--- - name: "Running include_role test1" hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: ansible_unicode_type_match: "" unicode_type_match: "" string_type_match: "" float_type_match: "" list_type_match: "" ansible_list_type_match: "" dict_type_match: "" ansible_dict_type_match: "" ansible_unicode_class_match: "" unicode_class_match: "" string_class_match: "" bytes_class_match: "" float_class_match: "" list_class_match: "" ansible_list_class_match: "" dict_class_match: "" ansible_dict_class_match: "" expected: test1_1: argument_errors: [ "argument 'tidy_expected' is of type and we were unable to convert to list: cannot be converted to a list", "argument 'bust_some_stuff' is of type and we were unable to convert to int: cannot be converted to an int", "argument 'some_list' is of type and we were unable to convert to list: cannot be converted to a list", "argument 'some_dict' is of type and we were unable to convert to dict: cannot be converted to a dict", "argument 'some_int' is of type and we were unable to convert to int: cannot be converted to an int", "argument 'some_float' is of type and we were unable to convert to float: cannot be converted to a float", "argument 'some_bytes' is of type and we were unable to convert to bytes: cannot be converted to a Byte value", "argument 'some_bits' is of type and we were unable to convert to bits: cannot be converted to a Bit value", "value of test1_choices must be one of: this paddle game, the astray, this remote control, the chair, got: My dog", "value of some_choices must be one of: choice1, choice2, got: choice4", "argument 'some_second_level' is of type found in 'some_dict_options'. and we were unable to convert to bool: The value 'not-a-bool' is not a valid boolean. ", "argument 'third_level' is of type found in 'multi_level_option -> second_level'. and we were unable to convert to int: cannot be converted to an int" ] tasks: # This test play requires jinja >= 2.7 - name: get the jinja2 version shell: python -c 'import jinja2; print(jinja2.__version__)' register: jinja2_version delegate_to: localhost changed_when: false - debug: msg: "Jinja version: {{ jinja2_version.stdout }}" - name: include_role test1 since it has a arg_spec.yml block: - include_role: name: test1 vars: tidy_expected: some_key: some_value test1_var1: 37.4 test1_choices: "My dog" bust_some_stuff: "some_string_that_is_not_an_int" some_choices: "choice4" some_str: 37.5 some_list: {'a': false} some_dict: - "foo" - "bar" some_int: 37. some_float: "notafloatisit" some_path: "anything_is_a_valid_path" some_raw: {"anything_can_be": "a_raw_type"} # not sure what would be an invalid jsonarg # some_jsonarg: "not sure what this does yet" some_json: | '{[1, 3, 3] 345345|45v<#!}' some_jsonarg: | {"foo": [1, 3, 3]} # not sure we can load binary in safe_load some_bytes: !!binary | R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXvPz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5 OTk6enp56enmlpaWNjY6Ojo4SEhP/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++f/+ +f/++f/++f/++f/++f/++SH+Dk1hZGUgd2l0aCBHSU1QACwAAAAADAAMAAAFLC AgjoEwnuNAFOhpEMTRiggcz4BNJHrv/zCFcLiwMWYNG84BwwEeECcgggoBADs= some_bits: "foo" # some_str_nicknames: [] # some_str_akas: {} some_str_removed_in: "foo" some_dict_options: some_second_level: "not-a-bool" multi_level_option: second_level: third_level: "should_be_int" - fail: msg: "Should not get here" rescue: - debug: var: ansible_failed_result - name: replace py version specific types with generic names so tests work on py2 and py3 set_fact: # We want to compare if the actual failure messages and the expected failure messages # are the same. But to compare and do set differences, we have to handle some # differences between py2/py3. # The validation failure messages include python type and class reprs, which are # different between py2 and py3. For ex, "" vs "". Plus # the usual py2/py3 unicode/str/bytes type shenanigans. The 'THE_FLOAT_REPR' is # because py3 quotes the value in the error while py2 does not, so we just ignore # the rest of the line. actual_generic: "{{ ansible_failed_result.argument_errors| map('replace', ansible_unicode_type_match, 'STR')| map('replace', unicode_type_match, 'STR')| map('replace', string_type_match, 'STR')| map('replace', float_type_match, 'FLOAT')| map('replace', list_type_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', ansible_list_type_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', dict_type_match, 'DICT')| map('replace', ansible_dict_type_match, 'DICT')| map('replace', ansible_unicode_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', unicode_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', string_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', bytes_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', float_class_match, 'FLOAT')| map('replace', list_class_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', ansible_list_class_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', dict_class_match, 'DICT')| map('replace', ansible_dict_class_match, 'DICT')| map('regex_replace', '''float:.*$''', 'THE_FLOAT_REPR')| map('regex_replace', 'Valid booleans include.*$', '')| list }}" expected_generic: "{{ expected.test1_1.argument_errors| map('replace', ansible_unicode_type_match, 'STR')| map('replace', unicode_type_match, 'STR')| map('replace', string_type_match, 'STR')| map('replace', float_type_match, 'FLOAT')| map('replace', list_type_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', ansible_list_type_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', dict_type_match, 'DICT')| map('replace', ansible_dict_type_match, 'DICT')| map('replace', ansible_unicode_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', unicode_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', string_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', bytes_class_match, 'STR')| map('replace', float_class_match, 'FLOAT')| map('replace', list_class_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', ansible_list_class_match, 'LIST')| map('replace', dict_class_match, 'DICT')| map('replace', ansible_dict_class_match, 'DICT')| map('regex_replace', '''float:.*$''', 'THE_FLOAT_REPR')| map('regex_replace', 'Valid booleans include.*$', '')| list }}" - name: figure out the difference between expected and actual validate_argument_spec failures set_fact: actual_not_in_expected: "{{ actual_generic| difference(expected_generic) | sort() }}" expected_not_in_actual: "{{ expected_generic | difference(actual_generic) | sort() }}" - name: assert that all actual validate_argument_spec failures were in expected assert: that: - actual_not_in_expected | length == 0 msg: "Actual validate_argument_spec failures that were not expected: {{ actual_not_in_expected }}" - name: assert that all expected validate_argument_spec failures were in expected assert: that: - expected_not_in_actual | length == 0 msg: "Expected validate_argument_spec failures that were not in actual results: {{ expected_not_in_actual }}" - name: assert that `validate_args_context` return value has what we expect assert: that: - ansible_failed_result.validate_args_context.argument_spec_name == "main" - ansible_failed_result.validate_args_context.name == "test1" - ansible_failed_result.validate_args_context.type == "role" - "ansible_failed_result.validate_args_context.path is search('roles_arg_spec/roles/test1')" # skip this task if jinja isnt >= 2.7, aka centos6 when: - jinja2_version.stdout is version('2.7', '>=')