--- # This is a role for running integration test of the one_service module. # For this role to be used you need to meet the following prerequisites: # 1. Environment variables ONEFLOW_URL, ONEFLOW_USERNAME and ONEFLOW_PASSWORD # need to be set. # 2. Service template needs to exist. Here is an example service template: # # { # "name": "test-one_service-module", # "deployment": "straight", # "description": "This template is used for running integration tests of the one_service Ansible module", # "roles": [ # { # "name": "router", # "cardinality": 1, # "vm_template": 15, # "vm_template_contents": "NIC=[NETWORK_ID=\"$PRIVATE\"]\n", # "min_vms": 1, # "max_vms": 2, # "cooldown": 0, # "elasticity_policies": [], # "scheduled_policies": [] # }, # { # "name": "battle", # "cardinality": 1, # "vm_template": 15, # "vm_template_contents": "NIC=[NETWORK_ID=\"$PUBLIC\"]\n", # "elasticity_policies": [], # "scheduled_policies": [] # } # ], # "custom_attrs": { # "PUBLIC": "M|vnet_id|Public Network", # "PRIVATE": "M|vnet_id|Private Network" # }, # "ready_status_gate": false # } # # 3. User used to authenticate with the OneFlow server needs to belong to two # groups and it needs to have Use permission on the above template. # 4. Play vars need to be set bellow to reflect the user, group, template IDs, etc. # ID of the service template in One used for testing one_template_id: 90 # Name of the template above one_template_name: 'test-one_service-module' # Template custom attributes needed to bring the service up one_template_custom_attrs: PUBLIC: 27 PRIVATE: 27 # ID of the user used to login into OneFlow one_owner_id: 37 # Users primary and secondary groups one_group_id_primary: 113 one_group_id_secondary: 1 # Role which will be used for changing cardinality one_role: router