- name: Failure set_fact: hello: world failed_when: true ignore_errors: yes register: intentional_failure - name: Success set_fact: hello: world register: intentional_success - name: Try failure test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is failure }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_failure - name: Assert failure tests work assert: that: - intentional_failure is failed # old name - intentional_failure is failure - intentional_success is not failure - misuse_of_failure is failed - name: Assert successful tests work assert: that: - intentional_success is succeeded # old name - intentional_success is success # old name - intentional_success is successful - intentional_failure is not successful - name: Try reachable host command: id register: reachable_host - name: Try unreachable host command: id delegate_to: unreachable ignore_unreachable: yes ignore_errors: yes register: unreachable_host - name: Try reachable test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is reachable }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_reachable - name: Assert reachable tests work assert: that: - misuse_of_reachable is failed - reachable_host is reachable - unreachable_host is not reachable - name: Try unreachable test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is unreachable }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_unreachable - name: Assert unreachable tests work assert: that: - misuse_of_unreachable is failed - reachable_host is not unreachable - unreachable_host is unreachable - name: Make changes file: path: dir_for_changed state: directory register: directory_created - name: Make no changes file: path: dir_for_changed state: directory register: directory_unchanged - name: Try changed test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is changed }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_changed # providing artificial task results since there are no modules in ansible-core that provide a 'results' list instead of 'changed' - name: Prepare artificial task results set_fact: results_all_changed: results: - changed: true - changed: true results_some_changed: results: - changed: true - changed: false results_none_changed: results: - changed: false - changed: false results_missing_changed: {} - name: Assert changed tests work assert: that: - directory_created is changed - directory_unchanged is not changed - misuse_of_changed is failed - results_all_changed is changed - results_some_changed is changed - results_none_changed is not changed - results_missing_changed is not changed - name: Skip me set_fact: hello: world when: false register: skipped_task - name: Don't skip me set_fact: hello: world register: executed_task - name: Try skipped test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is skipped }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_skipped - name: Assert skipped tests work assert: that: - skipped_task is skipped - executed_task is not skipped - misuse_of_skipped is failure - name: Not an async task set_fact: hello: world register: non_async_task - name: Complete an async task command: id async: 10 poll: 1 register: async_completed - name: Start an async task without waiting for completion shell: sleep 3 async: 10 poll: 0 register: async_incomplete - name: Try finished test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is finished }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_finished - name: Assert finished tests work (warning expected) assert: that: - non_async_task is finished - misuse_of_finished is failed - async_completed is finished - async_incomplete is not finished - name: Try started test on non-dictionary set_fact: hello: "{{ 'nope' is started }}" ignore_errors: yes register: misuse_of_started - name: Assert started tests work (warning expected) assert: that: - non_async_task is started - misuse_of_started is failed - async_completed is started - async_incomplete is started - name: Assert match tests work assert: that: - "'hello' is match('h.ll.')" - "'hello' is not match('.ll.')" - name: Assert search tests work assert: that: - "'hello' is search('.l')" - "'hello' is not search('nope')" - name: Assert regex tests work assert: that: - "'hello' is regex('.l')" - "'hello' is regex('.L', ignorecase=true)" - "'hello\nAnsible' is regex('^Ansible', multiline=true)" - "'hello' is not regex('.L')" - "'hello\nAnsible' is not regex('^Ansible')" - name: Try version tests with bad operator set_fact: result: "{{ '1.0' is version('1.0', 'equals') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_bad_operator - name: Try version tests with bad value set_fact: result: "{{ '1.0' is version('nope', '==', true) }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_bad_value - name: Try version with both strict and version_type debug: msg: "{{ '1.0' is version('1.0', strict=False, version_type='loose') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_strict_version_type - name: Try version with bad version_type debug: msg: "{{ '1.0' is version('1.0', version_type='boom') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_bad_version_type - name: Try version with bad semver debug: msg: "{{ 'nope' is version('nopenope', version_type='semver') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_bad_semver - name: Try version with empty input value debug: msg: "{{ '' is version('1.0', '>') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_empty_input - name: Try version with empty comparison value debug: msg: "{{ '1.0' is version('', '>') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_empty_comparison - name: Try version with empty input and comparison values debug: msg: "{{ '' is version('', '>') }}" ignore_errors: yes register: version_empty_both - name: Assert version tests work assert: that: - "'1.0' is version_compare('1.0', '==')" # old name - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '==')" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '!=')" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '<')" - "'2.0' is version('1.0', '>')" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '<=')" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '>=')" - "'1.0' is version_compare('1.0', '==', true)" # old name - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '==', true)" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '!=', true)" - "'1.0' is version('2.0', '<', true)" - "'2.0' is version('1.0', '>', true)" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '<=', true)" - "'1.0' is version('1.0', '>=', true)" - "'1.2.3' is version('2.0.0', 'lt', version_type='semver')" - version_bad_operator is failed - version_bad_value is failed - version_strict_version_type is failed - version_bad_version_type is failed - version_bad_semver is failed - version_empty_input is failed - version_empty_input is search('version value cannot be empty') - version_empty_comparison is failed - version_empty_comparison is search('to compare against cannot be empty') - version_empty_both is failed - version_empty_both is search('version value cannot be empty') - name: Assert any tests work assert: that: - "[true, false] is any" - "[false] is not any" - name: Assert all tests work assert: that: - "[true] is all" - "[true, false] is not all" - name: Assert truthy tests work assert: that: - '"string" is truthy' - '"" is not truthy' - True is truthy - False is not truthy - true is truthy - false is not truthy - 1 is truthy - 0 is not truthy - '[""] is truthy' - '[] is not truthy' - '"on" is truthy(convert_bool=True)' - '"off" is not truthy(convert_bool=True)' - '"fred" is truthy(convert_bool=True)' - '{} is not truthy' - '{"key": "value"} is truthy' - name: Assert falsy tests work assert: that: - '"string" is not falsy' - '"" is falsy' - True is not falsy - False is falsy - true is not falsy - false is falsy - 1 is not falsy - 0 is falsy - '[""] is not falsy' - '[] is falsy' - '"on" is not falsy(convert_bool=True)' - '"off" is falsy(convert_bool=True)' - '{} is falsy' - '{"key": "value"} is not falsy' - name: Create vaulted variable for vault_encrypted test set_fact: vaulted_value: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 35323961353038346165643738646465376139363061353835303739663538343266303232326635 3365353662646236356665323135633630656238316530640a663362363763633436373439663031 33663433383037396438656464636433653837376361313638366362333037323961316364363363 3835616438623261650a636164376534376661393134326662326362323131373964313961623365 3833 - name: Assert vault_encrypted tests work assert: that: - vaulted_value is vault_encrypted - inventory_hostname is not vault_encrypted