Path('/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd') LOG_PATH = pathlib.Path('/tmp/results') # The value of /proc/*/loginuid when it is not set. # It is a reserved UID, which is the maximum 32-bit unsigned integer value. # See: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/25404 LOGINUID_NOT_SET = 4294967295 UID = os.getuid() try: LOGINUID = int(pathlib.Path('/proc/self/loginuid').read_text()) LOGINUID_MISMATCH = LOGINUID != LOGINUID_NOT_SET and LOGINUID != UID except FileNotFoundError: LOGINUID = None LOGINUID_MISMATCH = False def main() -> None: """Main program entry point.""" display.section('Startup check') try: bootstrap_type = pathlib.Path('/etc/ansible-test.bootstrap').read_text().strip() except FileNotFoundError: bootstrap_type = 'undefined' display.info(f'Bootstrap type: {bootstrap_type}') if bootstrap_type != 'remote': display.warning('Skipping destructive test on system which is not an ansible-test remote provisioned instance.') return display.info(f'UID: {UID} / {LOGINUID}') if UID != 0: raise Exception('This test must be run as root.') if not LOGINUID_MISMATCH: if LOGINUID is None: display.warning('Tests involving loginuid mismatch will be skipped on this host since it does not have audit support.') elif LOGINUID == LOGINUID_NOT_SET: display.warning('Tests involving loginuid mismatch will be skipped on this host since it is not set.') elif LOGINUID == 0: raise Exception('Use sudo, su, etc. as a non-root user to become root before running this test.') else: raise Exception() display.section(f'Bootstrapping {os_release}') bootstrapper = Bootstrapper.init() bootstrapper.run() result_dir = LOG_PATH if result_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(result_dir) result_dir.mkdir() result_dir.chmod(0o777) scenarios = get_test_scenarios() results = [run_test(scenario) for scenario in scenarios] error_total = 0 for name in sorted(result_dir.glob('*.log')): lines = name.read_text().strip().splitlines() error_count = len([line for line in lines if line.startswith('FAIL: ')]) error_total += error_count display.section(f'Log ({error_count=}/{len(lines)}): {name.name}') for line in lines: if line.startswith('FAIL: '): display.show(line, display.RED) else: display.show(line) error_count = len([result for result in results if result.message]) error_total += error_count duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(sum(result.duration.total_seconds() for result in results))) display.section(f'Test Results ({error_count=}/{len(results)}) [{duration}]') for result in results: notes = f' ' if result.cleanup else '' if result.cgroup_dirs: notes += f' ' notes += f' [{result.duration}]' if result.message: display.show(f'FAIL: {result.scenario} {result.message}{notes}', display.RED) elif result.duration.total_seconds() >= 90: display.show(f'SLOW: {result.scenario}{notes}', display.YELLOW) else: display.show(f'PASS: {result.scenario}{notes}') if error_total: sys.exit(1) def get_test_scenarios() -> list[TestScenario]: """Generate and return a list of test scenarios.""" supported_engines = ('docker', 'podman') available_engines = [engine for engine in supported_engines if shutil.which(engine)] if not available_engines: raise ApplicationError(f'No supported container engines found: {", ".join(supported_engines)}') completion_lines = pathlib.Path(os.environ['PYTHONPATH'], '../test/lib/ansible_test/_data/completion/docker.txt').read_text().splitlines() # TODO: consider including testing for the collection default image entries = {name: value for name, value in (parse_completion_entry(line) for line in completion_lines) if name != 'default'} unprivileged_user = User.get(UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME) scenarios: list[TestScenario] = [] for container_name, settings in entries.items(): image = settings['image'] cgroup = settings.get('cgroup', 'v1-v2') if container_name == 'centos6' and os_release.id == 'alpine': # Alpine kernels do not emulate vsyscall by default, which causes the centos6 container to fail during init. # See: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/478387/running-a-centos-docker-image-on-arch-linux-exits-with-code-139 # Other distributions enable