"""Common utility code that depends on CommonConfig.""" from __future__ import annotations import collections.abc as c import contextlib import json import os import re import shlex import sys import tempfile import textwrap import typing as t from .constants import ( ANSIBLE_BIN_SYMLINK_MAP, ) from .encoding import ( to_bytes, ) from .util import ( cache, display, get_ansible_version, remove_tree, MODE_DIRECTORY, MODE_FILE_EXECUTE, MODE_FILE, OutputStream, PYTHON_PATHS, raw_command, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_TOOLS_ROOT, ApplicationError, SubprocessError, generate_name, verified_chmod, ) from .io import ( make_dirs, read_text_file, write_text_file, write_json_file, ) from .data import ( data_context, ) from .provider.layout import ( LayoutMessages, ) from .host_configs import ( PythonConfig, VirtualPythonConfig, ) CHECK_YAML_VERSIONS: dict[str, t.Any] = {} class ExitHandler: """Simple exit handler implementation.""" _callbacks: list[tuple[t.Callable, tuple[t.Any, ...], dict[str, t.Any]]] = [] @staticmethod def register(func: t.Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Register the given function and args as a callback to execute during program termination.""" ExitHandler._callbacks.append((func, args, kwargs)) @staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def context() -> t.Generator[None, None, None]: """Run all registered handlers when the context is exited.""" last_exception: BaseException | None = None try: yield finally: queue = list(ExitHandler._callbacks) while queue: func, args, kwargs = queue.pop() try: func(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught last_exception = ex display.fatal(f'Exit handler failed: {ex}') if last_exception: raise last_exception class ShellScriptTemplate: """A simple substitution template for shell scripts.""" def __init__(self, template: str) -> None: self.template = template def substitute(self, **kwargs: t.Union[str, list[str]]) -> str: """Return a string templated with the given arguments.""" kvp = dict((k, self.quote(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()) pattern = re.compile(r'#{(?P[^}]+)}') value = pattern.sub(lambda match: kvp[match.group('name')], self.template) return value @staticmethod def quote(value: t.Union[str, list[str]]) -> str: """Return a shell quoted version of the given value.""" if isinstance(value, list): return shlex.quote(' '.join(value)) return shlex.quote(value) class ResultType: """Test result type.""" BOT: ResultType = None COVERAGE: ResultType = None DATA: ResultType = None JUNIT: ResultType = None LOGS: ResultType = None REPORTS: ResultType = None TMP: ResultType = None @staticmethod def _populate() -> None: ResultType.BOT = ResultType('bot') ResultType.COVERAGE = ResultType('coverage') ResultType.DATA = ResultType('data') ResultType.JUNIT = ResultType('junit') ResultType.LOGS = ResultType('logs') ResultType.REPORTS = ResultType('reports') ResultType.TMP = ResultType('.tmp') def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: self.name = name @property def relative_path(self) -> str: """The content relative path to the results.""" return os.path.join(data_context().content.results_path, self.name) @property def path(self) -> str: """The absolute path to the results.""" return os.path.join(data_context().content.root, self.relative_path) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.name # noinspection PyProtectedMember ResultType._populate() # pylint: disable=protected-access class CommonConfig: """Configuration common to all commands.""" def __init__(self, args: t.Any, command: str) -> None: self.command = command self.interactive = False self.check_layout = True self.success: t.Optional[bool] = None self.color: bool = args.color self.explain: bool = args.explain self.verbosity: int = args.verbosity self.debug: bool = args.debug self.truncate: int = args.truncate self.redact: bool = args.redact self.display_stderr: bool = False self.session_name = generate_name() self.cache: dict[str, t.Any] = {} def get_ansible_config(self) -> str: """Return the path to the Ansible config for the given config.""" return os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'ansible.cfg') def get_docs_url(url: str) -> str: """ Return the given docs.ansible.com URL updated to match the running ansible-test version, if it is not a pre-release version. The URL should be in the form: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/path/to/doc.html Where 'devel' will be replaced with the current version, unless it is a pre-release version. When run under a pre-release version, the URL will remain unchanged. This serves to provide a fallback URL for pre-release versions. It also makes searching the source for docs links easier, since a full URL is provided to this function. """ url_prefix = 'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/devel/' if not url.startswith(url_prefix): raise ValueError(f'URL "{url}" does not start with: {url_prefix}') ansible_version = get_ansible_version() if re.search(r'^[0-9.]+$', ansible_version): url_version = '.'.join(ansible_version.split('.')