- name: execute a command win_command: whoami /groups register: cmdout - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is successful - cmdout is changed - cmdout.cmd == 'whoami /groups' - cmdout.delta is match('^\d:(\d){2}:(\d){2}.(\d){6}$') - cmdout.end is match('^(\d){4}\-(\d){2}\-(\d){2} (\d){2}:(\d){2}:(\d){2}.(\d){6}$') - cmdout.rc == 0 - cmdout.start is match('^(\d){4}\-(\d){2}\-(\d){2} (\d){2}:(\d){2}:(\d){2}.(\d){6}$') - cmdout.stderr == "" - cmdout.stdout is search('GROUP INFORMATION') - '"GROUP INFORMATION" in cmdout.stdout_lines' - name: execute something nonexistent win_command: bogus_command1234 register: cmdout ignore_errors: true - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is failed - cmdout is not changed - cmdout.cmd == 'bogus_command1234' - cmdout.rc == 2 - "\"Could not find file 'bogus_command1234.exe'.\" in cmdout.msg" - name: execute something with error output win_command: cmd /c "echo some output & echo some error 1>&2" register: cmdout - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is successful - cmdout is changed - cmdout.cmd == 'cmd /c "echo some output & echo some error 1>&2"' - cmdout.delta is match('^\d:(\d){2}:(\d){2}.(\d){6}$') - cmdout.end is match('^(\d){4}\-(\d){2}\-(\d){2} (\d){2}:(\d){2}:(\d){2}.(\d){6}$') - cmdout.rc == 0 - cmdout.start is match('^(\d){4}\-(\d){2}\-(\d){2} (\d){2}:(\d){2}:(\d){2}.(\d){6}$') - cmdout.stderr is search('some error') - cmdout.stdout == "some output \r\n" - cmdout.stdout_lines == ["some output "] - name: ensure test file is absent win_file: path: c:\testfile.txt state: absent - name: run with creates, should create win_command: cmd /c "echo $null >> c:\testfile.txt" args: creates: c:\testfile.txt register: cmdout - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is successful - cmdout is changed - name: run again with creates, should skip win_command: cmd /c "echo $null >> c:\testfile.txt" args: creates: c:\testfile.txt register: cmdout - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is skipped - cmdout.msg is search('exists') - name: get path of pagefile win_shell: | $pagefile = $null $cs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem if ($cs.AutomaticManagedPagefile) { $pagefile = "$($env:SystemRoot.Substring(0, 1)):\pagefile.sys" } else { $pf = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PageFileSetting if ($pf -ne $null) { $pagefile = $pf[0].Name } } $pagefile register: pagefile_path - name: test creates with hidden system file, should skip win_command: echo no args: creates: '{{pagefile_path.stdout_lines[0]}}' register: cmdout when: pagefile_path.stdout_lines|count != 0 - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is skipped - cmdout.msg is search('exists') when: pagefile_path.stdout_lines|count != 0 - name: ensure testfile is still present win_stat: path: c:\testfile.txt register: statout - name: validate result assert: that: - statout.stat.exists == true - name: run with removes, should remove win_command: cmd /c "del c:\testfile.txt" args: removes: c:\testfile.txt register: cmdout - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is successful - cmdout is changed - name: run again with removes, should skip win_command: cmd /c "del c:\testfile.txt" args: removes: c:\testfile.txt register: cmdout - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is skipped - cmdout.msg is search('does not exist') - name: run something with known nonzero exit code win_command: cmd /c "exit 254" register: cmdout ignore_errors: true - name: validate result assert: that: - cmdout is failed - cmdout.failed == True # check the failure key explicitly, since failed does magic with RC - cmdout.rc == 254 - name: interleave large writes between stdout/stderr (check for buffer consumption deadlock) win_command: powershell /c "$ba = New-Object byte[] 4096; (New-Object System.Random 32).NextBytes($ba); $text = [Convert]::ToBase64String($ba); Write-Output startout; Write-Error starterror; Write-Error $text; Write-Output $text; Write-Error $text; Write-Output $text; Write-Error $text; Write-Output $text; Write-Output doneout Write-Error doneerror" register: cmdout - name: ensure that the entirety of both streams were read assert: that: - cmdout.stdout is search("startout") - cmdout.stdout is search("doneout") - cmdout.stderr is search("starterror") - cmdout.stderr is search("doneerror") - name: create testing folder for argv binary win_file: path: C:\ansible testing state: directory - name: download binary the outputs argv to stdout win_get_url: url: https://ansible-ci-files.s3.amazonaws.com/test/integration/roles/test_win_module_utils/PrintArgv.exe dest: C:\ansible testing\PrintArgv.exe - name: call argv binary with absolute path win_command: '"C:\ansible testing\PrintArgv.exe" arg1 "arg 2" C:\path\arg "\"quoted arg\""' register: cmdout - name: assert call to argv binary with absolute path assert: that: - cmdout is changed - cmdout.rc == 0 - cmdout.stdout_lines[0] == 'arg1' - cmdout.stdout_lines[1] == 'arg 2' - cmdout.stdout_lines[2] == 'C:\\path\\arg' - cmdout.stdout_lines[3] == '"quoted arg"' - name: call argv binary with relative path win_command: 'PrintArgv.exe C:\path\end\slash\ ADDLOCAL="msi,example" two\\slashes' args: chdir: C:\ansible testing register: cmdout - name: assert call to argv binary with relative path assert: that: - cmdout is changed - cmdout.rc == 0 - cmdout.stdout_lines[0] == 'C:\\path\\end\\slash\\' - cmdout.stdout_lines[1] == 'ADDLOCAL=msi,example' - cmdout.stdout_lines[2] == 'two\\\\slashes' - name: remove testing folder win_file: path: C:\ansible testing state: absent - name: run stdin test win_command: powershell.exe - args: stdin: Write-Host "some input" register: cmdout - name: assert run stdin test assert: that: - cmdout is changed - cmdout.rc == 0 - cmdout.stdout_lines|count == 1 - cmdout.stdout_lines[0] == "some input" - cmdout.stderr == "" - name: echo some non ascii characters win_command: cmd.exe /c echo über den Fußgängerübergang gehen register: nonascii_output - name: assert echo some non ascii characters assert: that: - nonascii_output is changed - nonascii_output.rc == 0 - nonascii_output.stdout_lines|count == 1 - nonascii_output.stdout_lines[0] == 'über den Fußgängerübergang gehen' - nonascii_output.stderr == ''