settings which trap vsyscall by default. # See: https://www.kernelconfig.io/config_legacy_vsyscall_xonly # See: https://www.kernelconfig.io/config_legacy_vsyscall_emulate continue for engine in available_engines: # TODO: figure out how to get tests passing using docker without disabling selinux disable_selinux = os_release.id == 'fedora' and engine == 'docker' and cgroup != 'none' expose_cgroup_v1 = cgroup == 'v1-only' and get_docker_info(engine).cgroup_version != 1 debug_systemd = cgroup != 'none' # The sleep+pkill used to support the cgroup probe causes problems with the centos6 container. # It results in sshd connections being refused or reset for many, but not all, container instances. # The underlying cause of this issue is unknown. probe_cgroups = container_name != 'centos6' # The default RHEL 9 crypto policy prevents use of SHA-1. # This results in SSH errors with centos6 containers: ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: error in libcrypto # See: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6816771 enable_sha1 = os_release.id == 'rhel' and os_release.version_id.startswith('9.') and container_name == 'centos6' if cgroup != 'none' and get_docker_info(engine).cgroup_version == 1 and not have_cgroup_systemd(): expose_cgroup_v1 = True # the host uses cgroup v1 but there is no systemd cgroup and the container requires cgroup support user_scenarios = [ # TODO: test rootless docker UserScenario(ssh=unprivileged_user), ] if engine == 'podman': user_scenarios.append(UserScenario(ssh=ROOT_USER)) # TODO: test podman remote on Alpine and Ubuntu hosts # TODO: combine remote with ssh using different unprivileged users if os_release.id not in ('alpine', 'ubuntu'): user_scenarios.append(UserScenario(remote=unprivileged_user)) if LOGINUID_MISMATCH: user_scenarios.append(UserScenario()) for user_scenario in user_scenarios: scenarios.append( TestScenario( user_scenario=user_scenario, engine=engine, container_name=container_name, image=image, disable_selinux=disable_selinux, expose_cgroup_v1=expose_cgroup_v1, enable_sha1=enable_sha1, debug_systemd=debug_systemd, probe_cgroups=probe_cgroups, ) ) return scenarios def run_test(scenario: TestScenario) -> TestResult: """Run a test scenario and return the test results.""" display.section(f'Testing {scenario} Started') start = time.monotonic() integration = ['ansible-test', 'integration', 'split'] integration_options = ['--target', f'docker:{scenario.container_name}', '--color', '--truncate', '0', '-v'] target_only_options = [] if scenario.debug_systemd: integration_options.append('--dev-systemd-debug') if scenario.probe_cgroups: target_only_options = ['--dev-probe-cgroups', str(LOG_PATH)] commands = [ # The cgroup probe is only performed for the first test of the target. # There's no need to repeat the probe again for the same target. # The controller will be tested separately as a target. # This ensures that both the probe and no-probe code paths are functional. [*integration, *integration_options, *target_only_options], # For the split test we'll use alpine3 as the controller. There are two reasons for this: # 1) It doesn't require the cgroup v1 hack, so we can test a target that doesn't need that. # 2) It doesn't require disabling selinux, so we can test a target that doesn't need that. [*integration, '--controller', 'docker:alpine3', *integration_options], ] common_env: dict[str, str] = {} test_env: dict[str, str] = {} if scenario.engine == 'podman': if scenario.user_scenario.remote: common_env.update( # Podman 4.3.0 has a regression which requires a port for remote connections to work. # See: https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/16509 CONTAINER_HOST=f'ssh://{scenario.user_scenario.remote.name}@localhost:22' f'/run/user/{scenario.user_scenario.remote.pwnam.pw_uid}/podman/podman.sock', CONTAINER_SSHKEY=str(pathlib.Path('~/.ssh/id_rsa').expanduser()), # TODO: add support for ssh + remote when the ssh user is not root ) test_env.update(ANSIBLE_TEST_PREFER_PODMAN='1') test_env.update(common_env) if scenario.user_scenario.ssh: client_become_cmd = ['ssh', f'{scenario.user_scenario.ssh.name}@localhost'] test_commands = [client_become_cmd + [f'cd ~/ansible; {format_env(test_env)}{sys.executable} bin/{shlex.join(command)}'] for command in commands] else: client_become_cmd = ['sh', '-c'] test_commands = [client_become_cmd + [f'{format_env(test_env)}{shlex.join(command)}'] for command in commands] prime_storage_command = [] if scenario.engine == 'podman' and scenario.user_scenario.actual.name == UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME: # When testing podman we need to make sure that the overlay filesystem is used instead of vfs. # Using the vfs filesystem will result in running out of disk space during the tests. # To change the filesystem used, the existing storage directory must be removed before "priming" the storage database. # # Without this change the following message may be displayed: # # User-selected graph driver "overlay" overwritten by graph driver "vfs" from database - delete libpod local files to resolve # # However, with this change it may be replaced with the following message: # # User-selected graph driver "vfs" overwritten by graph driver "overlay" from database - delete libpod local files to resolve actual_become_cmd = ['ssh', f'{scenario.user_scenario.actual.name}@localhost'] prime_storage_command = actual_become_cmd + prepare_prime_podman_storage() message = '' if scenario.expose_cgroup_v1: prepare_cgroup_systemd(scenario.user_scenario.actual.name, scenario.engine) try: if prime_storage_command: retry_command(lambda: run_command(*prime_storage_command), retry_any_error=True) if scenario.disable_selinux: run_command('setenforce', 'permissive') if scenario.enable_sha1: run_command('update-crypto-policies', '--set', 'DEFAULT:SHA1') for test_command in test_commands: retry_command(lambda: run_command(*test_command)) except SubprocessError as ex: message = str(ex) display.error(f'{scenario} {message}') finally: if scenario.enable_sha1: run_command('update-crypto-policies', '--set', 'DEFAULT') if scenario.disable_selinux: run_command('setenforce', 'enforcing') if scenario.expose_cgroup_v1: dirs = remove_cgroup_systemd() else: dirs = list_group_systemd() cleanup_command = [scenario.engine, 'rmi', '-f', scenario.image] try: retry_command(lambda: run_command(*client_become_cmd + [f'{format_env(common_env)}{shlex.join(cleanup_command)}']), retry_any_error=True) except SubprocessError as ex: display.error(str(ex)) cleanup = cleanup_podman() if scenario.engine == 'podman' else tuple() finish = time.monotonic() duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(finish - start)) display.section(f'Testing {scenario} Completed in {duration}') return TestResult( scenario=scenario, message=message, cleanup=cleanup, duration=duration, cgroup_dirs=tuple(str(path) for path in dirs), ) def prepare_prime_podman_storage() -> list[str]: """Partially prime podman storage and return a command to complete the remainder.""" prime_storage_command = ['rm -rf ~/.local/share/containers; STORAGE_DRIVER=overlay podman pull quay.io/bedrock/alpine:3.16.2'] test_containers = pathlib.Path(f'~{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}/.local/share/containers').expanduser() if test_containers.is_dir(): # First remove the directory as root, since the user may not have permissions on all the files. # The directory will be removed again after login, before initializing the database. rmtree(test_containers) return prime_storage_command def cleanup_podman() -> tuple[str, ...]: """Cleanup podman processes and files on disk.""" cleanup = [] for remaining in range(3, -1, -1): processes = [(int(item[0]), item[1]) for item in [item.split(maxsplit=1) for item in run_command('ps', '-A', '-o', 'pid,comm', capture=True).stdout.splitlines()] if pathlib.Path(item[1].split()[0]).name in ('catatonit', 'podman', 'conmon')] if not processes: break for pid, name in processes: display.info(f'Killing "{name}" ({pid}) ...') try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM if remaining > 1 else signal.SIGKILL) except ProcessLookupError: pass cleanup.append(name) time.sleep(1) else: raise Exception('failed to kill all matching processes') uid = pwd.getpwnam(UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME).pw_uid container_tmp = pathlib.Path(f'/tmp/containers-user-{uid}') podman_tmp = pathlib.Path(f'/tmp/podman-run-{uid}') user_config = pathlib.Path(f'~{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}/.config').expanduser() user_local = pathlib.Path(f'~{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}/.local').expanduser() if container_tmp.is_dir(): rmtree(container_tmp) if podman_tmp.is_dir(): rmtree(podman_tmp) if user_config.is_dir(): rmtree(user_config) if user_local.is_dir(): rmtree(user_local) return tuple(sorted(set(cleanup))) def have_cgroup_systemd() -> bool: """Return True if the container host has a systemd cgroup.""" return pathlib.Path(CGROUP_SYSTEMD).is_dir() def prepare_cgroup_systemd(username: str, engine: str) -> None: """Prepare the systemd cgroup.""" CGROUP_SYSTEMD.mkdir() run_command('mount', 'cgroup', '-t', 'cgroup', str(CGROUP_SYSTEMD), '-o', 'none,name=systemd,xattr', capture=True) if engine == 'podman': run_command('chown', '-R', f'{username}:{username}', str(CGROUP_SYSTEMD)) run_command('find', str(CGROUP_SYSTEMD), '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'ls', '-l', '{}', ';') def list_group_systemd() -> list[pathlib.Path]: """List the systemd cgroup.""" dirs = set() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(CGROUP_SYSTEMD, topdown=False): for dirname in dirnames: target_path = pathlib.Path(dirpath, dirname) display.info(f'dir: {target_path}') dirs.add(target_path) return sorted(dirs) def remove_cgroup_systemd() -> list[pathlib.Path]: """Remove the systemd cgroup.""" dirs = set() for sleep_seconds in range(1, 10): try: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(CGROUP_SYSTEMD, topdown=False): for dirname in dirnames: target_path = pathlib.Path(dirpath, dirname) display.info(f'rmdir: {target_path}') dirs.add(target_path) target_path.rmdir() except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.EBUSY: raise error = str(ex) else: break display.warning(f'{error} -- sleeping for {sleep_seconds} second(s) before trying again ...') # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment time.sleep(sleep_seconds) time.sleep(1) # allow time for cgroups to be fully removed before unmounting run_command('umount', str(CGROUP_SYSTEMD)) CGROUP_SYSTEMD.rmdir() time.sleep(1) # allow time for cgroup hierarchy to be removed after unmounting cgroup = pathlib.Path('/proc/self/cgroup').read_text() if 'systemd' in cgroup: raise Exception('systemd hierarchy detected') return sorted(dirs) def rmtree(path: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Wrapper around shutil.rmtree with additional error handling.""" for retries in range(10, -1, -1): try: display.info(f'rmtree: {path} ({retries} attempts remaining) ... ') shutil.rmtree(path) except Exception: if not path.exists(): display.info(f'rmtree: {path} (not found)') return if not path.is_dir(): display.info(f'rmtree: {path} (not a directory)') return if retries: continue raise else: display.info(f'rmtree: {path} (done)') return def format_env(env: dict[str, str]) -> str: """Format an env dict for injection into a shell command and return the resulting string.""" if env: return ' '.join(f'{shlex.quote(key)}={shlex.quote(value)}' for key, value in env.items()) + ' ' return '' class DockerInfo: """The results of `docker info` for the container runtime.""" def __init__(self, data: dict[str, t.Any]) -> None: self.data = data @property def cgroup_version(self) -> int: """The cgroup version of the container host.""" data = self.data host = data.get('host') if host: version = int(host['cgroupVersion'].lstrip('v')) # podman else: version = int(data['CgroupVersion']) # docker return version @functools.lru_cache def get_docker_info(engine: str) -> DockerInfo: """Return info for the current container runtime. The results are cached.""" return DockerInfo(json.loads(run_command(engine, 'info', '--format', '{{ json . }}', capture=True).stdout)) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class User: name: str pwnam: pwd.struct_passwd @classmethod def get(cls, name: str) -> User: return User( name=name, pwnam=pwd.getpwnam(name), ) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class UserScenario: ssh: User = None remote: User = None @property def actual(self) -> User: