- name: install the test daemon script copy: src: ansible_test_service.py dest: /usr/sbin/ansible_test_service mode: '755' - name: rewrite shebang in the test daemon script lineinfile: path: /usr/sbin/ansible_test_service line: "#!{{ ansible_python_interpreter | realpath }}" insertbefore: BOF firstmatch: yes - name: install the systemd unit file copy: src: ansible.systemd dest: /etc/systemd/system/ansible_test.service mode: '0644' register: install_systemd_result - name: assert that the systemd unit file was installed assert: that: - "install_systemd_result.dest == '/etc/systemd/system/ansible_test.service'" - "install_systemd_result.state == 'file'" - "install_systemd_result.mode == '0644'"