[:2]) new_prefix = f'https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/{url_version}/' url = url.replace(url_prefix, new_prefix) return url def create_result_directories(args: CommonConfig) -> None: """Create result directories.""" if args.explain: return make_dirs(ResultType.COVERAGE.path) make_dirs(ResultType.DATA.path) def handle_layout_messages(messages: t.Optional[LayoutMessages]) -> None: """Display the given layout messages.""" if not messages: return for message in messages.info: display.info(message, verbosity=1) for message in messages.warning: display.warning(message) if messages.error: raise ApplicationError('\n'.join(messages.error)) def process_scoped_temporary_file(args: CommonConfig, prefix: t.Optional[str] = 'ansible-test-', suffix: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Return the path to a temporary file that will be automatically removed when the process exits.""" if args.explain: path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), f'{prefix or tempfile.gettempprefix()}{generate_name()}{suffix or ""}') else: temp_fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) os.close(temp_fd) ExitHandler.register(lambda: os.remove(path)) return path def process_scoped_temporary_directory(args: CommonConfig, prefix: t.Optional[str] = 'ansible-test-', suffix: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Return the path to a temporary directory that will be automatically removed when the process exits.""" if args.explain: path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), f'{prefix or tempfile.gettempprefix()}{generate_name()}{suffix or ""}') else: path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) ExitHandler.register(lambda: remove_tree(path)) return path @contextlib.contextmanager def named_temporary_file(args: CommonConfig, prefix: str, suffix: str, directory: t.Optional[str], content: str) -> c.Iterator[str]: """Context manager for a named temporary file.""" if args.explain: yield os.path.join(directory or '/tmp', '%stemp%s' % (prefix, suffix)) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, dir=directory) as tempfile_fd: tempfile_fd.write(to_bytes(content)) tempfile_fd.flush() yield tempfile_fd.name def write_json_test_results( category: ResultType, name: str, content: t.Union[list[t.Any], dict[str, t.Any]], formatted: bool = True, encoder: t.Optional[t.Type[json.JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> None: """Write the given json content to the specified test results path, creating directories as needed.""" path = os.path.join(category.path, name) write_json_file(path, content, create_directories=True, formatted=formatted, encoder=encoder) def write_text_test_results(category: ResultType, name: str, content: str) -> None: """Write the given text content to the specified test results path, creating directories as needed.""" path = os.path.join(category.path, name) write_text_file(path, content, create_directories=True) @cache def get_injector_path() -> str: """Return the path to a directory which contains a `python.py` executable and associated injector scripts.""" injector_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ansible-test-', suffix='-injector', dir='/tmp') display.info(f'Initializing "{injector_path}" as the temporary injector directory.', verbosity=1) injector_names = sorted(list(ANSIBLE_BIN_SYMLINK_MAP) + [ 'importer.py', 'pytest', ]) scripts = ( ('python.py', '/usr/bin/env python', MODE_FILE_EXECUTE), ('virtualenv.sh', '/usr/bin/env bash', MODE_FILE), ) source_path = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_ROOT, 'injector') for name in injector_names: os.symlink('python.py', os.path.join(injector_path, name)) for name, shebang, mode in scripts: src = os.path.join(source_path, name) dst = os.path.join(injector_path, name) script = read_text_file(src) script = set_shebang(script, shebang) write_text_file(dst, script) verified_chmod(dst, mode) verified_chmod(injector_path, MODE_DIRECTORY) def cleanup_injector() -> None: """Remove the temporary injector directory.""" remove_tree(injector_path) ExitHandler.register(cleanup_injector) return injector_path def set_shebang(script: str, executable: str) -> str: """Return the given script with the specified executable used for the shebang.""" prefix = '#!' shebang = prefix + executable overwrite = ( prefix, '# auto-shebang', '# shellcheck shell=', ) lines = script.splitlines() if any(lines[0].startswith(value) for value in overwrite): lines[0] = shebang else: lines.insert(0, shebang) script = '\n'.join(lines) return script def get_python_path(interpreter: str) -> str: """Return the path to a directory which contains a `python` executable that runs the specified interpreter.""" python_path = PYTHON_PATHS.get(interpreter) if python_path: return python_path prefix = 'python-' suffix = '-ansible' root_temp_dir = '/tmp' python_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, dir=root_temp_dir) injected_interpreter = os.path.join(python_path, 'python') # A symlink is faster than the execv wrapper, but isn't guaranteed to provide the correct result. # There are several scenarios known not to work with symlinks: # # - A virtual environment where the target is a symlink to another directory. # - A pyenv environment where the target is a shell script that changes behavior based on the program name. # # To avoid issues for these and other scenarios, only an exec wrapper is used. display.info('Injecting "%s" as a execv wrapper for the "%s" interpreter.' % (injected_interpreter, interpreter), verbosity=1) create_interpreter_wrapper(interpreter, injected_interpreter) verified_chmod(python_path, MODE_DIRECTORY) if not PYTHON_PATHS: ExitHandler.register(cleanup_python_paths) PYTHON_PATHS[interpreter] = python_path return python_path def create_temp_dir(prefix: t.Optional[str] = None, suffix: t.Optional[str] = None, base_dir: t.