return self.remote or self.ssh or ROOT_USER @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class TestScenario: user_scenario: UserScenario engine: str container_name: str image: str disable_selinux: bool expose_cgroup_v1: bool enable_sha1: bool debug_systemd: bool probe_cgroups: bool @property def tags(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: tags = [] if self.user_scenario.ssh: tags.append(f'ssh: {self.user_scenario.ssh.name}') if self.user_scenario.remote: tags.append(f'remote: {self.user_scenario.remote.name}') if self.disable_selinux: tags.append('selinux: permissive') if self.expose_cgroup_v1: tags.append('cgroup: v1') if self.enable_sha1: tags.append('sha1: enabled') return tuple(tags) @property def tag_label(self) -> str: return ' '.join(f'[{tag}]' for tag in self.tags) def __str__(self): return f'[{self.container_name}] ({self.engine}) {self.tag_label}'.strip() @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class TestResult: scenario: TestScenario message: str cleanup: tuple[str, ...] duration: datetime.timedelta cgroup_dirs: tuple[str, ...] def parse_completion_entry(value: str) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]: """Parse the given completion entry, returning the entry name and a dictionary of key/value settings.""" values = value.split() name = values[0] data = {kvp[0]: kvp[1] if len(kvp) > 1 else '' for kvp in [item.split('=', 1) for item in values[1:]]} return name, data @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SubprocessResult: """Result from execution of a subprocess.""" command: list[str] stdout: str stderr: str status: int class ApplicationError(Exception): """An application error.""" def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message super().__init__(message) class SubprocessError(ApplicationError): """An error from executing a subprocess.""" def __init__(self, result: SubprocessResult) -> None: self.result = result message = f'Command `{shlex.join(result.command)}` exited with status: {result.status}' stdout = (result.stdout or '').strip() stderr = (result.stderr or '').strip() if stdout: message += f'\n>>> Standard Output\n{stdout}' if stderr: message += f'\n>>> Standard Error\n{stderr}' super().__init__(message) class ProgramNotFoundError(ApplicationError): """A required program was not found.""" def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: self.name = name super().__init__(f'Missing program: {name}') class Display: """Display interface for sending output to the console.""" CLEAR = '\033[0m' RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' PURPLE = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' def __init__(self) -> None: self.sensitive: set[str] = set() def section(self, message: str) -> None: """Print a section message to the console.""" self.show(f'==> {message}', color=self.BLUE) def subsection(self, message: str) -> None: """Print a subsection message to the console.""" self.show(f'--> {message}', color=self.CYAN) def fatal(self, message: str) -> None: """Print a fatal message to the console.""" self.show(f'FATAL: {message}', color=self.RED) def error(self, message: str) -> None: """Print an error message to the console.""" self.show(f'ERROR: {message}', color=self.RED) def warning(self, message: str) -> None: """Print a warning message to the console.""" self.show(f'WARNING: {message}', color=self.PURPLE) def info(self, message: str) -> None: """Print an info message to the console.""" self.show(f'INFO: {message}', color=self.YELLOW) def show(self, message: str, color: str | None = None) -> None: """Print a message to the console.""" for item in self.sensitive: message = message.replace(item, '*' * len(item)) print(f'{color or self.CLEAR}{message}{self.CLEAR}', flush=True) def run_module( module: str, args: dict[str, t.Any], ) -> SubprocessResult: """Run the specified Ansible module and return the result.""" return run_command('ansible', '-m', module, '-v', '-a', json.dumps(args), 'localhost') def retry_command(func: t.Callable[[], SubprocessResult], attempts: int = 3, retry_any_error: bool = False) -> SubprocessResult: """Run the given command function up to the specified number of