- name: Fix resource prefix set_fact: fixed_resource_prefix: "{{ (resource_prefix | replace('-','x'))[-22:] }}" - name: create storage account for function apps azure_rm_storageaccount: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: sa{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} account_type: Standard_LRS - name: create basic function app azure_rm_functionapp: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} storage_account: sa{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} register: output - name: assert the function was created assert: that: output.changed - name: list facts for function azure_rm_functionapp_facts: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} register: results - name: assert the facts were retrieved assert: that: - results.ansible_facts.azure_functionapps|length == 1 - results.ansible_facts.azure_functionapps[0].name == 'af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }}' - name: delete basic function app azure_rm_functionapp: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} state: absent register: output - name: assert the function was deleted assert: that: output.changed - name: create a function with app settings azure_rm_functionapp: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }}x storage_account: sa{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} app_settings: hello: world things: more stuff register: output - name: assert the function with app settings was created assert: that: output.changed - name: change app settings azure_rm_functionapp: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }}x storage_account: sa{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} app_settings: hello: world things: more stuff another: one register: output - name: assert the function was changed assert: that: output.changed - name: delete the function app azure_rm_functionapp: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: af{{ fixed_resource_prefix }}x state: absent register: output - name: assert the function was deleted assert: that: output.changed - name: delete storage account azure_rm_storageaccount: resource_group: '{{ resource_group }}' name: sa{{ fixed_resource_prefix }} state: absent