#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux cd ../connection # A recent patch to OpenSSH causes a validation error when running through Ansible. It seems like if the path is quoted # then it will fail with 'protocol error: filename does not match request'. We currently ignore this by setting # 'ansible_scp_extra_args=-T' to ignore this check but this should be removed once that bug is fixed and our test # container has been updated. # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/499958/why-does-scps-strict-filename-checking-reject-quoted-last-component-but-not-oth # https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/commit/391ffc4b9d31fa1f4ad566499fef9176ff8a07dc INVENTORY=~/ansible_testing/test_connection.inventory ./test.sh \ -e target_hosts=windows-ssh \ -e action_prefix=win_ \ -e local_tmp=/tmp/ansible-local \ -e remote_tmp=c:/windows/temp/ansible-remote \ -e ansible_scp_extra_args=-T \ "$@" cd ../connection_windows_ssh ansible-playbook -i ~/ansible_testing/test_connection.inventory tests_fetch.yml \ -e ansible_scp_extra_args=-T \ "$@"