attempts when the failure is due to an SSH error.""" for attempts_remaining in range(attempts - 1, -1, -1): try: return func() except SubprocessError as ex: if ex.result.command[0] == 'ssh' and ex.result.status == 255 and attempts_remaining: # SSH connections on our Ubuntu 22.04 host sometimes fail for unknown reasons. # This retry should allow the test suite to continue, maintaining CI stability. # TODO: Figure out why local SSH connections sometimes fail during the test run. display.warning('Command failed due to an SSH error. Waiting a few seconds before retrying.') time.sleep(3) continue if retry_any_error: display.warning('Command failed. Waiting a few seconds before retrying.') time.sleep(3) continue raise def run_command( *command: str, data: str | None = None, stdin: int | t.IO[bytes] | None = None, env: dict[str, str] | None = None, capture: bool = False, ) -> SubprocessResult: """Run the specified command and return the result.""" stdin = subprocess.PIPE if data else stdin or subprocess.DEVNULL stdout = subprocess.PIPE if capture else None stderr = subprocess.PIPE if capture else None display.subsection(f'Run command: {shlex.join(command)}') try: with subprocess.Popen(args=command, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env, text=True) as process: process_stdout, process_stderr = process.communicate(data) process_status = process.returncode except FileNotFoundError: raise ProgramNotFoundError(command[0]) from None result = SubprocessResult( command=list(command), stdout=process_stdout, stderr=process_stderr, status=process_status, ) if process.returncode != 0: raise SubprocessError(result) return result class Bootstrapper(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Bootstrapper for remote instances.""" @classmethod def install_podman(cls) -> bool: """Return True if podman will be installed.""" return False @classmethod def install_docker(cls) -> bool: """Return True if docker will be installed.""" return False @classmethod def usable(cls) -> bool: """Return True if the bootstrapper can be used, otherwise False.""" return False @classmethod def init(cls) -> t.Type[Bootstrapper]: """Return a bootstrapper type appropriate for the current system.""" for bootstrapper in cls.__subclasses__(): if bootstrapper.usable(): return bootstrapper display.warning('No supported bootstrapper found.') return Bootstrapper @classmethod def run(cls) -> None: """Run the bootstrapper.""" cls.configure_root_user() cls.configure_unprivileged_user() cls.configure_source_trees() cls.configure_ssh_keys() cls.configure_podman_remote() @classmethod def configure_root_user(cls) -> None: """Configure the root user to run tests.""" root_password_status = run_command('passwd', '--status', 'root', capture=True) root_password_set = root_password_status.stdout.split()[1] if root_password_set not in ('P', 'PS'): root_password = run_command('openssl', 'passwd', '-5', '-stdin', data=secrets.token_hex(8), capture=True).stdout.strip() run_module( 'user', dict( user='root', password=root_password, ), ) @classmethod def configure_unprivileged_user(cls) -> None: """Configure the unprivileged user to run tests.""" unprivileged_password = run_command('openssl', 'passwd', '-5', '-stdin', data=secrets.token_hex(8), capture=True).stdout.strip() run_module( 'user', dict( user=UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME, password=unprivileged_password, groups=['docker'] if cls.install_docker() else [], append=True, ), ) if os_release.id == 'alpine': # Most distros handle this automatically, but not Alpine. # See: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/rootless-podman start = 165535 end = start + 65535 id_range = f'{start}-{end}' run_command( 'usermod', '--add-subuids', id_range, '--add-subgids', id_range, UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME, ) @classmethod def configure_source_trees(cls): """Configure the source trees needed to run tests for both root and the unprivileged user.""" current_ansible = pathlib.Path(os.environ['PYTHONPATH']).parent root_ansible = pathlib.Path('~').expanduser() / 'ansible' test_ansible = pathlib.Path(f'~{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}').expanduser() / 