--- - block: # ============================================================ - name: set connection information for all tasks set_fact: aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token }}" region: "{{ aws_region }}" no_log: true - name: Create VPC for use in testing ec2_vpc_net: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc" cidr_block: tags: Name: Ansible ec2_instance Testing VPC tenancy: default <<: *aws_connection_info register: testing_vpc # ============================================================ - name: Create a public zone route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed - output.comment == 'original comment' - output.name == '{{ resource_prefix }}.public.' - not output.private_zone # ============================================================ - name: Create a public zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.check.public" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - output.comment == 'original comment' - output.name == '{{ resource_prefix }}.check.public.' - not output.private_zone # ============================================================ - name: Do an idemptotent update of a public zone route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - not output.changed - output.comment == 'original comment' - output.name == '{{ resource_prefix }}.public.' - not output.private_zone - name: Do an idemptotent update of a public zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - not output.changed - output.comment == 'original comment' - output.name == '{{ resource_prefix }}.public.' - not output.private_zone # ============================================================ - name: Update comment of a public zone route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" comment: updated comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed - output.result.comment == "updated comment" - name: Update comment of a public zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" comment: updated comment for check state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - output.result.comment == "updated comment for check" # ============================================================ - name: Delete public zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - "'Successfully deleted' in output.result" - name: Delete public zone route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed - "'Successfully deleted' in output.result" # ============================================================ - name: Create a private zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - name: Create a private zone route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed # ============================================================ - name: Idemptotent update a private zone route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - not output.changed - "'There is already a private hosted zone in the same region with the same VPC' in output.msg" - name: Idemptotent update a private zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" comment: original comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - not output.changed - "'There is already a private hosted zone in the same region with the same VPC' in output.msg" # ============================================================ - name: Update private zone comment route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" comment: updated_comment state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed - output.result.comment == "updated_comment" - name: Update private zone comment (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" comment: updated_comment check state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - output.result.comment == "updated_comment check" # ============================================================ - name: Try to delete private zone without setting vpc_id and vpc_region route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - not output.changed - "output.result == 'No zone to delete.'" - name: Try to delete private zone without setting vpc_id and vpc_region (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - not output.changed - "output.result == 'No zone to delete.'" # ============================================================ - name: Try to delete a public zone that does not exists route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.publicfake" comment: original comment state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - not output.changed - "output.result == 'No zone to delete.'" - name: Try to delete a public zone that does not exists (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.publicfake" comment: original comment state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - not output.changed - "output.result == 'No zone to delete.'" # ============================================================ - name: Delete private zone (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - "'Successfully deleted' in output.result" - name: Delete private zone route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed - "'Successfully deleted' in output.result" # ============================================================ - name: Create a public zone route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public2" comment: this is an example state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: new_zone # Delete zone using its id - name: Delete zone using attribute hosted_zone_id (CHECK MODE) route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public2" hosted_zone_id: "{{new_zone.zone_id}}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output check_mode: yes - assert: that: - output.changed - "'Successfully deleted' in output.result" - name: Delete zone using attribute hosted_zone_id route53_zone: zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.public2" hosted_zone_id: "{{new_zone.zone_id}}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: output - assert: that: - output.changed - "'Successfully deleted' in output.result" # ============================================================ always: - name: Ensure public zone is deleted route53_zone: zone: "{{ item }}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 with_items: - "{{ resource_prefix }}.public" - "{{ resource_prefix }}.public2" - name: Ensure private zone is deleted route53_zone: vpc_id: "{{ testing_vpc.vpc.id }}" vpc_region: "{{ aws_region }}" zone: "{{ resource_prefix }}.private" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: remove the VPC ec2_vpc_net: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc" cidr_block: state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: removed until: removed is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10