--- - name: "Lookup test" hosts: "localhost" # connection: local tasks: - name: "read properties value" set_fact: test1: "{{lookup('ini', 'value1 type=properties file=lookup.properties')}}" test2: "{{lookup('ini', 'value2 type=properties file=lookup.properties')}}" test_dot: "{{lookup('ini', 'value.dot type=properties file=lookup.properties')}}" field_with_space: "{{lookup('ini', 'field.with.space type=properties file=lookup.properties')}}" - debug: var={{item}} with_items: [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test_dot', 'field_with_space' ] - name: "read ini value" set_fact: value1_global: "{{lookup('ini', 'value1 section=global file=lookup.ini')}}" value2_global: "{{lookup('ini', 'value2 section=global file=lookup.ini')}}" value1_section1: "{{lookup('ini', 'value1 section=section1 file=lookup.ini')}}" - debug: var={{item}} with_items: [ 'value1_global', 'value2_global', 'value1_section1' ] - name: "read ini value with section and regexp" set_fact: value_section: "{{lookup('ini', 'value[1-2] section=value_section file=lookup.ini re=true')}}" other_section: "{{lookup('ini', 'other[1-2] section=other_section file=lookup.ini re=true')}}" - debug: var={{item}} with_items: [ 'value_section', 'other_section' ] - name: "Reading unknown value" set_fact: unknown: "{{lookup('ini', 'value2 default=unknown section=section1 file=lookup.ini')}}" - debug: var=unknown - name: "Looping over section section1" debug: msg="{{item}}" with_ini: value[1-2] section=section1 file=lookup.ini re=true - name: "Looping over section value_section" debug: msg="{{item}}" with_ini: value[1-2] section=value_section file=lookup.ini re=true - debug: msg="{{item}}" with_ini: value[1-2] section=section1 file=lookup.ini re=true register: _ - debug: var=_