'ansible' if current_ansible != root_ansible: display.info(f'copying {current_ansible} -> {root_ansible} ...') rmtree(root_ansible) shutil.copytree(current_ansible, root_ansible) run_command('chown', '-R', 'root:root', str(root_ansible)) display.info(f'copying {current_ansible} -> {test_ansible} ...') rmtree(test_ansible) shutil.copytree(current_ansible, test_ansible) run_command('chown', '-R', f'{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}:{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}', str(test_ansible)) paths = [pathlib.Path(test_ansible)] for root, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(test_ansible): paths.extend(pathlib.Path(root, dir_name) for dir_name in dir_names) paths.extend(pathlib.Path(root, file_name) for file_name in file_names) user = pwd.getpwnam(UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME) uid = user.pw_uid gid = user.pw_gid for path in paths: os.chown(path, uid, gid) @classmethod def configure_ssh_keys(cls) -> None: """Configure SSH keys needed to run tests.""" user = pwd.getpwnam(UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME) uid = user.pw_uid gid = user.pw_gid current_rsa_pub = pathlib.Path('~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub').expanduser() test_authorized_keys = pathlib.Path(f'~{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}/.ssh/authorized_keys').expanduser() test_authorized_keys.parent.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) os.chown(test_authorized_keys.parent, uid, gid) shutil.copyfile(current_rsa_pub, test_authorized_keys) os.chown(test_authorized_keys, uid, gid) test_authorized_keys.chmod(mode=0o644) @classmethod def configure_podman_remote(cls) -> None: """Configure podman remote support.""" # TODO: figure out how to support remote podman without systemd (Alpine) # TODO: figure out how to support remote podman on Ubuntu if os_release.id in ('alpine', 'ubuntu'): return # Support podman remote on any host with systemd available. retry_command(lambda: run_command('ssh', f'{UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME}@localhost', 'systemctl', '--user', 'enable', '--now', 'podman.socket')) run_command('loginctl', 'enable-linger', UNPRIVILEGED_USER_NAME) class DnfBootstrapper(Bootstrapper): """Bootstrapper for dnf based systems.""" @classmethod def install_podman(cls) -> bool: """Return True if podman will be installed.""" return True @classmethod def install_docker(cls) -> bool: """Return True if docker will be installed.""" return os_release.id != 'rhel' @classmethod def usable(cls) -> bool: """Return True if the bootstrapper can be used, otherwise False.""" return bool(shutil.which('dnf')) @classmethod def run(cls) -> None: """Run the bootstrapper.""" # NOTE: Install crun to make it available to podman, otherwise installing moby-engine can cause podman to use runc instead. packages = ['podman', 'crun'] if cls.install_docker(): packages.append('moby-engine') if os_release.id == 'fedora' and os_release.version_id == '36': # In Fedora 36 the current version of netavark, 1.2.0, causes TCP connect to hang between rootfull containers. # The previously tested version, 1.1.0, did not have this issue. # Unfortunately, with the release of 1.2.0 the 1.1.0 package was removed from the repositories. # Thankfully the 1.0.2 version is available and also works, so we'll use that here until a fixed version is available. # See: https://github.com/containers/netavark/issues/491 packages.append('netavark-1.0.2') if os_release.id == 'rhel': # As of the release of RHEL 9.1, installing podman on RHEL 9.0 results in a non-fatal error at install time: # # libsemanage.semanage_pipe_data: Child process /usr/libexec/selinux/hll/pp failed with code: 255. (No such file or directory). # container: libsepol.policydb_read: policydb module version 21 does not match my version range 4-20 # container: libsepol.sepol_module_package_read: invalid module in module package (at section 0) # container: Failed to read policy package # libsemanage.semanage_direct_commit: Failed to compile hll files into cil files. # (No such file or directory). # /usr/sbin/semodule: Failed! # # Unfortunately this is then fatal when