# # (c) 2017 Michael De La Rue # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import copy import json import pytest from ansible.compat.tests.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch from ansible.module_utils import basic from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes boto3 = pytest.importorskip("boto3") # lambda is a keyword so we have to hack this. _temp = __import__("ansible.modules.cloud.amazon.lambda") lda = getattr(_temp.modules.cloud.amazon, "lambda") def set_module_args(args): args = json.dumps({'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args}) basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(args) base_lambda_config = { 'FunctionName': 'lambda_name', 'Role': 'arn:aws:iam::987654321012:role/lambda_basic_execution', 'Handler': 'lambda_python.my_handler', 'Description': 'this that the other', 'Timeout': 3, 'MemorySize': 128, 'Runtime': 'python2.7', 'CodeSha256': 'AqMZ+xptM7aC9VXu+5jyp1sqO+Nj4WFMNzQxtPMP2n8=', } one_change_lambda_config = copy.copy(base_lambda_config) one_change_lambda_config['Timeout'] = 4 two_change_lambda_config = copy.copy(one_change_lambda_config) two_change_lambda_config['Role'] = 'arn:aws:iam::987654321012:role/lambda_advanced_execution' code_change_lambda_config = copy.copy(base_lambda_config) code_change_lambda_config['CodeSha256'] = 'P+Zy8U4T4RiiHWElhL10VBKj9jw4rSJ5bm/TiW+4Rts=' base_module_args = { "region": "us-west-1", "name": "lambda_name", "state": "present", "zip_file": "test/units/modules/cloud/amazon/fixtures/thezip.zip", "runtime": 'python2.7', "role": 'arn:aws:iam::987654321012:role/lambda_basic_execution', "memory_size": 128, "timeout": 3, "handler": 'lambda_python.my_handler' } module_args_with_environment = dict(base_module_args, environment_variables={ "variable_name": "variable_value" }) def make_mock_no_connection_connection(config): """return a mock of ansible's boto3_conn ready to return a mock AWS API client""" lambda_client_double = MagicMock() lambda_client_double.get_function.configure_mock( return_value=False ) lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.configure_mock( return_value={ 'Version': 1 } ) fake_boto3_conn = Mock(return_value=lambda_client_double) return (fake_boto3_conn, lambda_client_double) def make_mock_connection(config): """return a mock of ansible's boto3_conn ready to return a mock AWS API client""" lambda_client_double = MagicMock() lambda_client_double.get_function.configure_mock( return_value={ 'Configuration': config } ) lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.configure_mock( return_value={ 'Version': 1 } ) fake_boto3_conn = Mock(return_value=lambda_client_double) return (fake_boto3_conn, lambda_client_double) class AnsibleFailJson(Exception): pass def fail_json_double(*args, **kwargs): """works like fail_json but returns module results inside exception instead of stdout""" kwargs['failed'] = True raise AnsibleFailJson(kwargs) # TODO: def test_handle_different_types_in_config_params(): def test_create_lambda_if_not_exist(): set_module_args(base_module_args) (boto3_conn_double, lambda_client_double) = make_mock_no_connection_connection(code_change_lambda_config) with patch.object(lda, 'boto3_conn', boto3_conn_double): try: lda.main() except SystemExit: pass # guard against calling other than for a lambda connection (e.g. IAM) assert(len(boto3_conn_double.mock_calls) == 1), "multiple boto connections used unexpectedly" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) == 0), \ "unexpectedly updated lambda configuration when should have only created" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) == 0), \ "update lambda function code when function should have been created only" assert(len(lambda_client_double.create_function.mock_calls) > 0), \ "failed to call create_function " (create_args, create_kwargs) = lambda_client_double.create_function.call_args assert (len(create_kwargs) > 0), "expected create called with keyword args, none found" try: # For now I assume that we should NOT send an empty environment. It might # be okay / better to explicitly send an empty environment. However `None' # is not acceptable - mikedlr create_kwargs["Environment"] raise(Exception("Environment sent to boto when none expected")) except KeyError: pass # We are happy, no environment is fine def test_update_lambda_if_code_changed(): set_module_args(base_module_args) (boto3_conn_double, lambda_client_double) = make_mock_connection(code_change_lambda_config) with patch.object(lda, 'boto3_conn', boto3_conn_double): try: lda.main() except SystemExit: pass # guard against calling other than for a lambda connection (e.g. IAM) assert(len(boto3_conn_double.mock_calls) == 1), "multiple boto connections used unexpectedly" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) == 0), \ "unexpectedly updatede