# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, Toshio Kuratomi # Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os from itertools import product try: import builtins except ImportError: import __builtin__ as builtins import pytest SYNONYMS_0660 = ( 0o660, '0o660', '660', 'u+rw-x,g+rw-x,o-rwx', 'u=rw,g=rw,o-rwx', ) @pytest.fixture def mock_stats(mocker): mock_stat1 = mocker.MagicMock() mock_stat1.st_mode = 0o444 mock_stat2 = mocker.MagicMock() mock_stat2.st_mode = 0o660 yield {"before": mock_stat1, "after": mock_stat2} @pytest.fixture def am_check_mode(am): am.check_mode = True yield am am.check_mode = False @pytest.fixture def mock_lchmod(mocker): m_lchmod = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.os.lchmod', return_value=None, create=True) yield m_lchmod @pytest.mark.parametrize('previous_changes, check_mode, stdin', product((True, False), (True, False), ({},)), indirect=['stdin']) def test_no_mode_given_returns_previous_changes(am, mock_stats, mock_lchmod, mocker, previous_changes, check_mode): am.check_mode = check_mode mocker.patch('os.lstat', side_effect=[mock_stats['before']]) m_lchmod = mocker.patch('os.lchmod', return_value=None, create=True) assert am.set_mode_if_different('/path/to/file', None, previous_changes) == previous_changes assert not m_lchmod.called @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode, check_mode, stdin', product(SYNONYMS_0660, (True, False), ({},)), indirect=['stdin']) def test_mode_changed_to_0660(am, mock_stats, mocker, mode, check_mode): # Note: This is for checking that all the different ways of specifying # 0660 mode work. It cannot be used to check that setting a mode that is # not equivalent to 0660 works. am.check_mode = check_mode mocker.patch('os.lstat', side_effect=[mock_stats['before'], mock_stats['after'], mock_stats['after']]) m_lchmod = mocker.patch('os.lchmod', return_value=None, create=True) assert am.set_mode_if_different('/path/to/file', mode, False) if check_mode: assert not m_lchmod.called else: m_lchmod.assert_called_with(b'/path/to/file', 0o660) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode, check_mode, stdin', product(SYNONYMS_0660, (True, False), ({},)), indirect=['stdin']) def test_mode_unchanged_when_already_0660(am, mock_stats, mocker, mode, check_mode): # Note: This is for checking that all the different ways of specifying # 0660 mode work. It cannot be used to check that setting a mode that is # not equivalent to 0660 works. am.check_mode = check_mode mocker.patch('os.lstat', side_effect=[mock_stats['after'], mock_stats['after'], mock_stats['after']]) m_lchmod = mocker.patch('os.lchmod', return_value=None, create=True) assert not am.set_mode_if_different('/path/to/file', mode, False) assert not m_lchmod.called @pytest.mark.parametrize('check_mode, stdin', product((True, False), ({},)), indirect=['stdin']) def test_missing_lchmod_is_not_link(am, mock_stats, mocker, check_mode): """Some platforms have lchmod (*BSD) others do not (Linux)""" am.check_mode = check_mode original_hasattr = hasattr def _hasattr(obj, name): if obj == os and name == 'lchmod': return False return original_hasattr(obj, name) mocker.patch('os.lstat', side_effect=[mock_stats['before'], mock_stats['after']]) mocker.patch.object(builtins, 'hasattr', side_effect=_hasattr) mocker.patch('os.path.islink', return_value=False) m_chmod = mocker.patch('os.chmod', return_value=None) assert am.set_mode_if_different('/path/to/file/no_lchmod', 0o660, False) if check_mode: assert not m_chmod.called else: m_chmod.assert_called_with(b'/path/to/file/no_lchmod', 0o660) @pytest.mark.parametrize('check_mode, stdin', product((True, False), ({},)), indirect=['stdin']) def test_missing_lchmod_is_link(am, mock_stats, mocker, check_mode): """Some platforms have lchmod (*BSD) others do not (Linux)""" am.check_mode = check_mode original_hasattr = hasattr def _hasattr(obj, name): if obj == os and name == 'lchmod': return False return original_hasattr(obj, name) mocker.patch('os.lstat', side_effect=[mock_stats['before'], mock_stats['after']]) mocker.patch.object(builtins, 'hasattr', side_effect=_hasattr) mocker.patch('os.path.islink', return_value=True) m_chmod = mocker.patch('os.chmod', return_value=None) mocker.patch('os.stat', return_value=mock_stats['after']) assert am.set_mode_if_different('/path/to/file/no_lchmod', 0o660, False) if check_mode: assert not m_chmod.called else: m_chmod.assert_called_with(b'/path/to/file/no_lchmod', 0o660)