--- - debug: msg="START TRANSPORT:{{ connection.transport }} nxos_udld sanity test" - set_fact: udld_run="true" - set_fact: udld_run="false" when: (( platform is search('N9K-F')) and (imagetag and ( imagetag is version('F3', 'lt')))) - set_fact: udld_run="false" when: titanium - block: - name: "Enable feature udld" nxos_feature: feature: udld state: enabled provider: "{{ connection }}" - name: Reset udld nxos_udld: reset: True provider: "{{ connection }}" - name: Ensure udld agg mode is globally disabled and msg time is 20 nxos_udld: &conf1 aggressive: disabled msg_time: 20 provider: "{{ connection }}" register: result - assert: &true that: - "result.changed == true" - name: "Conf1 Idempotence" nxos_udld: *conf1 register: result - assert: &false that: - "result.changed == false" - name: Ensure udld agg mode is globally enabled and msg time is 15 nxos_udld: &conf2 aggressive: enabled msg_time: 15 provider: "{{ connection }}" register: result - assert: *true - name: "conf2 Idempotence" nxos_udld: *conf2 register: result - assert: *false when: udld_run always: - name: "Disable udld" nxos_feature: feature: udld state: disabled provider: "{{ connection }}" ignore_errors: yes - debug: msg="END TRANSPORT:{{ connection.transport }} nxos_udld sanity test"