lambda configuration when only code changed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) < 2), \ "lambda function update called multiple times when only one time should be needed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) > 1), \ "failed to update lambda function when code changed" # 3 because after uploading we call into the return from mock to try to find what function version # was returned so the MagicMock actually sees two calls for one update. assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) < 3), \ "lambda function code update called multiple times when only one time should be needed" def test_update_lambda_if_config_changed(): set_module_args(base_module_args) (boto3_conn_double, lambda_client_double) = make_mock_connection(two_change_lambda_config) with patch.object(lda, 'boto3_conn', boto3_conn_double): try: lda.main() except SystemExit: pass # guard against calling other than for a lambda connection (e.g. IAM) assert(len(boto3_conn_double.mock_calls) == 1), "multiple boto connections used unexpectedly" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) > 0), \ "failed to update lambda function when configuration changed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) < 2), \ "lambda function update called multiple times when only one time should be needed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) == 0), \ "updated lambda code when no change should have happened" def test_update_lambda_if_only_one_config_item_changed(): set_module_args(base_module_args) (boto3_conn_double, lambda_client_double) = make_mock_connection(one_change_lambda_config) with patch.object(lda, 'boto3_conn', boto3_conn_double): try: lda.main() except SystemExit: pass # guard against calling other than for a lambda connection (e.g. IAM) assert(len(boto3_conn_double.mock_calls) == 1), "multiple boto connections used unexpectedly" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) > 0), \ "failed to update lambda function when configuration changed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) < 2), \ "lambda function update called multiple times when only one time should be needed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) == 0), \ "updated lambda code when no change should have happened" def test_update_lambda_if_added_environment_variable(): set_module_args(module_args_with_environment) (boto3_conn_double, lambda_client_double) = make_mock_connection(base_lambda_config) with patch.object(lda, 'boto3_conn', boto3_conn_double): try: lda.main() except SystemExit: pass # guard against calling other than for a lambda connection (e.g. IAM) assert(len(boto3_conn_double.mock_calls) == 1), "multiple boto connections used unexpectedly" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) > 0), \ "failed to update lambda function when configuration changed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) < 2), \ "lambda function update called multiple times when only one time should be needed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) == 0), \ "updated lambda code when no change should have happened" (update_args, update_kwargs) = lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.call_args assert (len(update_kwargs) > 0), "expected update configuration called with keyword args, none found" assert update_kwargs['Environment']['Variables'] == module_args_with_environment['environment_variables'] def test_dont_update_lambda_if_nothing_changed(): set_module_args(base_module_args) (boto3_conn_double, lambda_client_double) = make_mock_connection(base_lambda_config) with patch.object(lda, 'boto3_conn', boto3_conn_double): try: lda.main() except SystemExit: pass # guard against calling other than for a lambda connection (e.g. IAM) assert(len(boto3_conn_double.mock_calls) == 1), "multiple boto connections used unexpectedly" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_configuration.mock_calls) == 0), \ "updated lambda function when no configuration changed" assert(len(lambda_client_double.update_function_code.mock_calls) == 0), \ "updated lambda code when no change should have happened" def test_warn_region_not_specified(): set_module_args({ "name": "lambda_name", "state": "present", # Module is called without a region causing error # "region": "us-east-1", "zip_file": "test/units/modules/cloud/amazon/fixtures/thezip.zip", "runtime": 'python2.7', "role": 'arn:aws:iam::987654321012:role/lambda_basic_execution', "handler": 'lambda_python.my_handler'}) get_aws_connection_info_double = Mock(return_value=(None, None, None)) with patch.object(lda, 'get_aws_connection_info', get_aws_connection_info_double): with patch.object(basic.AnsibleModule, 'fail_json', fail_json_double): try: lda.main() except AnsibleFailJson as e: result = e.args[0] assert("region must be specified" in result['msg'])