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Create a temporary directory that persists until the current process exits.""" temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix or 'tmp', suffix=suffix or '', dir=base_dir) ExitHandler.register(remove_tree, temp_path) return temp_path def create_interpreter_wrapper(interpreter: str, injected_interpreter: str) -> None: """Create a wrapper for the given Python interpreter at the specified path.""" # sys.executable is used for the shebang to guarantee it is a binary instead of a script # injected_interpreter could be a script from the system or our own wrapper created for the --venv option shebang_interpreter = sys.executable code = textwrap.dedent(''' #!%s from __future__ import annotations from os import execv from sys import argv python = '%s' execv(python, [python] + argv[1:]) ''' % (shebang_interpreter, interpreter)).lstrip() write_text_file(injected_interpreter, code) verified_chmod(injected_interpreter, MODE_FILE_EXECUTE) def cleanup_python_paths() -> None: """Clean up all temporary python directories.""" for path in sorted(PYTHON_PATHS.values()): display.info('Cleaning up temporary python directory: %s' % path, verbosity=2) remove_tree(path) def intercept_python( args: CommonConfig, python: PythonConfig, cmd: list[str], env: dict[str, str], capture: bool, data: t.Optional[str] = None, cwd: t.Optional[str] = None, always: bool = False, ) -> tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """ Run a command while intercepting invocations of Python to control the version used. If the specified Python is an ansible-test managed virtual environment, it will be added to PATH to activate it. Otherwise a temporary directory will be created to ensure the correct Python can be found in PATH. """ env = env.copy() cmd = list(cmd) inject_path = get_injector_path() # make sure scripts (including injector.py) find the correct Python interpreter if isinstance(python, VirtualPythonConfig): python_path = os.path.dirname(python.path) else: python_path = get_python_path(python.path) env['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join([inject_path, python_path, env['PATH']]) env['ANSIBLE_TEST_PYTHON_VERSION'] = python.version env['ANSIBLE_TEST_PYTHON_INTERPRETER'] = python.path return run_command(args, cmd, capture=capture, env=env, data=data, cwd=cwd, always=always) def run_command( args: CommonConfig, cmd: c.Iterable[str], capture: bool, env: t.Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, data: t.Optional[str] = None, cwd: t.Optional[str] = None, always: bool = False, stdin: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, stdout: t.Optional[t.IO[bytes]] = None, interactive: bool = False, output_stream: t.Optional[OutputStream] = None, cmd_verbosity: int = 1, str_errors: str = 'strict', error_callback: t.Optional[c.Callable[[SubprocessError], None]] = None, ) -> tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """Run the specified command and return stdout and stderr as a tuple.""" explain = args.explain and not always return raw_command( cmd, capture=capture, env=env, data=data, cwd=cwd, explain=explain, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, interactive=interactive, output_stream=output_stream, cmd_verbosity=cmd_verbosity, str_errors=str_errors, error_callback=error_callback, ) def yamlcheck(python: PythonConfig, explain: bool = False) -> t.Optional[bool]: """Return True if PyYAML has libyaml support, False if it does not and None if it was not found.""" stdout = raw_command([python.path, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_TARGET_TOOLS_ROOT, 'yamlcheck.py')], capture=True, explain=explain)[0] if explain: return None result = json.loads(stdout) if not result['yaml']: return None return result['cloader'] def check_pyyaml(python: PythonConfig, required: bool = True, quiet: bool = False) -> t.Optional[bool]: """ Return True if PyYAML has libyaml support, False if it does not and None if it was not found. The result is cached if True or required. """ try: return CHECK_YAML_VERSIONS[python.path] except KeyError: pass state = yamlcheck(python) if state is not None or required: # results are cached only if pyyaml is required or present # it is assumed that tests will not uninstall/re-install pyyaml -- if they do, those changes will go undetected CHECK_YAML_VERSIONS[python.path] = state if not quiet: if state is None: if required: display.warning('PyYAML is not installed for interpreter: %s' % python.path) elif not state: display.warning('PyYAML will be slow due to installation without libyaml support for interpreter: %s' % python.path) return state