running podman, resulting in no error message and a 127 return code. # The solution is to update the policycoreutils package *before* installing podman. # # NOTE: This work-around can probably be removed once we're testing on RHEL 9.1, as the updated packages should already be installed. # Unfortunately at this time there is no RHEL 9.1 AMI available (other than the Beta release). run_command('dnf', 'update', '-y', 'policycoreutils') run_command('dnf', 'install', '-y', *packages) if cls.install_docker(): run_command('systemctl', 'start', 'docker') if os_release.id == 'rhel' and os_release.version_id.startswith('8.'): # RHEL 8 defaults to using runc instead of crun. # Unfortunately runc seems to have issues with podman remote. # Specifically, it tends to cause conmon to burn CPU until it reaches the specified exit delay. # So we'll just change the system default to crun instead. # Unfortunately we can't do this with the `--runtime` option since that doesn't work with podman remote. conf = pathlib.Path('/usr/share/containers/containers.conf').read_text() conf = re.sub('^runtime .*', 'runtime = "crun"', conf, flags=re.MULTILINE) pathlib.Path('/etc/containers/containers.conf').write_text(conf) super().run() class AptBootstrapper(Bootstrapper): """Bootstrapper for apt based systems.""" @classmethod def install_podman(cls) -> bool: """Return True if podman will be installed.""" return not (os_release.id == 'ubuntu' and os_release.version_id == '20.04') @classmethod def install_docker(cls) -> bool: """Return True if docker will be installed.""" return True @classmethod def usable(cls) -> bool: """Return True if the bootstrapper can be used, otherwise False.""" return bool(shutil.which('apt-get')) @classmethod def run(cls) -> None: """Run the bootstrapper.""" apt_env = os.environ.copy() apt_env.update( DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive', ) packages = ['docker.io'] if cls.install_podman(): # NOTE: Install crun to make it available to podman, otherwise installing docker.io can cause podman to use runc instead. # Using podman rootless requires the `newuidmap` and `slirp4netns` commands. packages.extend(('podman', 'crun', 'uidmap', 'slirp4netns')) run_command('apt-get', 'install', *packages, '-y', '--no-install-recommends', env=apt_env) super().run() class ApkBootstrapper(Bootstrapper): """Bootstrapper for apk based systems.""" @classmethod def install_podman(cls) -> bool: """Return True if podman will be installed.""" return True @classmethod def install_docker(cls) -> bool: """Return True if docker will be installed.""" return True @classmethod def usable(cls) -> bool: """Return True if the bootstrapper can be used, otherwise False.""" return bool(shutil.which('apk')) @classmethod def run(cls) -> None: """Run the bootstrapper.""" # The `openssl` package is used to generate hashed passwords. # crun added as podman won't install it as dep if runc is present # but we don't want runc as it fails # The edge `crun` package installed below requires ip6tables, and in # edge, the `iptables` package includes `ip6tables`, but in 3.18 they # are separate. Remove `ip6tables` once we update to 3.19. packages = ['docker', 'podman', 'openssl', 'crun', 'ip6tables'] run_command('apk', 'add', *packages) # 3.18 only contains crun 1.8.4, to get 1.9.2 to resolve the run/shm issue, install crun from edge # Remove once we update to 3.19 run_command('apk', 'upgrade', '-U', '--repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community', 'crun') run_command('service', 'docker', 'start') run_command('modprobe', 'tun') super().run() @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class OsRelease: """Operating system identification.""" id: str version_id: str @staticmethod def init() -> OsRelease: """Detect the current OS release and return the result.""" lines = run_command('sh', '-c', '. /etc/os-release && echo $ID && echo $VERSION_ID', capture=True).stdout.splitlines() result = OsRelease( id=lines[0], version_id=lines[1], ) display.show(f'Detected OS "{result.id}" version "{result.version_id}".') return result display = Display() os_release = OsRelease.init() ROOT_USER = User.get('root') if __name__ == '__main__': main()